第五十期 2010年1月刊
發行人:黃升龍所長  編輯委員:蔡睿哲教授  主編:林筱文  發行日期:2010.01.11
時間: 98年12月11日(星期五)下午2點30分
講者: 陳智弘教授(交通大學光電所)
講題: The Law of Accelerating Returns: its implications?

陳智弘教授於12月11日(星期五)蒞臨本所訪問,並於博理館101演講廳發表演說,講題為「The Law of Accelerating Returns: its implications?」,本所教師及學生皆熱烈參與演講活動,獲益良多。


時間: 98年12月18日(星期五)下午2點30分-3點30分
講者: 程光煦教授(南京大學物理系
講題: 拉曼布里淵散射縱橫談



時間: 98年12月18日(星期五)下午3點30分-4點30分
講者: 劉冰冰教授(吉林大學超硬材料國家重點實驗室副主任

Structure of C60 Confined in Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Studied by NIR Raman Spectroscopy under High Pressure


劉冰冰教授於98年12月18日(星期五)蒞臨本所光電論壇發表演說,講題為「Structure of C60 Confined in Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes Studied by NIR Raman Spectroscopy under High Pressure」,本所教師及學生皆熱烈參與演講活動,劉冰冰教授演講內容豐富精彩,與現場同學互動性佳,本所師生皆獲益良多。



~ 2009 第一屆微結構攝影競賽得獎作品發表  系列報導 ~ 【六之五】



【參賽作者】曾展嘉   林建明










【參賽作者】陳政營   趙嬿鈞





















Analysis of the Optical Phase Conjugation Phenomenon via PSTD virtual optical experiments

Professor Snow H. Tseng

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 曾雪峰教授

Experimental research of the optical phase conjugation (OPC) phenomenon exhibits interesting phenomena that are yet to be understood.  The OPC refocused light cross-sectional width is observed to be approximately the same regardless of the thickness of the scattering medium.  We employ the pseudospectral time-domain (PSTD) technique to accurately simulate the OPC refocusing phenomenon of light propagating through a macroscopic scattering medium.  Simulation results show that the optical thickness of the scattering medium is not directly related to the OPC refocused light width.

Fig. 1.  After OPC, multiply scattered light propagates in reversed directions—similar to a time reversal process.

Fig. 2.  (left): Amplitude of the OPC refocused light pulse for various thicknesses of the scattering medium.  Top to bottom: 40, 80, 120, 160, 200, 240, 280, and 320 μm, respectively.  (right): Cross-sectional width of the OPC refocused light of three different incident cross-sectional widths plotted vs. transport mean free path (μs′×L).


Light Emission Polarization Properties of Strained (11-22) Semipolar InGaN Quantum Well

Professor Yuh-Renn Wu

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 吳育任教授

We studied the optical characteristics of a (11-22) semipolar InGaN/GaN quantum well with different indium compositions, quantum well widths, and injection carrier densities. The self-consistent Poisson and 6×6 k·p Schrödinger solver including the effects of quantum confinement and polarization charges has been applied to study the band structures in semipolar InGaN quantum well light emitting diodes. The influence of the indium composition, well width, and injection carrier density to the (11-22) semipolar quantum well are studied in this work. The optical polarization properties are strongly influenced by the hole effective mass and the strain effects especially the shear strain induced in the semipolar plane. Our studies show the interesting polarization switching behavior when the indium composition is larger than 40%. For the surface emitting LED, the polarization ratio of ρyx can be larger than 0.4 when the indium composition is smaller than 40%. This shows a great opportunity of using semipolar InGaN quantum well LED instead of c-plane case.

Figure 1 (a) and (b) are the calculated valence band dispersion relations of the (11-22) semipolar InxGa1xN/GaN quantum well for x=0.2 and x=0.5, respectively.

Figure 2 (a) The relative energy separation of (11- 22) InGaN/GaN quantum well structure and the strained InGaN alloy film as a function of indium composition. (b) The polarization ratios of the InGaN/GaN (11-22) quantum well as a function of indium composition.


ZnO/Al2O3 core–shell nanorod arrays: growth, structural characterization, and luminescent properties

Professor J. H. He

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 何志浩教授

We demonstrated an aqueous chemical method to fabricate well-aligned ZnO/Al2O3 nanocrystal (NC) core–shell nanorod arrays (NRAs). Structural characterization showed that the shell layers are composed of α-Al2O3 nanocrystals. Photoluminescence measurements showed the enhancement of near-band-edge (NBE) emission of ZnO NRAs due to the presence of Al2O3 NC shells. The Al2O3 NC shell layer resulting in the flat-band effect near the ZnO surface leads to a stronger overlap of the wavefunctions of electrons and holes in the ZnO core, further enhancing the NBE emission. This approach should be very useful in designing many other core-shell NRAs for creating varieties of high-efficiency optoelectronic devices.

Figure 1. (a) A cross-sectional SEM image, (b) a top-view SEM image, (c) a TEM image, and (d) an HRTEM image of ZnO/Al2O3 core–shell NRAs (sample C). The left and right insets in (d) are the HRTEM images of the ZnO core and Al2O3 shell, respectively. (e) The linescan of EDS analysis for ZnO/Al2O3 core–shell NRs in (c).

Figure 2. PL spectra of the ZnO and ZnO/Al2O3  NC core–shell NRAs at room temperature.




姓名:盧彥丞   指導教授:楊志忠教授



我們首先研究在有富銦(indium-rich)奈米顆粒結構的氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵量子井(InGaN /GaN quantum well)中,載子侷限效應對螢光頻譜衰減時間的影響。我們利用時間解析光激螢光頻譜(TRPL)和蒙地卡羅模擬載子的躍遷及結合放光來研究在氮化銦鎵中的載子動態,在高奈米顆粒密度的樣品中,我們發現其螢光衰減時間在高能量處有一上升的趨勢,如圖一所示;而在低奈米顆粒密度的樣品中,則無此一現象。

接著我們研究表面電漿子(surface plasmon)和氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵量子井的耦合特性,並利用表面電漿子來提升量子井的發光和吸收效率。最後,我們藉由在氮化鎵和銀膜中加入一層低折射率的二氧化矽來增強和表面電漿子耦合的量子井發光強度。此二氧化矽層可降低表面電漿子的損耗、增長消散波的長度,其代價為降低表面電漿子的能階密度。綜合這些效應後,我們仍可進一步透過表面電漿波來提升量子井的發光,如圖二所示。





— 資料提供:影像顯示科技知識平台 (DTKP, Display Technology Knowledge Platform) —

— 整理:林晃巖教授、陳冠宇 —






日前,日本東京大學開發出了基本結構與快閃記憶體相同,由有機材料組成的非揮發性 “有機快閃記憶體”。該快閃記憶體具有擦除電壓僅為6 V、讀取電壓僅為1 V的特點,能夠耐受1000次以上的寫入/擦除,具備柔性性質。今後隨著數據保存時間的進一步延長,該快閃記憶體將能夠應用於大面積感測器和電子紙等大面積電子用途。該有機快閃記憶體由東京大學電氣系教授染谷隆夫(Takeyo Someya)與助教關谷毅(Tsuyoshi Sekitani)組成的研究小組開發。相關論文已刊登在2009年12月11日的《Science》期刊中。


染谷小組製作的是以PEN(聚鄰苯二甲酸酯,polyethylene naphthalate)樹脂為底板,26 × 26個2T (TFT)型記憶體單元在其上方排列為陣列狀的薄片。此有效區為5 × 5 cm2的薄片具有柔性,即使彎曲至曲率半徑6 mm,機械、電性質仍無劣化,如圖一。該記憶體被稱為有機快閃記憶體是因為使用了與Si快閃記憶體相同的“浮閘(floating gate)結構”電晶體。具體來說,PEN底板上由Al控制閘電極、絕緣膜、Al浮閘、絕緣膜、有機半導體(如五苯)以及Au源電極和汲電極組成。絕緣膜使用由AlOx和擁有烷基鏈(CH2-CH2-CH2-…)的一種磷酸組成的“自組裝單分子膜(SAM,self-assembled monolayer)”製成,SAM非常薄,僅厚2 nm,結構如圖二。其非揮發性記憶體功能也已經過驗證。而且,透過與壓力感測器整合,該記憶體陣列還可以製成能夠在薄片內保存記憶受壓影像的“智慧壓力感測器” ,如圖三。


在過去,使用有機材料的非揮發性記憶體也曾有過試製先例。一種是使用鐵電體材料的類型。另一種是與這次類似的浮柵結構類型。但鐵電體材料記憶體的寫入/擦除電壓很難降低到20 V以下。浮柵結構記憶體也存在著因擦除電壓高、絕緣膜厚度不均而造成的記憶體特性誤差、在大氣中不穩定的課題。此次,透過使用無需控制厚度的SAM作為絕緣膜,特性誤差得到了抑制。而且,SAM在大氣中性質穩定。目前該快閃記憶體仍需解決數據保存時間僅為1天的課題。但研究小組稱,隨著元件的微細化和採用大分子長SAM,保存時間有望得到大幅延長。









“Organic Nonvolatile Memory Transistors for Flexible Sensor Arrays”, Tsuyoshi Sekitani, Tomoyuki Yokota, Ute Zschieschang, Hagen Klauk, Siegfried Bauer, Ken Takeuchi, Makoto Takamiya, Takayasu Sakurai, and Takao Someya (11 December 2009), Science 326 (5959), pp.1516-1519



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