发行人:林恭如所长 编辑委员:吴肇欣教授 主编:林筱文 发行日期:2017.09.30 |
本所教师荣膺IEEE Photonics Journal编辑群(林恭如教授—资深编辑、黄升龙教授—副编辑、林晃岩教授—副编辑),特此恭贺!
本所硕士生杨皓麟同学参加研讨会IDMC (International Display Manufacturing Conference)与IEDMS (International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2017),荣获「Best Paper Award」(陈奕君教授指导),特此恭贺!
讲者简介 |
讲题 |
地点 |
时间 |
光电所专题演讲 |
(Fri) |
曾宗琳 先生
前台积电财务长 |
科技人的企业财务管理知识和个人理财观 |
145 教室 |
14:20~16:00 |
(Fri) |
国立中兴大学电机系与光电所 |
Photonic Molecule:
Optical-coupled microcavities embedded with
quantum dots |
101演讲厅 |
14:20~16:00 |
(Fri) |
David S. Citrin
Electrical and Computer
Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology |
待订 |
101演讲厅 |
16:00~17:30 |
~ 光电所2017年暑期大学生光电营 花絮报导 ~
Sandeep Chakraborty、黄升龙教授以及李翔杰教授介绍关于生医光电技术及其产业,丰富的内容让大家对生医光电有了更深入的了解。
Kent Choquette带来演讲「Vertical
Cavity Laser Arrays Present Status and
Future Prospects」,长达两个小时的演讲,却一点也不乏闷,大家都非常专注聆听。最后由蔡政庭博士的光通讯及其产业的演讲作为第二天的尾声。
A 3D electrode design for fast-response VA-FFS liquid crystal mode
Professor Wing-Kit Choi
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
台湾大学光电所 蔡永杰教授
In this work, a 3D electrode design is proposed [1] for a Vertically-Aligned Fringe-Field Switching (VA-FFS or Dual-FFS) liquid crystal mode which is known for its intrinsic sub-millisecond fast response time without using thin cell gap or other liquid crystal phases. Compared to the previously proposed 2D electrode designs [2-3], we found that, by using this new 3D electrode design, it is possible to improve the potential maximum transmission due to reduced disclination lines or deadzones (without using a double-sided electrode structure) and also to improve the potential response speed due to smaller effective domain size of liquid crystals. A major mechanism for causing such a fast response time is due to the formation of self-imposed boundaries [3] (or so-called virtual walls) which can be viewed as liquid crystals having very small “effective” cell gap. This proposed approach of achieving fast response time in liquid crystals can be very attractive since it doesn’t require more complicated liquid crystal phases (or materials) such as Blue Phase or SmC* Ferroelectrics. This approach may simply use standard nematic liquid crystal phase or materials such as E7. Moreover, this approach doesn’t require the use of very thin cell gap (e.g. 2μm or below) which is less practical for large area fabrication. This proposed technique of achieving fast response time in liquid crystals can therefore be attractive for the future development of fast response liquid crystal displays, intensity or phase modulators.
[1] Wing-Kit Choi, Chia-Hsiang Tung and Bo-Kai Tseng, “Fast Response VA-FFS Liquid Crystal Mode using 3D electrode design”, SID 2017 Digest, pp.1838-1840, May 2017
[2] M. Jiao, Z. Ge, S. T. Wu, and W. K. Choi, “Sub-millisecond response liquid crystal modulators using dual field switching in a vertically aligned cell,” Appl. Phys. Lett., 92, 111101, Mar. 2008
[3] W.K. Choi & S.T. Wu, “Fast response liquid crystal mode,” US Patent 7298445 B1, Nov. 2007

Fig. 1 shows electrode design and molecular orientation of 2D VA-FFS (left) and the new 3D VA-FFS (right) at voltage-on state. |

Fig. 2 shows the top-view
transmission of 2D VA-FFS (left) and 3D VA-FFS
(right). The figure on the right shows that
disclination lines (or deadzones) are indeed
reduced along the transverse (or y)
direction in the 3D VA-FFS. |

Fig. 3 shows the improvement of the transmission (figure on left, with circular polarizer) and also improvement of response speed (Table on right) of 3D VA-FFS compared to 2D VA-FFS liquid crystal mode. |
Threshold Voltage Improvement Through Sidewall Control of InGaAs Fin-structured High Electron Mobility Transistors (Fin-HEMTs)
Professor Chao-Hsin Wu’s laboratory
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
台湾大学光电所 吴肇欣教授
The fabrication process was started with fin formation by inductively coupled plasma dry etch. The source and drain metal were deposited by e-beam evaporator and followed by rapid thermal annealing to form Ohmic contacts. Then, the recess region was etched by diluted sulfuric acid followed by self-aligned gate metal of Ni/Au. Fin widths were finally defined by recess etch and varied from 396 to 54 nm. The schematic cross section and structure are shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 2 shows ID-VG characteristics of FinHEMTs with different fin widths (Wfin). Threshold voltage (VT) shifts toward positive direction from -1.41 V to 0.56 V as Wfin decreases. It can be observed that compared to planar devices, VT of Fin-HEMT moves to +VG as Wfin decreases. As Wfin is reduced down to about 90 nm, the device starts to work at enhancement mode operation. The mechanism is proposed in Fig.3. When VG decreases from VG1 (large) to VG2 (smaller), top gate still cannot turn off the channel. So the planar devices are still at on-state operation. On the other hand, for fin-shaped devices, though top gate is not capable of turning off the channel, the depletion region from surface of sidewalls is large enough to fully deplete the channel.

Fig. 1. Process flow, schematic cross section and
device structure of InGaAs Fin-HEMT |

Fig. 2. Transfer characteristics of InGaAs FinHEMTs
with different fin width at VD = 1.9 V |

Fig. 3. Schematic mechanism of top gate and sidewall
gates proposed in this work |
— 资料提供:影像显示科技知识平台 (DTKP, Display Technology
Knowledge Platform) —
整理:林晃岩教授、王子圣 —
Miles Padgett、David Phillips和他在英国格拉斯哥大学(the University of Glasgow)的同事目前已经展示了一种方法,透过采用具有类似于人眼视网膜的空间变化分辨率,而非具有统一分辨率的二进制模式来克服这个限制。特别地,图形屏蔽(见图一)具有被周围较低分辨率包围的高解析中央凹状区域。该方法的好处是它可以在感兴趣的区域(见图二)中进行更高解析的成像,而不会为了要达到高分辨率所需的水平,将整个区域成像的帧率放慢。Padgett的团队报告了局部帧率的增强为4倍。此外,「中心凹」区域的位置可以随意改变,允许使用对象追踪或多个中央凹状高解析区域的机会。
图一、空间变化分辨率之画素网格,也包含了N = 1024个画素的变化区域。在中央凹状处,画素遵循笛卡尔网格,即三个维度两两正交的直角网格。周围的中央凹状是周边圆柱极化系统的画素。 |
图二、实验的成像结果 |
图三、系统的架构。场景被泛光照射并成像到作为动态屏蔽的DMD上,来自微镜子集的光被反射到雪崩式光电二极管(APD),其记录了由每个二进制屏蔽图形所传输的总强度。 |
格拉斯哥研究群所开发的系统使用白色LED手电筒作为照明源,与具有32×32个可程序像素之计算器控制的数字微镜器件,来创造一个在被雪崩光电二极管(APD)检测之前应用于场景图像的动态二进制屏蔽。研究团队除了在可见光波长下进行操作外,还表示该方法同样适用于其它波长方案。考虑到这一点,他们还展示了一种操作在800至1800奈米波长区域的短波红外(short-wave infrared,
SWIR )单画素成像系统。该系统通过使用SWIR敏感检测器代替APD,并使用加热灯作为照明源。
参考资料: |
1. Oliver Graydon, Retina-like single-pixel camera, Natural Photonics 11, 335 (2017)
DOI: 10.1038/nphoton.2017.87
2. D. B. Phillips et al., Adaptive foveated single-pixel imaging with dynamic supersampling, Sci. Adv. 3 (4), e1601782 (2017)