发行人:林恭如所长 编辑委员:李翔杰教授 主编:林筱文 发行日期:2018.08.30 |
本所曾雪峰教授获选为「2022年高登生医光学研讨会The Gordon Research Conferences (GRC): Lasers in Medicine and Biology (LMB)」主席,特此恭贺!
Powerful LED-based train headlight optimized for energy savings
Professor Guo-Dung J. Su's laboratory
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
台湾大学光电所 苏国栋教授
A new LED-based train headlight that uses a tenth of the energy required for headlights using conventional light sources has been designed. If operated 8 hours every day, the electricity savings of the new design would reduce emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide by about 152 kilograms per year.
Train headlights not only illuminate the tracks ahead, they also play an important role in rail transportation. Because trains are difficult to stop, the headlights must be visible from a distance far enough away to give people or vehicles on the tracks ample time to move out of the way. Traditional train headlights, which use incandescent or halogen bulbs, are bright enough to meet safety regulations but are not very energy efficient because most of the energy powering the light is converted into heat rather than visible light.
We were approached by the engineering and design company Lab H2 Inc., to design locomotive headlights that use LEDs as a light source. In addition to requiring less energy, LEDs also last longer and are smaller and more rugged than traditional light sources.

Fig. 1 new train headlight design uses two half-circular parabolic, or cup-shaped, aluminized reflectors with high-efficiency LEDs placed in the plane where the two reflectors come together. Combining the strong beams from each reflector generates the light intensity necessary to meet safety guidelines. Image Credit: Wei-Lun Liang, National Taiwan University. |
Transient carrier trapping effect in organic light-emitting diode
Professor Jiun-Haw Lee
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
台湾大学光电所 李君浩教授
Transient carrier trapping and de-trapping effect in an organic light-emitting diode (OLED) was studied under different voltage waveforms. As shown in Fig. 1 (a), with 1-kHz voltage pulse at 6 V during on-period of 30
μs and different reverse bias (0 V to -14 V) during the off-period (970 μs), the luminance increased with increasing reverse bias up to 36% due to the trapping effect of positive charge at the cathode and the electron transporting layer (ETL), which was proved by the shift of threshold voltage (Vth) in displacement current measurement with different driving waveforms, as shown in Fig. 1 (b).

Fig. 1. (a) Transient luminance responses with different reverse bias under the off-period. (b) Injection trace from -2 V to 4.5 V of displacement current measurement with different waveforms. |
— 资料提供:影像显示科技知识平台 (DTKP, Display Technology
Knowledge Platform) —
整理:林晃岩教授、孟庆棠 —
用具有合适窄带吸收的染料涂布于隐形眼镜可帮助色盲的人更能好好地区分色彩。这是来自正在开始找寻临床试验与将方法申请专利之英国伯明翰大学研究员的发现(Adv. Healthcare Mater.
https://doi.org/10.1002/adhm.201800152; in the press)。
Haider Butt和他的团队藉由浸渍或滴式处理,将市售的荧光罗丹明染料(来自Sigma-Aldrich的Atto 565)添加到自制的聚酯纤维(2-羟乙基甲基丙烯酸酯)表面和市售有机硅隐形眼镜的表面(如图一)。该染料在波长545和575奈米之间有强烈吸收且在565奈米处有最高吸收(如图二),相对应于经历红绿色盲的区域。这个概念是滤除这个重迭的波长带应该有助于改善色彩的感知。这种方法已经被证明于市售的有色眼镜,但现在这个想法被应用于隐形眼镜。Butt解释说:「有几家公司已经开始销售色盲患者的眼镜,并且在他们提出隐形眼镜之前与时间赛跑。」
图一、市售的荧光罗丹明染料(来自Sigma-Aldrich的Atto 565)添加到自制的聚酯纤维(2-羟乙基甲基丙烯酸酯)表面和市售有机硅隐形眼镜的表面。 |
图二、染料吸收频谱 |
受到这个结果的刺激,Butt的团队现在正在开始临床试验,并正在与合作伙伴进行讨论,以实现该想法的商业化。「我们刚刚获得了该研究的道德批准并很快地开始试用,」 Butt评论道,「商业伙伴(Johnson&Johnson)和伯明翰大学商业部门之间正在进行讨论。我们希望该计划的下一阶段涉及将商业隐形眼镜上的染料进行交互联结且获得专利保护。」
参考资料: |
[1] Oliver Graydon, Combating colour blindness, Nature Photonics 12, 261 (2018)
DOI: 10.1038/s41566-018-0173-9
[2] Abdel‐Rahman Badawy, Muhammad Umair Hassan, Mohamed Elsherif, Zubair Ahmed, Ali K. Yetisen, Haider Butt, Contact Lenses for Color Blindness,
Adv. Healthcare Mater.
DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201800152