发行人:黄建璋所长 编辑委员:曾雪峰教授 主编:林筱文 发行日期:2019.09.30 |
European Master of Science in Photonics (EMSP)
系列报导 ~
High Efficiency Laser Phosphor Lighting with Diffractive Optical Elements design for Beam Shaping
Professor Hoang-Yan Lin
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
台湾大学光电所 林晃岩教授
The ways for creating an efficient white light source are developed with challenges since several years ago. In solid-state lighting (SSL), laser diodes (LDs) offer a better efficiency at high power density applications compared to other lighting sources, such as, light emitting diode and organic light emitting devices. Therefore, the hot spot on phosphor plate which is produced by laser beam, critically influence the performance of laser phosphor lighting systems. Diffractive optical element (DOE) was introduced to homogenize the optical beam from LDs. Design of a DOE for beam shaping with uniform illumination has been widely employed for several applications, such as, laser cutting, laser drilling, and material ablation, etc.
In such uniform illumination processing, strong zero-order patterns frequently arise owing to the manufacturing error, which drastically reduces the uniformity of the diffraction pattern. Some methods for zero-order suppression have been reported, e.g., adjusting the amplitude and phase profiles by using a spatial light modulator (SLM) and using an off-axis system or additional elements. Estimation of the manufacturing error is indispensable for numerically calculating the phase profile of transmission functions of DOEs. By taking a simulated algorithm of laser beam shaping, the optical properties for the laser phosphor lighting system are improved with a beam shaping DOE.
The method we propose in this paper provides a high-power conversion efficiency for high power density laser lighting system. This approach might be beneficial for enhancing the lifetime and efficiency of the phosphor plate, which are hampered by the thermal issue due to hot spot from laser focusing, and improving the performance of laser phosphor lighting systems.

Fig. 1.Radiation spectra of laser phosphor lighting system with laser optical power of 2W (a) without DOE beam shaping (b) with DOE beam shaping. |
Ref. Min-Chian Wu, Yao Lee, Hoang Yan Lin, Chih-Hsuan Tsuei, Chih-Sheng Jao, Kuo-Hsiang Chien, High Efficiency Laser Phosphor Lighting with Diffractive Optical Elements design for Beam Shaping, SID 2019.
A New Analytic Formula for Minority Carrier Decay Length Extraction from Scanning Photocurrent Profiles in Ohmic-Contact Nanowire Devices
Professor Ming-Hua Mao’s
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
台湾大学光电所 毛明华教授
Spatially resolved current measurements such as scanning photocurrent microscopy (SPCM) as shown in Fig. 1(a) have been extensively applied to investigate carrier transport properties in semiconductor nanowires. In this work, we derive an analytic formula for scanning photocurrent profiles in widely used ohmic-contact nanowire devices where the common assumption of carrier diffusion dominance is invalid. Under uniform applied electric fields, weak optical excitation, and the influence of photo-carrier-induced electric field, the scanning photocurrent profile and the carrier spatial distribution strikingly do not share the same functional form. Instead, a surprising new analytic relation between the scanning photocurrent profile and the minority carrier decay length was established. Figure 1(b) shows the calculated scanning photocurrent profiles using analytical model and numerical simulation. The analytic formula is applied in SPCM experiments for an n-InAs nanowire, where electric-field-dependent decay length is found as shown in Fig. 1(c,d).This analytic formula provides a new fitting method for SPCM profiles to correctly determine the minority carrier decay length, which allows us to quantitatively evaluate the performance of nanowire-based devices. This work has been published: Chu, C.-H., Mao, M.-H., Yang, C.-W. and Lin, H.-H. ,Scientific Reports
9426, (2019). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-46020-2

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of a typical SPCM setup. (b) Calculated scanning photocurrent profiles using analytical model and numerical simulation. (c) Measured scanning photocurrent profiles with varied applied electric field. (d) The fitted and corrected hole decay lengths from the measured scanning photocurrent profiles as a function of the applied electric field. |
姓名:萧立人 指导教授:林晃岩教授
摘要 |
此研究的主要目的为开发及系统化极紫外光波段之光刻机之成像及照明系统的设计。光刻为一系列颇复杂的流程的组合。其中,最为关键的部分之一为曝光这一步骤。曝光机的成像质量,于其成品的制程密度与分辨率甚至于此制成的生产效率中间,存在直接的影响与关系。然而,曝光机之光学系统特性,及其参数之间,存在着许多复杂且繁琐之关系,导致于此光学系统不易分系,也不易设计。因此,此研究最为核心的目的,为研究及开发某一系统化之分析方法,以达到简化此光学系统之设计之目的。此研究核心之关键,为将广义高斯常数应用于光刻机之分析及设计上。通过广义高斯常数,众多复杂且繁琐之光学特性及光学系统之间之联系能以之表达及简化,而将所有关系结合并简化后,从中所导出之数学关系式可用于与商用光学设计软件之结合,以达到帮助分析及设计简化。图一为将之简化后所得之简易MonteCarlo优化算法。广义高斯常数之最初用途为变焦光学系统之分析及设计,其中通常有复数多件光学组件所组成之组合,及其为配合不同使用状况而改变位置及光学特性。而将之强大分析能力应用于极紫外光刻机之分析及设计为此研究之重要关键之一。图二为此研究之成果之一为某一 0.4 数值孔径之极紫外光刻机之反射式成像光学系统之分析与设计,以及其照明光学系统之分析与设计。

图一 |

图二 |
— 资料提供:影像显示科技知识平台 (DTKP, Display Technology
Knowledge Platform) —
整理:林晃岩教授、吴昕妤 —
混沌控制理论可以为同步加速器提供新的运行方式的机会,并提高稳定性和强度。这是来自里尔大学的法国科学家团队和巴黎附近的SOLEIL同步加速器系统机构(如图一)的发现。Clement Evain及其同事报告说,20世纪90年代由马里兰大学的Edward Ott,Celso Grebogi和James Yorke开发的混沌控制理论可用以稳定在本质上不稳定的兆赫兹同步辐射(Nat. Phys., https:// doi .org / 10.1038 / s41567-019-0488-6; 2019)。

图一、SOLEIL同步加速器系统 |

图二、同步加速器设施的的储存环与辐射示意图 |
参考资料: |
[1] Oliver Graydon, “Inspired by chaos,”
Nature Photonics 13, 375 (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41566-019-0455-x
[2] C. Evain, C. Szwaj, E. Roussel, J. Rodriguez, M. Le Parquier, M.-A. Tordeux, F. Ribeiro, M. Labat, N. Hubert, J.-B. Brubach, P. Roy & S. Bielawski, “Stable coherent terahertz synchrotron radiation from controlled relativistic electron bunches,”
Nature Physics 15, 635–639 (2019)
DOI: 10.1038/s41567-019-0488-6