Towards Meta-Optics Integrated Augmented Reality Glasses

  • 【活動日期】: 2024-04-12 (五) 14:20 ~ 16:00
  • 【演講者】: 余沛慈 教授(國立陽明交通大學 光電工程學系)  /  【主持人】: 李翔傑 教授
    【地點】: 校總區博理館101演講廳

Towards Meta-Optics Integrated Augmented Reality Glasses

Augmented Reality (AR) glasses have the potential to revolutionize how we interact with digital information in our daily lives. However, current AR glasses face challenges in terms of design, fabrication, and production, limiting their widespread adoption. This talk explores the potential integration of photolithographic meta-optical elements into waveguide-based AR glasses to address these challenges and enhance the functionalities of AR devices. We begin by discussing the principles and limitations of diffractive AR waveguides, using Microsoft Hololens I as an example. We then show fabricated AR waveguides using direct-etched surface relief gratings. We next introduce photolithographic meta-optical elements as a promising solution for next-generation AR glasses. By employing intelligent proximity correction (IPC) techniques, we demonstrate large-area meta-optical elements that can be designed and fabricated for AR applications. Through this talk, we aim to showcase the exciting possibilities of meta-optics integrated AR glasses and inspire further research and development in this field, ultimately paving the way for the widespread adoption of AR technology in our daily lives.


Students who take the "Colloquium" course must attend.