发行人:黄升龙所长    编辑委员:蔡睿哲教授    主编:林筱文    发行日期:2008.09.03

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光电所博士班应届毕业生研究成果专栏    光电要闻    健康小站










讲者:Prof. Ray T. Chen (Nanophotonics and Optical Interconnects Lab., Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, The University of Texas, Austin)
讲题:Silicon- and Polymer-based Nanophotonic Devices for Optical Communications

Prof. Ray T. Chen2008811(星期一)莅临本所访问,并于电机二馆142会议室发表演说,讲题为「Silicon- and Polymer-based Nanophotonic Devices for Optical Communications」,本所教师及学生皆热烈参与演讲活动,获益良多


讲者:何赛灵教授(Joint Research Center of Photonics of the Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and Zhejiang University (China)
讲题:Improving the performances and functionalities of photonics devices with subwavelength-structures and nanoparticles

何赛灵教授于2008825(星期一)莅临本所访问,并于电机二馆105演讲厅发表演说,讲题为「Improving the performances and functionalities of photonics devices with subwavelength-structures and nanoparticles」,本所教师及学生热烈参与演讲活动




Ferroelectric nitride-oxide nanowire MOSFET and phase change memory

Professor Lung-Han Peng's group

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

(e-mail) peng@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw


    A. Nitride-oxide nanowire MOSFET

    We demonstrated a selective growth of high crystallinity  GaN nanowire (NW) with high channel mobility of 1050cm2/V-s on SiO2/p-Si with optimized VLS growth parameters. Then, we successfully fabricated top-gate GaN nanowires FETs by the photolithography process. High crystalline nanowire approach favors the device scaling of low dimensional n-MOSFET and logic circuitry. Our data from a 60nm diameter GaN top-gated nanowires n-MOSFET exhibit an encouraging gm value of 24mS measured at the device saturation regime. This number is one order of magnitude larger than its competitive III-V compound nanowire transistor. At a moderate 1V gate bias, the device exhibits a current driving density of 60mA, VT to -1.5V, ON/OFF current ratio over 103, and subthreshold swing to 150mV/dec.


    B. Nitride-oxide phase change memory

    We report a new type of phase-change materials based upon the compound of In-Ga-O. It is found to exhibit two-order of magnitude resistivity change between the high-resistive amorphous phase and the low-resistive cubic phase at a phase-change temperature ~250°C.  When the In-Ga-O is incorporated  into a nonvolatile phase change memory (PCM) device with a double-heater (DH) structure, it exhibits an on/off resistance ratio of 1000 and cycling over 300 times which are superior to those observed on a single-heater (SH) PCM device. These results, together with a low bias point of 70mA at 6.5 volt and 1.5mA at 3.5 volt, respectively, for set/ reset operation of the DH-PCM device to the crystalline/amorphous state, suggest that In-Ga-O is a promising material candidate for low power application of PCM devices.



Figure 1 (a) SEM micrograph of a 60nm GaN NW grown on SiO2/p-Si. InsetHigh–resolution TEM showing lattice image and spacing of 0.272 nm of GaN NW. (b) electron diffraction patterns revealing six-fold rotation symmetry of GaN and high crystallinity diffraction signals. (c) DC characteristics of top-gate NW-MOSFET. (d) Transfer characteristics of a 60nm-dia. GaN NW-MOSFET.


Figure 2 (a) SET / RESET programming R-V curve of 30nm-thick IGO PCM devices with CA~40.1mm2, with the 80ns SET electric pulse at 6.5V/70mA and the 20ns RESET pulse at 3.5V/1.5mA. (b) Cycling-endurance test for the IGO DH and SH PCM devices. The DH-PCM device shows a better performance of cycle-endurance (~300 times) than SH-PCM. The IGO film thickness is 30nm.






GaN nanorod light emitting diode arrays with a nearly constant electroluminescent peak wavelength

Prof. JianJang Huang

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University


 We present a practical process to fabricate InGaN/GaN MQW structure using silica nanoparticle nature lithography.  The EL peak wavelength occurs in the range of 478~480nm and 474~476nm for 100nm and 50nm nanorod LEDs, respectively, with injection currents between 25mA and 100mA.  As compared with the significant blue shift in planar structures (from 478nm to 461nm), the piezoelectric field is suppressed on nanorod LEDs since the strain in InGaN layers is relaxed.  We also carried out Raman measurement to study the strain relaxation of the nanostructures.  The Raman shift of nanorods is lower than that of planar MQW structure.  It indicates strain relaxed nanorod light emitting devices are achieved with a nearly constant peak wavelength.


Figure (a) Device profiles of nanorod LEDs.  SOG (in pink) is coated between rods as a space and sidewall passivation layer. (b) An SEM image of 100nm-diameter. (c) Comparison of peak wavelengths of conventional, 50nm and 100nm nanorod LEDs. (d) Light emission of a 100nm nanorod LED with an injection current 20mA.










以三倍频显微术在活体仓鼠口腔内所取得从表皮到真皮的组织影像 。(Scale bar: 40mm)

将脂质包覆之量子点接上抗体送入细胞中,以三倍频显微术侦测不同细胞内Her-2的表现量 。





— 数据提供:影像显示光电科技特色人才培育中心.影像显示科技知识平台 —

— 整理:林晃岩教授、陈冠宇 —



 南韩LG显示器针对OLED面板开发出了称为“DOD”Dual-plate OLED Display)的新型面板结构,并于SID 2008口头报告3.2中发布。采用这一结构的15吋有机EL面板试制品,也在SID 2008展示会场上展出(如图一)。






图二: DODDual-plate OLED显示器)的面板结构






 用一个表总结这个技术的优点。低温多晶硅薄膜晶体管(LTPS TFT)的下发光形式:因为下发光,所以开口率太小;因为低温多晶硅薄膜晶体管关系无法做大且亮度不均,只能用到第四代基板。低温多晶硅薄膜晶体管的上发光形式:无法做大;穿透电极为金属,会有能量损耗,减损出光效率。非晶硅薄膜晶体管(a-Si TFT)的上发光形式:可大至第八代基板,但一路做上来的良率不高。非晶硅薄膜晶体管的DOD形式:基板可做大,发光OLED与控制TFT分开来制作,可以提高良率。













饭后来瓶清凉饮料超爽!然后…得肠癌 ?



「不要不相信! 很多人习惯吃饱饭后就来一瓶冷饮,尤其是一些罐装茶饮料,号称可以「去油解腻」。喝下去是很爽没有错,但你有没有想过接下来你的肚子里会发生什么事?!


所以赶快改掉这种要命的坏习惯!饭后不要马上灌冷饮,最好是喝点热汤或温开水就好啦!然后平常没事多喝酸奶。酸奶可以让肠道里多点好菌、赶走坏菌,帮你的肠子来个大扫除,让肠道更干净~ 」

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KingNet 国家网络医院(在线)咨询营养师 陈正育营养师





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