第五十五期 2010年7月刊
發行人:黃升龍所長  編輯委員:蔡睿哲教授  主編:林筱文  發行日期:2010.07.05

 本所林恭如教授榮膺英國物理學會會士 (Fellow of The Institute of Physics in UK, FInstP)」~



講者簡介 講題 地點 時間


7/8 (Thu)


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign

Hyper-uniform nanophotonic technology for ultra-fast optical systems - A review of activities at UIUC



時間: 99年6月4日(星期五)下午2點30分
講者: Prof. Marek Osinski (University of New Mexico)
講題: Biomedical applications of colloidal nanocrystals
  Prof. Marek Osinski於6月4日(星期五)蒞臨本所訪問,並於博理館101演講廳發表演說,講題為「Biomedical applications of colloidal nanocrystals」,本所教師及學生皆熱烈參與演講活動,獲益良多。


時間: 99年6月11日(星期五)下午2點30分
講者: Prof. Kuang-Chien Hsieh (Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
講題: Low-Temperature Grown Compound Semiconductors for Optoelectronic Device Applications: Distributed Bragg Reflectors and Wafer Bonding Agents
  Prof. Kuang-Chien Hsieh 於6月11日(星期五)蒞臨本所光電論壇發表演說,講題為「Low-Temperature Grown Compound Semiconductors for Optoelectronic Device Applications: Distributed Bragg Reflectors and Wafer Bonding Agents」,本所教師及學生皆熱烈參與演講活動。Prof. Kuang-Chien Hsieh演講內容精彩,演講時面面俱到,與本所師生互動佳。

本場演講者Prof. Kuang-Chien Hsieh

時間: 99年6月18日(星期五)下午2點30分
講者: 洪瑞華教授(成功大學光電系)
講題: 高能隙氮化銦鎵太陽電池技術開發




High-order rational harmonic mode-locking and pulse-amplitude equalization of SOAFL under optical injection

Professor Gong-Ru Lin

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 林恭如教授

First of all, we demonstrate the 20th-order rational harmonic mode-locking (RHML) semiconductor optical amplifier fiber laser (SOAFL) pulses by using 1 GHz backward dark-optical comb injection,  and  discuss  the  competition  between  mode-locking mechanisms in the SOAFL at high-gain and strong optical injection condition at higher RHML orders.  As the rational harmonic order increases up to 20, the auto-correlation traces and optical spectra of the RHML-SOAFL at different RHML orders are characterized.  The Fig. 1. shows that the normalized auto-correlation traces of the SOAFL at 1st, 5th, 10th, and 20th RHML orders gradually changes the pulsewidth from 13.5 to 35 ps.  The Fig. 2. exhibits that the SOAFL spectrum with red-shifted wavelength and reduced linewidth from 12 to 3 nm at RHML order increases to >8 reveal a less pronounced high-order RHML mechanism when competing with the continuous-wave lasing mechanism.  Furthermore, in order to solve the problem of uneven RHML pulse-amplitude, we use the reshaped 10-GHz gain-switching FPLD double-peak pulse to reconstruct the gain profile of SOA in time domain, the 4th-order RHML-SOAFL is demonstrated for achieving 40-GHz RHML pulse-train with optimized performance of pulse-amplitude equalization (PAE).  The Fig. 3. shows the auto-correlation traces of 4th-order RHML pulse-train without and with PAE.  Such the indirect gain compensation further balances the amplitude fluctuation from 45% to 3.5% when obtaining 40-GHz RHML pulse-train.  After initiating the PAE, the uncorrelated phase noise contributed by the residual ASE noise of the RHML-SOAFL is significantly decreased, which leads to a timing jitter reducing from 0.5 to 0.28 ps as shown in Fig. 4. and provides an amplitude-equalization pulse-train repeated at 40 GHz to meet the demand of being a perfect RZ pulsed carrier for its future application in OTDM network.

Reference:   G. -R. Lin et al., Optics Express, Vol. 18, No. 9, pp. 9570-9579, Feb. 2010.

Fig. 1. The auto-correlation traces of SOAFL at 1st, 5th, 10th, and 20th RHML orders. Fig. 2. Evolution on RHML-SOAFL spectra at different RHML orders.

Fig. 3. Auto-correlatted traces of 40-GHz RHML pulse-train without and with pulse-amplitude equalization. Fig. 4. The timing jitter of 40 GHz RHML pulse-train without and with pulse-amplitude equalization.


Emitter Apodization Dependent Angular Luminance Enhancement of Microlens-Array Film Attached Organic Light-Emitting Devices

Professor Hoang-Yan Lin

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 林晃巖教授

Taking organic emitter apodization calculated from electromagnetic theory as input, the angular luminance enhancement of a microlens-array-film (MAF) attached OLED (organic light-emitting device) can be further evaluated by ray-tracing approach. First, we assumed artificial emitters and revealed that not every OLED with MAF has luminance enhancement. Then, the OLEDs of different Alq3 thickness were fabricated and their angular luminance measurement validated simulation results. Mode analyses for different layers were performed to estimate the enhancement potential of the MAF attached devices. In conclusion, the organic emitters with higher off-axis-angle luminous intensity cause lower out-coupling efficiency but gain higher enhancement after the MAF attached.

Fig. 1. (a) The simulated source apodization varying Alq3 thickness from electromagnetic theory; (b) the simulated luminance from geometrical optics; (c) the validation of experimental results.

Fig. 2. (a) Mode ratios calculated by transfer matrix method with embedded sources. The blank area of each bar represented the optical power ratio of the surface plasmonic mode; (b) the experimental mode ratios.



姓名:林佑儒   指導教授:林浩雄教授


首先,我們研究銻砷化鎵/砷化鎵第二型量子井結合砷化銦量子點應力子的複合結構。我們使用相同複合結構當做雷射主動層,發現以5-nm 厚度間隔層的複合結構,可降低原本銻砷化鎵第二型單量子井的起振電流密度、內部光學損耗,並增加內部量子效率、模態増益和特徵溫度,原因在於砷化銦應力子在量子井界面上增強了位能波動,使得躍遷矩陣元素增加。

第二部分,我們使用氣態源分子束磊晶法成長並研究砷化鎵於有圖案的矽奈米溝渠,樣品是由台灣積體電路股份有限公司(TSMC)所提供。據我們所知,這是首次使用分子束磊晶法成長砷化鎵磊晶於奈米矽溝渠寬度小於100 nm的研究。

圖一、共振腔倒數對起振電流密度作圖: 三種不同主動結構的雷射:單量子井,5nm-複合結構和10nm-複合結構






姓名:陳明昀   指導教授:張宏鈞教授





圖一 圖二



— 資料提供:影像顯示科技知識平台 (DTKP, Display Technology Knowledge Platform) —

— 整理:林晃巖教授、陳冠宇 —


索尼開發出了厚度僅為80 μm的4.1吋超薄OLED面板,薄膜底板的厚度減至20 μm,而封裝膜為25 μm,而且除了畫素內的TFT外,閘極驅動電路也是基於有機半導體材料製作而成的,結構圖如圖一。現已證實該面板的柔軟性較高、至少可彎曲到曲率半徑為4 mm的狀態。索尼在顯示器技術國際研討會SID 2010上發佈該項成果,論文編號47.3。


OLED面板的畫素數為432 × 240 × 3(RGB),每個畫素的尺寸為210 μm見方,精細度為121 ppi(Pixels Per Inch)。採用頂部發光型OLED,OTFT電路屬2T-1C的驅動方式,可以顯示約1677.7萬色,面板的最大亮度超過100 cd/m2,對比可超過1000:1。






基於這種PXX衍生物製作TFT時的載流子遷移率為0.4 cm2/Vs,高達一般有機半導體材料—並五苯的4倍。另外,載入低閘極電壓時,電流增加傾向的倒數值—亞閾值振幅(sub-threshold swing)僅為並五苯的1/2,電流值的開關比為106,結果載入一定電壓時可以獲得的電流,與並五苯相比達到其8倍以上。在OLED中,越是可以獲得較大的電流值,就越容易實現高亮度和高灰階。另外,已經證實該有機TFT的驅動頻率最大為60Hz時也沒有問題,可以顯示移動速度相當快的視訊。此次的有機TFT採取蒸發法製作,不過利用塗佈工藝製作TFT時也可以顯示出同樣的性能,因此下一個目標是採取印刷法製作TFT。



圖二、OTFT-OLED (a) 平面的狀態下顯示 (b) 捲曲半徑4 mm下顯示







“47.3: A Rollable AM-OLED Display Driven By OTFTs”, Soc. Infor. Display Tech. Digest, 2010, (p 710-713), Makoto Noda, Norihito Kobayashi, Mao Katsuhara, Akira Yumoto, Shin-ichi Ushikura, Ryo-ichi Yasuda, Nobukazu Hirai, Gen Yukawa, Iwao Yagi, Kazumasa Nomoto, and Tetsuo Urabe.

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