Name | Gong-Ru Lin |
Title | Professor |
Education | Ph.D., National Chiao Tung Univ., Taiwan R.O.C. |
Tel | +886-2-33663700 ext.6519 |
Office | barry lam hall, R519 |
Office hour | Tuesday 10:00-12:00 |
Publication List | http://w3.ee.ntu.edu.tw/publist1?teacher_id=941022&p=3 |
Research Topics | 1. Nanocrystallite Silicon LEDs and Solar Energy Photonics |
Autobiography |
Biographical Sketch Prof. Gong-Ru Lin received his B. S. degree of Physics from Soochow University in 1988, M. S. and Ph. D degrees of electro-optical engineering from National Chiao Tung University (NCTU) in 1990 and 1996, respectively. He joined National Lien Ho College of Technology in 1997 and Tatung University in 1998 as assistant professor, and became an associate professor with National Taipei University of Technology in 2002. He has promoted as a professor in 2004 with the Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering at National Chiao Tung University. Since 2006, He is the full professor with the Graduate Institute of Electro-Optical Engineering and Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University. His research interests include ultrafast fiber lasers, silicon nanophotonics, fiber-optic communications, silicon carbide, graphene and carbon nanostructures. He has authored 5 invited papers, 10 book chapters, more than 350 SCI-ranked papers, over 600 international conference papers, and 25 invited talks. His publications has been cited more than 7400 times with a H-index of 44. He has served in SPIE as Award Commitee (since 2003), Secretary of Taiwan Chapter (since 2004), and Vice Chair of Taiwan Chapter (since 2006). He is also the treasurer (since 2004), Vice Chair (since 2006), and Chair (since 2008) of IEEE/LEOS Taipei Chapter. In 2009-2012, he was the Member-at-Large and Committee of the Membership and Education Services Council of OSA. He served as the 13th President of Taiwan Photonics Society and the Steering Committee of CLEO-PR in 2017-2019. Honors, Awards and Recognitions: Prof. Lin is the Senior Editor and Associate Editor of IEEE Photonics Journal currently. He is also the 13th President of the Photonics Society of Taiwan. He was the steering committee of CLEO-PR and APMP. He also served as the associate editor of the "IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology" and the editorial board member of "Journal of Nanomaterials", "Current Nanoscience", and the "International Journal of Optics". He received three times the researching awards from National Science Council in 1997, 1998, and 2000. He awarded the 2000 Tien Jea Bien Young Scholar Prize by the Photonics Society of R. O. C., and the Third Best Scientific and Technical Paper Award (with co-authors) from the Far Eastern Y. Z. Hsu Science & Technology Memorial Foundation of R. O. C. in 2004, the Young Scholar Research Award from NCTU in 2005, and the Award of Outstanding Youth Electrical Engineer from SIEE in 2005. To date, Prof. Lin is the life members of the Photonics Society, the Physical Society, and the CIEE of R. O. C., the Fellow of IEEE (FIEEE) since 2020, the OSA Fellow (FOSA) since 2014, the SPIE Fellow (FSPIE) since 2008, the IET Fellow (FIET) since 2009, and the IOP Fellow (FInstP) since 2010. Prof. Lin received the Distinguished Research Award from National Science Council (國科會傑出獎) Taiwan in 2011 and 2016. He is currently the OSA traveling lecturer and the SPIE visiting lecturer. |
Lab Title | Location |
Fiber Laser Communication and Nanophotonics Laboratory | R352B, EE BuildingⅡ |
Year | AcademicAdvising Category | Open Quota |
2025 | M.A | |
2025 | Ph.D. | |
2024 | M.A | |
2024 | Ph.D. | |
2023 | M.A | |
2023 | Ph.D. | |
2022 | M.A | |
2022 | Ph.D. | 1 |
2021 | M.A | |
2021 | Ph.D. | |
2020 | M.A | |
2020 | Ph.D. |