發行人:林恭如所長 編輯委員:李翔傑教授 主編:林筱文 發行日期:2018.11.30 |
獎 項 |
指導教授 |
桑德揚 |
財團法人中技社107年度「科技獎學金」—境外生生活助學金(博士生) |
黃升龍 |
張博涵 |
財團法人中技社107年度「科技獎學金」—研究獎學金(博士生) |
吳志毅 |
講者簡介 |
講題 |
地點 |
時間 |
光電所專題演講 |
(Fri) |
佛教與科學 |
101演講廳 |
15:30~18:00 |
(Fri) |
The University of Texas, Austin |
待訂 |
15:30~17:00 |
11月份「光電所專題演講」花絮(花絮整理:姚力琪) |
時間: |
107年11月2日(星期五)下午2時20分 |
講者: |
陳又誠教授(Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) |
講題: |
Bio-Lasers: An Emerging Field Bridging Laser Photonics and Biomedicine |
本所於11月2日(星期五)邀請陳又誠教授於電機二館105演講廳發表演說,講題為「Bio-Lasers: An Emerging Field Bridging Laser Photonics and Biomedicine」。陳又誠教授於100學年度畢業於本所碩士班,之後前往美國密西根大學取得生醫工程博士學位,現服務於新加坡南洋理工大學,是本所旅外傑出校友。本次演講本所教師及學生皆熱烈參與演講活動,演說內容豐富精彩,與現場同學互動佳,師生皆獲益良多。 |
陳又誠教授(左)與本所李翔傑教授(右)合影 |
時間: |
107年11月2日(星期五)下午4時 |
講者: |
鄭克勇教授(Electrical Engineering Dept., National Tsing Hua University) |
講題: |
Evolution of AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors |
鄭克勇教授於11月2日(星期五)蒞臨本所訪問,並於博理館105演講廳發表演說。鄭教授本次演講題目為「Evolution of AlGaN/GaN Heterojunction
Bipolar Transistors」。本次演說內容豐富精彩,與現場同學互動佳,師生皆獲益良多。 |
鄭克勇教授(左)與本所副所長黃建璋教授(右)合影 |
光電所「旅外傑出校友專題」(花絮整理:姚力琪) |
時間: |
107年11月23日(星期五)下午2時20分 |
講者: |
Ph.D. Candidate Yu-Hung Lai (Applied Physics, Caltech) |
講題: |
Brillouin Laser Gyroscopes |
本所於11月23日(星期五)邀請Ph.D. Candidate Yu-Hung Lai於電機二館105演講廳發表演說,講題為「Brillouin Laser Gyroscopes」。本所教師及學生皆熱烈參與演講活動,演說內容豐富精彩,與現場同學互動佳,師生皆獲益良多。 |
Ph.D. Candidate
Yu-Hung Lai(左)與本所李翔傑教授(右)合影 |
Investigating the opacity of corneal and scleral scattering medium via numerical solutions of Maxwell’s equations
Professor Snow H. Tseng
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
臺灣大學光電所 曾雪峰教授
Similar in structure, the cornea and sclera both consist of collagen fibrils, yet, the opacity differs significantly. Here we employ numerical solutions of Maxwell’s equations to model light propagation through cornea-like and sclera-like scattering medium, respectively. By varying the specific structure of the scattering medium, we investigate geometrical factors that can account for the opacity, including wavelength, size and the position of the dielectric cylinders. The reported numerical analysis may shed light to understanding the opacity of scattering medium.

Fig. 1. Schematics of the geometrical structure of cornea and sclera of a human eye. The scleral collagen fibrils are irregular in shape and position, whereas the corneal collagen fibrils are smaller and regular in position.
[http://www.oculist.net/downaton502/prof/ebook/duanes/pages/v4/v4c023.html] |
Fig. 2. Light transmission through scattering medium diminishes with increased constituent dielectric cylinder diameter
d: (a) 120 nm, (b) 200 nm, (c) 280 nm, and (d) 360 nm. The amplitude and direction propagation of light is randomized for each wavelength. |
Broadband Silicon Photonics Polarization Beam Splitters Designed
Using Genetic Algorithm
Professor Ding-Wei Huang
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
臺灣大學光電所 黃定洧教授
In this work, we present a design method for a directional coupler-type polarization beam splitter (PBS) for ultrabroadband operation based on a genetic algorithm (GA). The PBS is discretized into short sections, with the geometric parameters of each section optimized using a GA. For PBSs with an operating wavelength range
= 1400–1650 nm, the insertion losses are less than 0.14 dB and 0.58 dB, and the maximum crosstalk is −20.6 and −16.2 dB for the TE and TM modes, respectively. Under the fabrication error of +/-10nm for the waveguide widths, the device shows negligible performance variation.

Fig. 1. Schematic of the Broadband silicon photonics polarization beam splitter. |

Fig. 2. Output power at the Bar and Cross ports for the TE and TM modes calculated by 3D-FDTD simulation. |
姓名:陳昱帆 指導教授:蔡睿哲教授
摘要 |
在三維列印成型技術方面,以熱壓法製作可調變立方角回射器陣列,製程步驟包括了:以市售反光片Acrylic CCR作為母模,利用鑄模蠟翻成Wax CCR,經脫蠟鑄造後產生Metal CCR,經研磨、拋光後,以熱壓法對Printed CCR模型加壓加熱,最後,將經表面修飾的立方角回射器陣列翻模成PDMS CCR。[4]
在精密製造技術方面,設計以線切割加工製作的Folded-up CCR,此Folded-up CCR乃二維平面圖案經凹摺組裝後形成三維立體結構之可調變立方角回射器元件;過程中先以有限元素法對元件進行應力集中與結構力之靜態分析,同時也進行模態振形與簡諧激振之動態分析,接著利用光追跡軟體計算元件之回射效率;最後,將金屬鋼板加工製作成元件,組裝後並量測元件之正交性與回射效率。[5]
[1] Yu-Fan Chen et al, OMN 2011,
2011, 181-182
[2] Yu-Fan Chen
et al, IEEE JSTQE,
[3] Yu-Fan Chen
et al, OMN 2013,
[4] Yu-Fan Chen et al, Optics Communications, doi.org/10.1016/j.optcom.2018.07.011
[5] Yu-Fan Chen
et al, Optical Engineering,
圖一、以微機電製程製作之立方角回射器(三葉草型、蜈蚣型與蝙蝠型)。[1-3] |
圖二、以精密製造製作之立方角回射器(Folded-up CCR)。[5] |