姓 名 | 獎 項 | 指導教授 |
許書銘 | IEEE Taipei Section 2021 Best PhD Dissertation Award(博士生) | 陳奕君 |
馬翊宸 | IEDM 2021 研討會(67th Annual IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting) Best Student Paper Award(碩士生) |
劉致為 |
張乃元 | 12th International Conference on 3D Systems and Applications(3DSA 2021)「Best Poster Paper Award」 | 林晃巖 |
翁瑞鴻 | 中華民國光電學會「110年度碩士論文獎」 | 林恭如 |
錢子群 | OPTIC 2021 Student Paper Award-Oral(碩士生) 論文名稱:One-bit Transmission Analyzation of asymmetric-arm Silicon Photonic Mach–Zehnder Modulator |
林恭如 |
Bhaskar Jyoti Borah | OPTIC 2021 Student Paper Award- Oral(博士生) 論文名稱: Sub-Minute Multicolor Giga-Pixel Nonlinear Optical Mesoscope with >30 M/s Effective Pixel Rate |
孫啟光 |
曾耀賝 | OPTIC 2021 Student Paper Award-Oral(碩士生) 論文名稱:H&E-enhanced nonlinear optical microscopy to rapidly assess glioma border in human brain |
孫啟光 |
張雨倢 | OPTIC 2021 Student Paper Award- Oral(碩士生) 論文名稱:Analysis of TM polarization ratio in UVC-LEDs with 3D k·p method by considering random alloy fluctuation |
吳育任 |
薛陸清 | OPTIC 2021 Student Paper Award-Oral(碩士生) 論文名稱:Development of Integrated Optoelectrical Amplifier and High Resolution Smart Thermal Sensor with Light-Emitting Transistors |
吳肇欣 |
蔡侑男 | OPTIC 2021 Student Paper Award- Poster (博士生) 論文名稱:Cellular imaging with a customized spectral-domain OCT system and an in-house developed cell incubator |
李翔傑 |
張浩陞 | OPTIC 2021 Student Paper Award- Poster (碩士生) 論文名稱:Design and Realization of Wide Field-of-view 3D MEMS LiDAR |
蘇國棟 |
陳品方、吳哲宇 | IEDMS 2021 研討會(INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES & MATERIALS SYMPOSIUM 2021) Student Paper Award-最佳論文獎(碩士生) 論文名稱:Studies of Transport Properties and Scaling Issues of MoS2 and WS2 Based Transistors |
吳育任 |
張致綱 | IEDMS 2021 研討會(INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES & MATERIALS SYMPOSIUM 2021) Student Paper Award-最佳論文獎(博士生) 論文名稱:Switching Behaviors of GaN-on-Si Power HEMTs with Deep Source Metal Trenches |
黃建璋 |
黃子晏 | IEDMS 2021 研討會(INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES & MATERIALS SYMPOSIUM 2021) Student Paper Award-最佳論文獎(碩士生) 論文名稱: Impacts of Asymmetric Gate Metal Structure on the Current Behavior of Normally-off p-GaN/AlGaN/GaN HEMTs |
吳肇欣 |
郭雨鑫、張鈞維 | IEDMS 2021 研討會(INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES & MATERIALS SYMPOSIUM 2021) Student Paper Award-最佳論文獎(碩士生) 論文名稱:HfZrO2 Ferroelectric Thin-Film Transistors Based on InGaZnO Channels for Memory Applications |
陳奕君 |
薛陸清 | IEDMS 2021 研討會(INTERNATIONAL ELECTRON DEVICES & MATERIALS SYMPOSIUM 2021) Student Paper Award-佳作論文獎(碩士生) 論文名稱: The First Demonstration of the Optoelectrical Amplifier and High Resolution Thermal Sensor with Light-Emitting Transistors |
吳肇欣 |
巴卡地 | 財團法人中技社110年度「科技獎學金」-境外生生活助學金(博士生) | 孫啟光 |
王泰昂 | 臺大110學年度優秀博士生獎學金 | 李翔傑 |