
  • 姓名 楊志忠
  • 電子郵件
  • Tel +886-2-33663643
  • 辦公室 電機二館 443室
  • 學歷 美國伊利諾大學博士
  • 研究領域
    1. MOCVD growth of InGaN/GaN quantum well and other nano-structures
    2. MBE growth of CdZnMgO compounds for light-emitting device fabrication
    3. MBE growth of GaN nanostructures and indium-rich InGaN for solar cell fabrication
    4. Material and optical characterizations of InGaN and ZnO nano-structures
    5. Fabrications of white-light light-emitting diodes
    6. Nitride-based photonic crystals and surface plasmonics for enhancing light-emission efficiency
    7. Bio-photonics – optical coherence tomography
    (生醫光電 - 光學同調斷層掃描技術)