第197期 2023年7月刊
教師研究成果專欄 │ 光電所博士班應屆畢業生研究成果專欄 │ 光電要聞
發行人:吳育任所長  編輯委員:曾雪峰教授  主編:林筱文  發行日期:2023.07.30

Simulation analysis of the corneal transparency and scleral opacity

Professor Snow H. Tseng's Laboratory

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 曾雪峰教授

Abstract: By implementing the pseudospectral time-domain (PSTD) simulations of Maxwell’s equations, we rigorously investigate the transparency and opacity of human scleral and corneal tissues. We model light propagation through realistic representations of scleral and corneal nanoarchitecture and analyze the transmittance and spatial correlation in the near field. Simulation findings reveal differences in optical transparency between these tissues due to microscopic arrangements and polydispersity of the collagen fibrils.

Transmission through various thickness of scattering media

We model light propagation through scattering medium of various thicknesses in the near field. The light propagation is nearly unaltered when passing through the corneal geometry. However, light propagation in scleral geometry is severely randomized into all directions. It is evident that with increased thickness, the corneal geometry supports light penetration similar to that in vacuum, as opposed to the opacity of the scleral geometry.


Figure: Comparison of the transmitted light through sclera-like and cornea-like scattering media of thickness: (a) 20 μm, (b) 25 μm, (c) 35 μm, (d) 45 μm, (e) 55 μm, and (f) 65 μm. The wavelength of the incident light is 400nm. Increased sample thickness results in a progressive reduction of light transmission through the scleral medium, whereas light propagating through corneal medium is minimally affected and comparable to propagation in vacuum.




論文題目:Plasmon-Phonon interaction and its application in Plasmonic Waveguide

姓名:Kuntal Barman(鮑康卓)   指導教授:黃建璋教授



Surface acoustic wave integrated plasmonic waveguides (SAWIPWs) are a relatively new class of devices that combine the unique properties of surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and hybrid plasmonic waveguides to achieve efficient and precise manipulation of light at the nanoscale. SAWIPWs have shown great promise for a wide range of applications, including sensing, imaging, and communication. In this work, we experimentally investigate different characteristics of SAW and its effect on propagating of surface plasmons.

In this work, the first part is dedicated to understanding the microscopic view of phonon-plasmon interaction. Moreover, different parametric effects of acoustic phonons on localized surface plasmons are studied and analyzed through appropriate experiments. Theoretical simulations are performed to visualize the in-depth view of plasmonic changes with respect to excited acoustic phonons. Some other factors, like incident polarization, are also studied in relation to plasmon-phonon interaction. The enhancement in plasmonic signal is observed and further employed in a hybrid plasmonic waveguide. The effect of phonon-plasmon interaction, in contrast to the propagation of SPP, provides on-chip enhancement in plasmonic signal. This phenomenon is significant as it has the potential to improve the propagation length of plasmonic waveguides.

Figure 1. Change of LSPR absorption with varying amplitude of SAW.

Figure 2. Amplitude varying LSPR response with respect to different SAW resonant conditions.




— 資料提供:影像顯示科技知識平台 (DTKP, Display Technology Knowledge Platform) —

— 整理:林晃巖教授、林珈慶 —


由於使用自定義的14像素和16像素超導奈米線單光子偵測器,以及快速的量子密鑰發送器,在一條10公里的光纖鏈路上已經實現了64 Mbits-1和115.8 Mbits-1的非常高的密鑰生成速率。



現在,根據發表在Nature Photonics中的文章,兩個獨立的研究團隊使用自定義的多像素單光子偵測器,將密鑰生成速率分別提高到115.8 Mbits-1 [5](足以使用一次性密鑰方法對串流超高清(4K)視頻進行加密)以及64 Mbits-1[6]

這兩個團隊都使用了自製的多像素超導奈米線單光子偵測器來實現令人印象深刻的速率(圖1a)。我們注意到,相對於於InGaAs SPD和單像素SNSPD,多像素SNSPD在各種單光子偵測器中被認為是黃金標準,因為它們結合了高效率、低抖動和高計數率的尖端性能,可以將光信號計數在單光子水平上。自製的多像素SNSPD與標準配置的區別在於多個獨立超導奈米線的特殊交錯設計(圖1b、c),這保證了靈敏區域的均勻照射和接近單位的單光子吸收。透過這種方式,最大程度地減小了恢復時間內兩個偵測器檢測同一像素上的機率。


圖 1、QKD系統的概念示意圖,並比較了Li等人和Grünenfelder等人所展示的示範。(a)用於編碼秘密消息的加密密鑰是由Alice部分生成的,透過量子通道進行交換,並由Bob部分用於解密消息,該消息通過經典鏈路發送。在Li等人的研究中,密鑰透過偏振編碼生成,它利用偏振狀態(垂直、對角線、水平和反對角線),而在Grünenfelder等人的研究中,密鑰透過時間槽編碼生成,它基於單光子到達的時間槽。兩個實驗都使用了超導多像素偵測器,其基於奈米線的敏感區域大小與單光子的橫截面相同(粉色鐘形)。(b)Li等人的具有交錯奈米線的八像素SNSPD的掃描電子顯微鏡圖像。(c)Grünenfelder等人的具有14個交錯像素的SNSPD的掃描電子顯微鏡圖像。(圖b重印自[5];圖c重印自[6]。)

在Fadri Grünenfelder及其同事的研究中,他們使用簡化版本的時間槽BB84協議與假脫靶狀態技術,展示了在一條長達10公里的光纖上達到64 Mbits-1的密鑰生成速率[6]。能夠實現這樣的成就的關鍵是量子狀態的快速傳輸速率和具有高達82%系統效率的14像素偵測器。發射器是一種發射隨機相位的45 ps短脈衝的電信雷射。時間槽編碼是透過非對稱Mach–Zehnder干涉儀和由可程式閘陣列控制的基於光纖的強度調制器的組合進行的。在透過光纖傳輸後,量子狀態會隨機地在兩個互不影響的基底(X或Z)中的一個進行測量。雖然Z基底通常被稱為計算基底,用於交換密鑰,但X基底用於安全參數。最終的密鑰生成速率透過使用14像素超導偵測器在Z基底上進行測量以進行優化。實時信息對齊過程是透過FPGA和雙向光學鏈路上的10 Gbits-1的經典通道進行的。

Li及其同事利用16像素超導偵測器和偏振編碼,展示了創紀錄的高密鑰生成速率,最高達115.8 Mbits-1。他們還使用了一個積體光子電路來準備量子狀態,從而減少了發射端的體積。在重複率為2.5 GHz的情況下,透過隨機相位產生120 ps的光學電信脈衝;並耦合到矽光子晶片上,在熱光調制器和載流子耗盡調制器的組合下,它們被準備成四種不同的偏振狀態(圖1a)。在經過超低損耗的光纖傳輸後,以及與Grünenfelder等人的研究類似,進行在兩個互不影響的基底上進行投影後,Z基底透過2×8多像素超導偵測器進行測量,在1,550 nm時具有最大78%的效率。X基底則透過兩個單像素超導偵測器進行測量。最後,不同偵測器的信號在進行後處理之前透過時間轉換器進行收集。

Li等人和Grünenfelder等人所報導的實驗清楚地證明,結合最先進的多像素單光子偵測器和快速QKD發射器,可以實現在10公里距離上超過60 Mbits-1的密鑰生成速率,為高速量子通信設置了重要的技術里程碑。此外,Li等人還展示了一個完全整合的發射器配置,符合大型通信系統在成本、尺寸和穩定性方面的要求[5]

一個重要的考慮因素是這兩個實驗都展示了實時管理大量數據的非平凡能力。雖然在物理設置方面取得了巨大進展,實現完全安全的QKD系統的能力仍然不足。篩選、錯誤修正和隱私放大的程序,通常會因數據負荷過重而減慢整個協議的速度。Li等人巧妙地使用了增強的級聯調解算法(Cascade reconciliation algorithm)和混合基於雜湊函數的隱私放大算法(hash-based privacy amplification algorithm),這兩種算法可以實現快速的後處理時間,而不會限制有效的密鑰生成速率[5]




Bacco, D., Colautti, M., "High secret key rate goes a long way," Nature Photonics 17, pages 378–379 (2023)
DOI: 10.1038/s41566-023-01201-4


[1] Liao, S. K. et al., Nature 549, pages 43-47 (2017)
[2] Chen, Y. A. et al., Nature 589, pages 214-219 (2021)
[3] Ribezzo, D. et al., Adv. Quant. Technol. 6, 2200061 (2022)
[4] Wang, S. et al., Nature Photonics 16, pages 154–161 (2022)
[5] Li, W. et al., Nature Photonics 17, pages 416-421 (2023)
[6] Grünenfelder, F. et al., Nature Photonics 17, pages 422–426 (2023)
[7] Vazirani, U. & Vidick, T., Commun. ACM 62, pages 133 (2019)
[8] Murtaza, G. et al., Opt. Express 31, pages 9437–9447 (2023)


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