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The educational goal of GIPO is to provide quality education to students who will work in photonics- and optoelectronics-related areas in the future. The training emphasizes not only fundamental knowledge, but also the most updated technologies. GIPO offers more than fifty graduate-level elective courses relevant to photonics. GIPO participates in university-wide teaching evaluations to ensure competitive course quality.

Required courses

Degree Requirements

In the Master’s program, at least 24 credits of major course work are required. Students are also asked to submit their theses under the supervision of a faculty member and pass an oral examination on their thesis work for receiving the degree.
In the Ph.D. program, at least 18 credits of major course work are required. In addition, students are asked to pass the qualifying examination, submit a dissertation under the supervision of a faculty member, and pass an oral examination on their research work before the degree is awarded.

Course ID Course Required & Electiv Credit
941 D0010  DOCTORAL THESIS  Required for Ph. D. 12
941 D0040  SPECIAL RESEARCH  Required for Ph. D. 1
941 D0050  SEMINAR  Required for Ph. D. 0
941 M 0010  MASTER THESIS  Required for M. S. 6
941 M 0040  SPECIAL RESEARCH  Required for M. S. 1
941 M 0050  SEMINAR  Required for M. S. 0
941 M 0020  COLLOQUIUM  Required for Ph. D. & M. S. 1

Elective courses

The detailed course information, please visit N.T.U course information system :