Research Direction |
Fiber gratings including design, fabrication and characterization; applications of these gratings to fiber communication and sensing; fiber sources mainly on superfluorescent fiber sources (SFSs) for FOG applications; coupling between laser and fiber/waveguide for opto-electrical packaging applications; advanced photolithographic techniques such as APSM, BARC, immersion, nano-imprint and their applications. New fabrication method to make a long-period fiber grating, which possesses unique characteristics as independent wavelength/transmittance tunable attenuator for communication and as strain/torsion/bending sensors; verification of superiority of utilizing the double-pass backward configuration in an SFS over others and continual improvement on its performance; novel coupling schemes to greatly enlarge working distance and help solving the ambiguity of optimal position issue raised by industry sector when an angled fiber is used; advanced works on PSM blanks, new BARC which help push next generation photolitho; nano-scale patterning over a large area that e-beam litho may find difficulty to come by. |