發行人:林恭如所長 編輯委員:吳肇欣教授 主編:林筱文 發行日期:2016.10.31 |
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吳采晨碩士生 |
林恭如教授 |
以雷射二極體為基礎之照明與水下可見光通訊系統 |
獲獎同學 |
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謝政軒碩士生 |
林恭如教授 |
富碳碳化矽波導中非線性克爾與自相位調變全光開關之研究 |
~ 光電所105年暑期大學生光電營
花絮報導 ~
人稱「光電所彭于晏」的吳肇欣老師(左一) |
實驗室參訪 |
大合照 |
所長與工作人員、所有學員之大合照 |
High Efficient Planar Heterojunction Perovskite Solar Cells via Sandwich Evaporation Technique
Professor Ching-Fuh Lin’s laboratory
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
臺灣大學光電所 林清富教授
Due to the gradual depletion of fossil fuels, the energy issue has received wide attention in this century. The world is making many efforts to develop alternative energy. Solar energy is an inexhaustible and readily available resources on earth. On the top of that, it is eco-friendly to our environment. For these advantages, the development of solar cells has become an excellent strategy to solve the shortage of energy. Among many types of solar cells, perovskite solar cells suddenly appear on the horizon and the conversion efficiency has been made significant progress from 3% to above 20% in just six years.
Although high-efficiency perovskite solar cells have been achieved, perovskite formed by solution process, in general, is very susceptible to the atmosphere and moisture. The perovskite grains usually become small and messy by the rapid formation of perovskite. In this research, we developed a new method using a homemade chamber, called Sandwich Evaporation Technique (SET), to form the perovskite layer, as shown in Fig.1. The process can be mostly conducted in the atmosphere and not be affected by the environment easily. The process includes the following steps. First, we raised a sandwich-like structure, MAI/PbI2/MAI, to fabricate the active layer of perovskite to enhance the current density, as shown in Fig. 2. Second, the perovskite solar cells are fabricated with the traditional structure of ITO/PEDOT-4083/Perovskite/PCBM/PEI/Ag, which can successfully achieve the power conversion efficiency of 14.03%.

Fig. 1. The picture of the homemade chamber of Sandwich Evaporation Technique (SET) process. |

Fig. 2. The picture of Sandwich Evaporation Technique (SET) process. |
Furthermore, we modify those techniques that can make the better film of the active layer. IPA, CB have been applied on the substrates to slow down the reaction. Here this mechanism is refined for the SET process. Vials with solvent are placed inside the chamber directly. With the refined process, we are able to achieve 14.62% of perovskite solar cells with a higher current density and large crystals of perovskite, as shown in Fig. 3. This brand new method to fabricate the perovskie
under atmosphere environment could potentially
enable the mass production in the future using
the Sandwich Evaporation Technique (SET), as
shown in Fig.4.

Fig. 3. The SEM image of the perovskite. |

Fig. 4. The schematic diagram of the Sandwich Evaporation Technique (SET). |
Improved Internal-Quantum Efficiency of GaN-Based LEDs
Professor Chieh-Hsiung Kuan
Graduate Institute of Photonics and
Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
臺灣大學光電所 管傑雄教授
Instead of the limited exposure feature sizes of conventional photolithography, the ELIONIX ELS-7000 E-beam lithography system and the wet-etching technology were conducted to carry out the investigation. All patterned-sapphire substrates (PSSs) were all arranged in squares with the period of 2000nm and with various post-duty cycles (PDCs) of 1, 4 and 8%, which is defined in Fig. 1(a), respectively. Each square had a hexagonal post. SEM images of accomplished PSSs are shown in Fig. 1(b)-(d). The PSSs and a conventional sapphire substrate (CSS) with polished surface were grown using low pressure metal organic chemical vapor deposition (LP-MOCVD). The light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were encapsulated with TO-46 metal can package with a chip size of 17×34 mil2.
Figure 2 shows the residual compressive strain and the associated Raman width of the GaN-based PSS LEDs. With the increase of PDC, the residual compressive strain of the GaN-based PSS LEDs reduces first and then slightly increases as compared to the sample with the CSS. Fig. 3 shows the relative IQE versus PDC of the GaN-based PSS LEDs biased at injection currents of 120mA and 360mA, respectively. With the increase of PDC in contrast to the CSS, the reduced residual compressive strain leads to the enhanced relative IQE under the same crystalline quality.

Fig. 1. The SEM images of different PSSs and the definition of post-duty cycle |

Fig. 2. The residual compressive strain with the associated Raman width. The inserted figure is the Raman spectra. |

Fig. 3. The relative IQE of the LEDs, calculated from the inserted figure regarding the EQE versus PDC |
姓名:柯志堅 指導教授:吳志毅教授、何志浩教授
摘要 |
在本論文中,我們展示了表面效應對氧化鋅電阻式記憶體(resistive random access memory)的電阻轉換現象有很大的影響。分析了超過400個電阻式記憶體元件在不同氣氛下的電性,我們發現到表面效應(surface effects)對電阻轉換的影響。如圖一所示,在富氧的環境下,氧化鋅電阻式記憶體有較佳的電阻轉換機率。圖二顯示不同氣氛對高阻態(High resistive state)與低阻態(Low resistive state)的影響。分析結果表明氧化鋅表面的吸附氧氣分子與氧缺陷構建的奈米燈絲兩者的交互作用,對電阻式記憶的電阻轉換扮演很重要的角色。此外我們也發現到電阻轉換機率可以藉由表面粗糙度來調控,表面較粗糙的氧化鋅電阻式記憶體有較佳的電阻轉換機率以及在不同氣氛環境下電性較為穩定。我們也做了電極相依性的研究,結果顯示金屬鉑的氣體吸附活化能較低,於是使用鉑作為氧化鋅電阻記憶體的電極有較佳的表現。
圖一、不同氣氛下的氧化鋅電阻式記憶體電阻轉換率。富氧環境的轉換率較佳。 |
圖二、不同氣氛對高與低阻態的影響。 |
資料提供:影像顯示科技知識平台 (DTKP, Display Technology
Knowledge Platform) —
整理:林晃巖教授、林暐杰 —
美國著名電影製片廠迪士尼,可能是你最不會期望對於光的軌道角動量(orbital angular momentum, OAM)有興趣的組織。不過迪士尼在加州的研究團隊和英國劍橋大學的光子與感測器團隊,正聯手研究根據OAM多工技術為基礎的未來3D顯示器。
現在Daping Chu和他的同事正在探討利用OAM模態,來表現一個物體之不同視角的影像,然後可以利用多工技術建造一個多視角3D顯示器。目前,研究人員已經展示了基於該方法的三個視角之立體顯示器,將三個不同視角的影像編碼成OAM光束的陣列,則觀看者在空間上可接收到分離的三視角之影像顯示。
圖一、利用光的軌道角動量之多視點3D顯示器的示意圖。 |
圖二、(a) 三個OAM狀態之多工傳輸影像的概念圖。(b) 設計分揀器和校正器對於OAM光束晶格陣列進行分揀,其中分揀器和校正器的高度輪廓分別示於插圖。 |
研究團隊首先使用一個螺旋相位板來建立所需的OAM模態,然後使用矽基空間光調制器(LCoS)編碼的達曼光柵(Dammann grating)來複製光束,以此建立9×9正方形晶格排列之相同OAM的光束。然後三個這樣的OAM光束陣列各攜帶不同數量的扭曲波前,被引導到三個影像遮罩以代表物體的不同視角之影像。這些以不同視角影像加以編碼光束,可再用分光束器組合以建立一個多工的輸出。
參考資料: |
1. David Pile, Nature Photonics 10, 570 (2016)
doi:10.1038/nphoton.2016.171 Published online 31 August 2016
2. Li, Xuefeng, et al. "Automultiscopic Displays based on Orbital Angular Momentum of Light." J. Opt. 18 (2016).