姓名 王倫
職稱 教授
學歷 美國亞利桑納大學博士
Tel +886-2-23635251ext.539
辦公室 電機二館 539室
著作列表網頁 https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/publist1.php?teacher_id=941001&p=3
研究領域 研究領域:奈米光電元件、先進半導體製程技術、光纖通信元件、光纖感測
.光電封裝技術: 半導體雷射與光波導間的光電構裝。
Lon A. Wang (王 倫) received his Ph.D. degree in Optical Sciences Center from the University of Arizona in 1988. Following graduation, he continued as postdoctoral researcher. In 1989 he joined Bell Communication Research (BEELCORE) where he worked in the areas of wavelength division multiplexing technologies and optical fiber network system technologies. In 1992, he joined the Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering and the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University, where he is currently a professor. His current interests are design, fabrication, and modeling of active and passive fiber devices and guided-wave components for photonic integrated circuits, optical fiber communication and sensing system applications; semiconductor nano-fabrication for integrated circuits and electro-optical devices.
實驗室名稱 位置
光子與奈米結構實驗室 電機二館453室 /電機一館101.202室
學年度 類別 收授學生名額 目前己收名額
114 碩士班 6
114 博士班 1
113 碩士班 6 0
113 博士班 1 0
112 碩士班 5 0
112 博士班 1 0
111 碩士班 5 2
111 博士班 1 0
110 碩士班 5 1
110 博士班 1 0
109 碩士班 5 2
109 碩士班 1 0