第五十六期 2010年8月刊
发行人:林清富所长  编辑委员:蔡睿哲教授  主编:林筱文  发行日期:2010.08.10
时间: 2010年7月8日(星期四)下午2点30分
讲者: 郑克勇教授(Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
讲题: Hyper-uniform nanophotonic technology for ultra-fast optical systems - A review of activities at UIUC
  郑克勇教授于7月8日(星期四)莅临本所访问,并于博理馆101演讲厅发表演说,讲题为「Hyper-uniform nanophotonic technology for ultra-fast optical systems - A review of activities at UIUC」,本所教师及学生皆热烈参与演讲活动,获益良多。




A Novel Boundary-Confined Method for High Numerical Aperture Microlens Arrays Fabrication

Professor Guo-Dung John Su

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

台湾大学光电所 苏国栋教授

We present a technique to improve microlens arrays (MLAs) uniformity after the thermal reflow process. Microlens arrays (MLAs) usually form a layered structure in application-specific optical systems, such as backlight modules for liquid crystal displays (LCD), extraction improvement film for layered light emitting devices, wavefront sensors, image recorders, and a focusing component in the optical communication devices. It is hard to make small lenses and large arrays by traditional machining. Although several methods are proposed to replace the traditional machining, thermal reflow process is widely used to fabricate MLAs.

To overcome this difficulty, a novel method is proposed and demonstrated in this paper. It is called the boundary-confined method. A boundary between each PR cylinder is defined first by a thin negative tone PR. A thermal reflowing of a 2nd thick PR is halted at the boundary, as shown in Fig. 1. The uniformity can be improved without the cling phenomenon. Besides, the boundary is narrow and only a small amount of fill-factor is sacrificed. The height of the microlens is adjustable by the different diameter of PR cylinders inside the same boundary wall. We achieved high uniformity and high-NA (numerical aperture) simultaneously without sacrificing fill-factor too much. In order to improve fill-factor, residual PR (photoresist) between the photoresist cylinders are used to make photoresist flow outward in standard thermal reflow processes. PR cylinders, however, merge together easily due to an inexact reflow time and temperature distribution. This results in low uniformity and small lens height or low-NA. We proposed a boundary-confined method to pattern thin PR holes to prevent PR microlenses from merging together even after a long reflow time. Thick PR cylinders are patterned inside thin PR holes served as boundaries. PR microlenses are formed after reflowing the thick photoresist cylinders. Both the uniformity and the height of microlens can be well controlled. Besides, the fill-factor is high due to the high resolution at thin photoresist layer in photolithography. Our results show that the microlens is approximately a hemispherical profile. The gap between microlenses with 48 mm diameter in hexagonal arrangement is 2 mm and the height of microlens is 22 mm, as shown in Fig. 2. This work is also patterned under US 7,713,453 B2.

Figure 1. Schematic drawing of PR reflow by boundary-confined method.

Figure 2. The fabrication process sequence, and (a) PR microlens and SU-8 boundary, (b) PDMS mold captured by a microscope, (c) UV gel MLAs after releasing from PDMS mold.



姓名:李冠儒   指导教授:吴志毅教授




图一 图二



姓名:林昌廷   指导教授:吴志毅教授


此论文着重讨论一种新型的p型的掺杂物,过渡金属氧化物,氧化钼MoO3。从OLED组件电性及紫外光电子能谱激发术(UPS)和X光电子深层电子能阶谱激发术(XPS)这三种方讨论氧化钼应用于组件的原理与机制。我们发现到共蒸镀电洞传输层NPB与MoO3,将会使组件电性获得大幅改善。从UPS可得知是因为MoO3对NPB具有p掺杂的效果,如图一。甚至单只用一层MoO3放置在阳极与NPB之间,组件本身操作电压也会下降。同时,当使用MoO3放置在不同阳极与NPB之间,电性会趋于一致。也利用UPS证实出此种现象即是费米能阶钉札 (Fermi level pinning) 所产生的效应,如图二。

图一 图二



— 数据提供:影像显示科技知识平台 (DTKP, Display Technology Knowledge Platform) —

— 整理:林晃岩教授、陈冠宇 —


美国麻省理工学院(MIT)宣布制造出了可作为麦克风和扬声器使用的塑料光纤。论文已发表在了2010年7月11日的学术杂志《Nature Materials》上。采用该光纤可以制造出具备水流传感器、血管中的血流传感器、大面积的声波图像传感器、高灵敏度麦克风以及扬声器功能的衣服等,编织示意图如图一。


开发此次产品的是麻省理工学院材料科学副教授Yoel Fink领导的研究小组。该小组正致力于开发配备光通信以外功能的光纤。换言之,就是力图在原来只是传递光线的被动组件—光纤中,嵌入可以实现主动功能的构造。


















“Multimaterial piezoelectric fibres”, Nature Materials v.9, pp.643 - 648 (2010), S. Egusa, Z. Wang, N. Chocat, Z. M. Ruff, A. M. Stolyarov, D. Shemuly, F. Sorin, P. T. Rakich, J. D. Joannopoulos, and Y. Fink.

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