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Research Accomplishments

In 2007, total research funding of the Institute exceeded 160 million NT dollars. In the same year, more than 100 SCI journal papers were published by the faculty of the Institute. Most of them were published in journals of high impact factors.

International Cooperation

  • - Moscow State University, Russia
  • - Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MIREA), Russia
  • - National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • - Seoul National University, Korea
  • - AOARD, US Air Force, US
  • - Arizona State University, US
  • - Georgia Institute of Technology, US
  • - Northwestern University, US

Future Development

Photonics and optoelectronics have become key technologies in the new century for display, lighting, communication, storage, sensing, and biomedical applications. With the demands of energy saving, explosive use of Internet, high quality displays, multimedia entertainment, and improved medical care, the development and application of photonics and optoelectronics technology have become the indicators of living standards and economic power of a modern society. The Institute will continue to provide high-quality graduate education in photonics and to enhance cooperation with other institutions both within and outside Taiwan.