姓名 | 曾雪峰 |
職稱 | 教授 |
學歷 | 美國西北大學電機系博士 |
電子郵件 | |
Tel | +886-2-33663695 |
辦公室 | 電機二館 335室 |
辦公室時間 | Please email me 約時間. |
網頁 | http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~stseng/ |
著作列表網頁 | https://www.ee.ntu.edu.tw/publist1.php?teacher_id=941020&p=3 |
研究領域 |
徵: 對「模擬光學研究」有興趣的研究生, 沒有程式基礎無妨, 來學習新技能吧~
研究目標:「以虛擬光學,探究生醫光學」 我的研究團隊主要以電腦模擬分析的方式,精確研究生醫光學等巨觀光散射問題。 隨著電腦科技的快速發展,以模擬分析研發光學特性越來越受重視,在業界也是如此。 Currently my research is focused on understanding the optical characteristics of macroscopic random media, microscopic geometrical information from macroscopic scattered light from (biological) random media. |
自傳 |
Snow H. Tseng received a B.S. degree in physics from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, in 1994, M.S. degree in physics from University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, in 1997, and Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering at Northwestern University, Evanston, IL in 2005. In 2004, he was awarded the Outstanding Poster Presentation Award of the Gordon Research Conference of Lasers in Medicine and Biology; next year, he was awarded the Best Student Paper Award of the American Society of Lasers in Medicine and Surgery. To expand his horizon, he interned at various institutes, including: Northrop Grumman (aerospace and defense technology company), Sony headquarter in Tokyo (Interaction Laboratory), and Lawrence-Livermore National Laboratory, USA. He became an assistant professor at the Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics of National Taiwan University in February 2006, and later promoted to associate professor in 2010. His research interests include optical interactions with biological tissues and electromagnetic wave propagation in random media. In addition to research, he is devoted to inspiring young students.
實驗室名稱 | 位置 |
虛擬光學實驗室 | 電機二館425A室 |