瀏覽人次: 4340



姓 名 獎 項 指導教授
黃雋宇 IEEE Taipei Section 2023年碩博士論文獎
Device Modeling of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes and Perovskite Solar Cell including Electrical and Optical Properties
陳彥戎 SID Young Leaders in Displays and PG Workshop Best Student Paper Award
論文名稱:Using time and spatial multiplexing to reduce speckle for augmented reality head-up display
鄭文豪 SPIE Information Photonics Best Student Paper Award
論文名稱:Diffraction Inhibiting Optical Element for Under Display Camera
張宏毅 SID IDW + 3DSA Best Paper Award
論文名稱:Using Time Multiplexing with Spatial Multiplexing to Reduce Speckle for AR-HUD
王鵬瑞 科林研究論文優等獎 (博士生)
論文名稱:以同調聲子探討二維二硫化鉬介面之凡德瓦力彈性耦合與光聲換能器之應用 Coherent Phonon Investigation for van der Waals Coupling and Photoacoustic Energy Transduction of 2D MoS2 Interfaces
邱景皇 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Poster (碩士生)
論文名稱:Blue triplet-triplet annihilation organic light-emitting diode based on boron-containing anthracene derivative and bilayer structure
陳以佳 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Oral (碩士生)
論文名稱:3-D imaging of dynamic activities in human corneal epithelial cells with full-field optical coherence tomography
黃崇恩 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Oral (碩士生)
論文名稱:Miniaturized two-photon fiber-endoscopy for mice brain imaging
王遠超 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Oral (碩士生)
論文名稱:Improving Output Power Efficiency of InGaN/GaNGreen Micro-LEDs through Selective Sidewall Ion Implantation
劉艾音 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Oral (博士生)
論文名稱:Third Harmonic Generation Enhanced by Quasi-Bound States in the Continuum in All-Dielectric Metasurfaces
卓緯榮 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Oral (碩士生)
論文名稱: Optimization of Differential-Phase-Shift Quantum Key Distribution for Enhanced Key Rate
黃懷槿 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Oral (碩士生)
論文名稱:The effects of V-defect semipolarsidewall plane on the red InGaNMQW LEDs with random alloy fluctuation effects
邱靖容 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Oral (碩士生)
論文名稱: Study the Scaling of AlGaNBack Barrier in GaNHEMTs
黃信雯 OPTIC2023 Student Paper Award- Oral (碩士生)
論文名稱:Study of Bilayer MoS2 and WSe2 Transport Properties and Their Application in MOSFET
王建智 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Oral (碩士生)
論文名稱: Full-eye imaging using swept-source OCT based on HCGVCSEL
許謹安 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Poster (博士生)
論文名稱:Optoelectronic Properties of (PEA)2PbI4 Two-Dimensional Perovskite Nanoflakes
陳瑋志 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Poster (碩士生)
論文名稱: Simulations of the performance of different hyper triplettriplet fusion OLEDs with carriers and exciton
吳孟珊 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Poster (博士生)
論文名稱:Development of a multifunctional catheter-based optical coherence tomography system for oral cavity and endocervicalcanal imaging
黃呈安 OPTIC 2023 Student Paper Award- Poster (碩士生)
論文名稱: Enhancing Automated Skin Layer Segmentation in Optical Coherence Tomography Images Using U-Net
陳芝伃、郭庭維 International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium(IEDMS 2023) Best Oral Paper Award
論文名稱:High-mobility 2D WS2 Field-effect Transistor with Bi/Au Contacts
劉原銘博士生、陳禹樵碩士生、范淯城 碩士生 MRS-T 2023 華立創新材料大賽~金質獎
楊少波 博士生 The 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-14) Best Student Award
論文名稱:Strain Relaxation Effects on Overgrowth Crystal Quality and Emission Behavior Caused by Subsurface GaN Porous Structures
李昊 The 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS-14) Best Student Award
論文名稱: Development of a multi-band locallzation landscape model with a simplified kp model considering strain in UVC-LEDs simulation for TE/TM ratio
王泰昂 博士生 TSBME2023 生物醫學工程科技研討會海報論文競賽特優
論文名稱:Quantitative evaluation of the early-stage caries and calculus with ultrahighresolution optical coherence tomography
程寅伸 博士生 TSBME2023 生物醫學工程科技研討會海報論文競賽佳作
論文名稱:Ex vivo study of photothermolysis induced by laser therapy with dynamic optical coherence tomography 
楊 順 博士生 國立臺灣大學111學年度研究生校長獎 吳肇欣
陳冠華 研究團隊榮獲2023 VLSI TSA~Best Student Paper Award
論文名稱: Stacked Two Ge0.98Si0.02 Nanowire nFETs with High-κ Dielectrics Featuring High ION per Footprint of 4800 μA/μm at VOV=VDS=0.5V
作者群: Yu-Rui Chen, Chien-Te Tu, Zefu Zhao, Yi-Chun Liu, Bo-Wei Huang, Yifan Xing, Guan-Hua Chen and C. W. Liu
彭腱華  112學年度國立臺灣大學椰林優秀博士生獎學金 李翔傑
李哲銓、張鈞維 2023 International Conference on Semiconductor Technology for Ultra Large Scale Integrated Circuits and Thin Film Transistors Best Poster Presentation Award - 1st Place
論文名稱:Hafnium oxide-based ferroelectric thin-film transistor with a-InGaZnO channel fabricated at temperatures <=350 ℃
作者群: Che-Chuan Lee, Chun-Wei Chang, Min-Hung Lee, I-Chun Cheng
馬翊宸  研究團隊榮獲2023 VLSI TSA~Best Poster Award
論文名稱:Effects of Deep Trench Isolation Shape and Microlens Radius of Curvature on Optical and Electrical crosstalk in Backside illuminated CMOS Image Sensors
蔡明順 碩士生、
張凱勛 博士生
Laser Display and Lighting Conference 2023 Student Award
論文名稱The analysis of near-infrared signals using multi-wavelength yellow-orange lasers generated by chi(2) chirped nonlinear photonic crystals
作者群: Ming-Shung Tsai, Kai-Hsun Chang, Chia-Chun Fan, To-Fan Pan, Azzedine Boudrioua, Hiroyuki Yokoyama, Lung-Han Peng