姓名 吳育任
職稱 教授兼所長
學歷 美國密西根大學安娜堡分校電機博士
Tel +886-2-33669647
辦公室 明達館 617室
辦公室時間 Tuesday and Thursday 11:00 to 12:00 am
網頁 http://yrwu-wk.ee.ntu.edu.tw/
著作列表網頁 https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/publist1.php?teacher_id=941024&p=3
  1. III-V wide bandgap semiconductor devices: We are focusing on device modeling of Al/GaN HFETs,
    which are applied in high power and high frequency area.
  2. II-VI and III-V wide bandgap optoelectronic devices: Device modeling of quantum well/dot light
    emitting diodes,Analysis of carrier transport, emission and absorption properties.
  3. Smart sensor FETs: We are interested in studying the junction properties of ferroelectric/
    semiconductordevices,which can be applied in memory, optical modular, waveguide, and sensor areas.
Prof. Yuh-Renn Wu received the Bachelor degree in Physics from National Taiwan University in 1998. He received his Master degree in Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering, National Taiwan University in 2000. After two years military service, he joined the Ph.D. program in Electrical Engineering and Computer science, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor in 2002 and obtained his Ph. D. degree at 2006. After being a short period of research fellow position in Michigan, he joined the Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering as an assistant professor in 2007. He is promoted as associate professor in 2011. Prof. Yuh-Renn Wu’s research area is focusing on the analysis and characterization of optical and semiconductor devices. During his study in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, He joined the Solid State Electronic Laboratory in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science department and worked in the analysis and modeling of high power electronic devices. He developed multi-dimensional Poisson, drift-diffusion and Schrodinger equation solver. He also developed Monte Carlo techniques in analysis of carrier transport and heat dissipation in high power GaN HFET devices. He also worked on the research of ferroelectric multi-functional devices and on developing the full bands k.p simulation programs for analysis of nitride quantum dot and quantum well band structures. His  current  research topics are  1.White light LED analysis and design. 2.Study of quantum well, quantum well, and quantum dot low deminsional systems. 3.High power nitride HFETs. 4. Ferroelectric material for high k and memory applications. 
實驗室名稱 位置
光電元件模擬實驗室 電機二館425B室
學年度 類別 收授學生名額 目前己收名額
114 碩士班 6 6
114 博士班 1
113 碩士班 6 6
113 博士班 1 0
112 碩士班 5 5
112 博士班 1 0
111 碩士班 5 5
111 博士班 1 0
110 碩士班 5 6
110 博士班 1 1
109 碩士班 5 5
109 博士班 1 0