Name | Burn-J. Lin |
Election Year | 2014 |
Education |
B.S. in Electrical engineering, National Taiwan University (1963) Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, Ohio State University (1970) |
Professional Experience |
Research staff member and various managerial positions in IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and General Technology Division, USA (1970-92) President, Linnovation, Inc. Tampa, Florida (1992-2000) Senior director, distinguished fellow/vice president, TSMC, Ltd. Hsinchu, Taiwan, R.O.C. (2000-2015) Founding editor in chief, Journal of Micro/nanolithography, MEMS, and MOEMS (2002-11) |
Specialties | Nanolithography, Fourier Optics, Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology |
Awards and Honors |
10 IBM Invention Awards (1975, 76, 78, 82, 84, 86, 89, 92, 94, 97) IBM Outstanding Technical Contribution Award (1988) IEEE Fellow (2003) SPIE Fellow (2003) 1st recipient of SPIE Frits Zernike award. This is the highest SPIE award for lithographers. Burn is the first of the 12 following recipients (2004) Outstanding Research Award from PWY Foundation 潘文淵文教基金會研究傑出獎(2004) TSMC Innovation and Customer Partnership Award. This is a chairman level award. The highest recognition in TSMC at that time (2004, 2006) Most Valuable Player in VLSI Research Inc.’s All-Stars of the Chip Making Industry (2005) Member of US National Academy of Engineering 美國國家工程學院院士(2008) Benjamin G. Lamme Meritorious Achievement Medal, Ohio State University (2009) IEEE Cledo Brunetti Award for contributions to immersion lithography for the manufacture of integrated circuit devices. Well recognized award for outstanding lithographers and other patterning related champions (2009) IEEE Jun-Ichi Nishizawa Medal for contributions to lithographic manufacturing, including immersion lithography. Medals are the highest level of awards in IEEE (2013) |
Current Positions | Chair Professor, National Tsing Hua University |