第三十九期 2009年1,2月刊
发行人:黄升龙所长   编辑委员:蔡睿哲教授   主编:林筱文  发行日期:2009.01.22
本所林清富教授现为IEEE LEOS台北分会会长,其执笔撰文之报导于2008年12月发行之IEEE LEOS NEWSLETTER上刊登,内容扼要介绍台湾光电研究发展之现况,其中提到许多关于本所教师在各个重要研究领域上的发展与贡献,完整报导内容请详内文连结

贺!本所孙启光教授荣膺「2009 SPIE Fellow」~

时间: 2008年12月5日(星期五)下午2点30分-4点30分
讲者: Prof. Azzedine Boudrioua (OSA/SPIE fellow, Université Paris 13 – Institut Galilée)
讲题: Linear and non-linear photonic crystals in dielectric materials with applications to organic LEDs and lasers
  Prof. Azzedine Boudrioua2008125日(星期五)莅临本所访问,并于博理馆113室发表演说,讲题为「Linear and non-linear photonic crystals in dielectric materials with applications to organic LEDs and lasers」,本所教师及学生皆热烈参与演讲活动,获益良多。

时间: 2008年12月12日(星期五)下午2点30分-4点30分
讲者: 周政旭副总处长(奇美电子)
讲题: 光电产业现况与未来职涯发展



~ 光电所所学会2008学年度耶诞餐会花絮 ~




本次的抽奖由光电所老师及所办提供各奖项,最大奖为华硕高级Eee PC、二奖为iPod touch、其它奖项有iRiver、富士通高容量随身硬盘、创见8G及4G随身硬盘、以及电机系主任胡振国教授所赞助的5000元SOGO礼券。奖品由所长及各教授上台抽出。最后,各个奖项平均落在各实验室,而在最大奖Eee PC由硕一的同学带走后,光电所耶诞餐会在一片祥和温馨中落幕了。虽然不是人人有奖,但是能享受丰富的午餐,同学们仍带着满足的笑容离开。同时,所学会在此特别感谢BL312实验室(属黄建璋老师)的同学们协助奖品、食物和饮料的采购、场地租借和布置、及活动相关宣传。



~ 与韩国首尔国立大学(Seoul National University)博士生交流活动 2008  系列报导 ~

The 3rd National Taiwan University-Seoul National University Student Workshop 2008

on Photonic Materials and Devices




首先,要感谢台大电资学院与光电所提供我这个机会参加与韩国首尔大学的博士班学生论坛。我还要特别感谢台大光电所孙启光老师与实验室的研究同仁在此研究上的协助。此研究论坛的全名为「第三届首尔大学-台湾大学学生论坛2008 – 光学材料与组件」(The 3rd Seoul Nation University – National Taiwan University Student Workshop 2008 on Photonic Materials and Devices),顾名思义,其为双方学校针对光电领域所举办的研讨会,并以博士班学生为主轴,进行交流。在看过会议议程后,想到将与同领域的优秀学者、学生交流,心情除了兴奋也兢兢业业地在自己的研究上更加努力,希望使我们的成果更加有说服力。这次参加研讨会,除了把我们的研究成果很清楚地介绍给首尔大学的老师、学生外,也吸收了对方近几年的发展信息,收获丰富,我将一一说明。









在这次第三届的首尔大学与台湾大学学生研讨会两天的会议中,总共包含五大主题:光电组件仿真、宽能隙半导体组件、OLED、红外光电组件以及各种光电组件。首先由首尔大学材料科学与工程学系的教授尹义埈(Euijoon Yoon),来为我们介绍首尔大学,再来是由我们光电所的副所长林恭如教授来介绍台湾大学的历史与现况。




      第二个session是讨论宽能隙半导体组件。首先由首尔大学的Sung Hyun Park(补成铉)同学对于利用低压MOCVD之InGaN/GaN量子井之长晶技术,可有效降低V-defects之数目。

       接下来是台湾大学的柯闵咏同学,讨论InGaN/GaN p-i( MQW)-n奈米等级之柱状光子晶体制程 ,并讨论此组件在常温下之电性和旋光性。再来是林政宏同学讨论增加LED出光率相关之题目,利用photoelectrochemical(PEC)蚀刻技术来制作光栅结构于InGaN/GaN量子井LED,可增加约70%出光率。

       再来是首尔大学的Dong Hyuk Kim(金东赫)同学,研究主题是关于利用Mg参杂之GaN,主要是利用DMHy来降低Mg-doped GaN中的氢浓度。而第一天最后一位演讲者是台湾大学的赵俊杰同学,研究如何利用epitaxial lift-off (ELO)之技术,将InGaP/GaAs double-junciton micro-cuboid之周期结构转移到其它基板上。

       第二天的第一个session是讨论OLED相关之题目。首先由韩国的同学Jaehyun Lee(李在贤)讨论关于上发光有机发光二极管(TEOLED)之研究,主要是利用p-type dopent之CuI作为电洞注入层(HIL),可有效降低工作电压。第二位关于OLED之研究是利用blue-emitting Ircomplexes来增进蓝光OLED。可提升13.7% (photon/electron) 效率。

       再来是关于红外光波段之光电组件,首先是首尔大学之Keun Wook Shin(申建旭 )讨论利用UHV-CVD在硅基板上长Ge薄膜。再来是台湾大学赖建智同学之研究,主题是关于常温下的CW Cr4+:YAG double-clad crystal fiber laser,而其threshold小于100mW,比目前之文献小。这个session最后一位同学是 Sim Uk(沈旭 ),讨论关于InAs量子点之成长研究。

       接下来的session,首先是台湾大学的王菘豊同学讨论关于利用galium doped indium oxide (Ga:InO) 作成之相变化内存。接着是由韩国的Hee Jin Kim(金希珍)讨论光子晶体相关之题目。然后是首尔大学之Seok Ha Lee(李锡河)讨论关于CMOS制成厚度控制之研究。

      而廖均达同学是讨论利用MEMS技术制作之悬臂梁传感器。最后一位同学是首尔大学之金成焕用光子晶体 激光作为折射率检测器。

       最后在由同学所票选的最佳学生论文奖,台湾大学得奖者是廖均达,首尔大学则是Sung Hyun Park。


Analyzing the Optical Phase Conjugation Phenomenon via PSTD Simulations

Professor Snow H. Tseng

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

台湾大学光电所 曾雪峰教授

Turbidity Suppression via Optical Phase Conjugation is an optical phenomenon that uses the back propagation nature of optical phase conjugate light field to undo the effect of tissue scattering.  We use the computationally efficient and accurate pseudospectral time-domain (PSTD) simulation method to study this phenomenon; a key adaptation is the volumetric inversion of the optical wavefront E-field as a means for simulating a phase conjugate mirror.  Optical phase conjugation (OPC) phenomenon of a phase conjugate mirror may provide a means to disentangle the optical distortion caused by scattering of turbid media.

As shown in Fig. 1, PSTD simulation of light scattering through a macroscopic cluster of dielectric cylinders and reflected back by a PCM is shown.  After OPC, light back-traces and refocuses back to the original location where it first emerged.  Displacement effect (Dy) of the random media is further analyzed and shown in Fig. 2.  The refocused light pulse profile for random medium that is displaced by various Dy is shown in (a)-(f).  The ratio of the total refocused energy to the initial total energy for various Dy is shown on a semi-log scale in (g).  Notice that as Dy increases, the refocused light energy drops rapidly.

The PSTD simulation is a rigorous simulation technique capable of simulating light scattering phenomenon for large-scale problems.  Our simulation results provide important information to experiments to help understand the optical characteristics of OPC.      

Fig. 1. PSTD Simulation of OPC.


Fig. 2. The displacement effect of the random medium on the OPC phenomenon.


Etching Depth Dependence of Emission Properties from InGaN/GaN Light Emitting

  Diodes with Nanohole Arrays: Analysis of Strain Relaxation and Surface States

Professor Yuh-Renn Wu

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

台湾大学光电所 吴育任教授

We apply our simulation models to analyze the etching depth dependence of emission characteristic of the InGaN/GaN quantum well. The effect of strain relaxation and surface states are discussed in this work. The device structures are shown in Fig. 1(a). Figure 1(b) and 1(c) show the strain tensors εxx with the hole depth equal to 16 nm and 23 nm, respectively.

Fig. 1 (a) A schematic of the nanohole structure. The hole depths are 16nm and 23nm. (b) and (c) show the calculated strain tensor εxx of the nanohole structure with 16nm hole depth and with 23nm-column hole depth, respectively. (d) shows the band structures and wavefunction of 16 nm nanohole structure at X=73.6nm and X=10.2nm, respectively.

As the strain data shown in Fig. 1, the nanohole structure with 23 nm hole depth might have a larger blue shift due to the strain relaxation. In 16 nm hole depth cases, because of the effect of surface states at the air/GaN interface, the fermi level is usually pinned at the surface states level (~ 0.9eV below conduction band for GaN). If the cap layer is thick enough, the effect of the surface states is negligible. However, the distance from the surface state to the quantum well region is only 2 nm in the cases. The pinning position of the surface state will strongly affect the band bending of the cap layer and the InGaN quantum well layer. When the top GaN layer is too thin as shown in Fig. 1 (d), the band bending at the GaN layer is not large enough so that potential at the left side of InGaN quantum well is lifted up, which reduces the QCSE significantly. Figure 2(a) shows the calculated emission spectrum at different position of the nanohole. Due to the surface states pinning effect, our results show that the emission rate is enhanced by 82 times and the maximum of 380 meV blue shift compared to the unetched region. The etched and unetched areas have a significant difference in the emission properties in Fig. 2(b). We can also find that for the hole depth larger than 11 nm (~ 7nm to the quantum well), the emission rates and emission peak start to have a significant change in Fig. 2(c). At X = 33.9 nm, the strain relaxation of quantum well and the emission rate reaches the maximum as shown in Fig. 2(d). Fig. 2(e) shows the emission peak and emission rates versus different positions X. The emission property of the nanohole changes significantly when the hole depth is close to or penetrates the quantum well. One is due to the effect of surface states and the other one is due to the strain relaxation.

Fig. 2 (a) shows the calculated emission spectrum. The emission spectrum at $X$ =10.2 nm and 32.6nm is multiplied by 10 times to make them clear. (b) shows the total emission rate and the emission peak energy versus different positions for the 16 nm nanohole structure. (c) The calculated emission strength and emission peak energy versus different hole depth. (d) shows the calculated emission spectrum of the 23 nm nanohole structure, and (e) shows the emission peak energy and the total emission rate versus different positions for the 23 nm depth nanohole structure.

In conclusions, we have analyzed the emission characteristic of InGaN/GaN LED with depth dependence of the nanohole structure. The emission property of the nanohole changes significantly when the hole depth is close to or penetrates the quantum well. One is due to the effect of surface states and the other one is due to the strain relaxation. Both effects lead to the blue shift of the spectrum and the increase of radiation recombination rates so that it is hard to be directly determined from experimental PL measurement. Our calculation provides useful information for analyzing the spectrum shift in the nanohole array and would be very important factors to be considered when making these similar structures such as nanocolumns and nanorods.


Electrical and Optoelectronic Characterization of a ZnO Nanowire Contacted by Focused-Ion-Beam-Deposited Pt

Professor J. H. He

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

台湾大学光电所 何志浩教授

We report on the transport properties of single ZnO nanowires measured as a function of the length/square of radius ratio via transmission line method. The specific contact resistance of the FIB Pt contacts to the ZnO nanowires is determined as low as 1.1x10-5 Ωcm2. The resistivity of the ZnO nanowires is measured to be 2.2x10-2 Ωcm. ZnO nanowire-based UV photodetectors contacted by the FIB-Pt with the photoconductive gain as high as ~108 have been fabricated and characterized.

Figure 1.      (a) SEM image of the test structure of TLM measurement. (b) Total resistance as a function of the length over the square radius of ZnO NW.

Figure 2.      (a) Photocurrent measurement as a function of excitation power intensity at applied bias of 0.5 volt. (b) Photoconductive gain as a function of excitation power intensity. (c) Time-dependent photocurrent rise and decay as obtained by sudden application (at 60 s) and removal (at 400 s) of UV light at the bias of 0.5 volt.



姓名:卢英瑞   指导教授:吴忠帜教授



接着,用具波长选择作用的反射镜面来调变白光组件的发光频谱,我们实现了在红光、绿光和蓝光波段具有陡峭发光峰的三发光峰白光有机发光组件(如图一所示)。其频谱与彩色滤光片搭配后,可产生饱和的三原色,其色度坐标如图二所示。依类似概念,我们设计另一种波长选择性反射镜面来增进以苝为掺杂物之蓝光有机发光组件的色彩饱和度,其色度坐标可达(0.151, 0.092)。



Fig.1 Fig. 2


美国奇异公司(GE,General Electric)的OLED研究小组宣布,该公司的研究部门——GE全球研究中心(GE Global Research)成功制作了使用OLED照明的圣诞树,如图一。


该圣诞树的周围缠有宽6吋(15.2cm)×长15英尺(457.2cm)的柔性照明用OLED组件,如图二。此柔性照明用OLED组件乃采用连续滚动条式(roll-to-roll)印刷技术制造,该技术系2008年初由GE公司的研究人员开发而成。奇异公司一直在进行可实现低成本生产的连续滚动条式制造工艺的开发,在OLED照明的商用化领域遥遥领先。GE公司OLED开发项目的负责人Anil Duggal表示:「希望透过圣诞树的方式刺激人们的想象力,展现新一代照明的无限可能性。」


GE全球研究中心(GE Global Research)试制的这个软性基板OLED组件使用了与日本的TOKKI(曾跟美国的Vitex系统公司合作过)共同开发的OLED组件之电浆CVD(化学气相沉积)薄膜封装设备。与目前的玻璃封装法相比,薄膜封装法除了可减少材料和设备数量外,还可应用于柔性面板。

这个设备支持TOKKI在其它OLED制造设备中使用的第4代玻璃底板(底板尺寸为730 mm×920 mm)。采用200 毫米见方的玻璃底板进行了技术验证。首先在玻璃底板上形成由透明的ITO电极夹住的约1 厘米见方的Alq3 OLED层,然后在OLED层上堆积厚度为微米级的薄膜封装膜封装。

封装膜由GE全球研究中心开发,透过层迭多层有机物层和无机物层形成阻隔(Barrier)膜,封装OLED层以阻隔湿气或气体等,防止发光层出现老化。在改变有机物层和无机物层的组成的同时形成薄膜。因此层间的密着性较高,可防止将来柔性化时发生破裂(Cracking)等,如图三。气体阻隔性为10-6 g/m2 天。

采用薄膜封装技术,除了无需封装用玻璃、黏合剂和干燥剂等外,还可实现玻璃封装法无法达到的薄型化。另外,目前的封装技术需要洗净封装用玻璃和抽出气体至真空等约5道制程、以及各个制程间的设备自动搬运,而薄膜封装技术只需追加真空腔(Vacuum Chamber)这一道制程即可。与原来的玻璃封装制程相比,有望将设备价格降低一半。








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