
Jean-Pierre Monchalin
Leader, Optical Diagnostics of Materials, Modelling and Diagnostics,
Industrial Materials Institute, National Research Council of Canada,
Coherence Tomography and Ultrasound Modulated Optical Imaging at the
Industrial Materials Institute of the National Research Council of
Dr. Jean-Pierre
Coherence Tomography and Ultrasound Modulated Optical Imaging at the
Industrial Materials Institute of the National Research Council of
∼與南京大學(Nanjing University)
博士生交流活動 2008 ∼

【2008 第一屆臺灣大學—南京大學光學微結構與雷射技術博士生論壇】
2008.05.18(週日) |
南京大學代表團抵達台灣 |
2008.05.19(週一) |
學術交流研討會 |
2008.05.20(週二) |
學術交流研討會 |
2008.05.21(週三) |
實驗室參觀 (光電所、凝態中心、校史館) |
2008.05.22(週四) |
文化之旅 (貓空纜車、自由廣場、101大樓、士林夜市) |
2008.05.23(週五) |
實驗室參觀 (國家同步幅射中心、友達光電) |
2008.05.24(週六) |
文化之旅 (故宮、淡水) |
2008.05.25(週日) |
南京大學代表團離開台灣 |
參與交流活動雙方學生於研討會後交換禮物並合影留念 |
SiGe Based Optoelectronics
T. -H. Cheng and C. W. Liu
Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University
(e-mail) chee@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw
It is a long sought goal to integrate ultra-large scale integrated (ULSI)
circuits with the electro-optics to possibly overcome the speed
limitation of electrical interconnects and to add extra
functionalities on Si chip. LEDs and detectors are essential devices
to achieve this goal. The most common material systems used for the
light-emitting technology are III-V-based systems. However, due to
the compatibility with Si electronics, the Si-based light emitters
are the holy grails for the full integration of electrical and
optical devices. Besides the 1.1μm
infrared emission from Si band edge, the addition of Ge into Si can
tune the optical characteristic to longer wavelength infrared
emission from ~1.1μm
to ~2.2μm
wavelength (Fig. 1). The wavelengths of ~1.3μm,
and ~2.2μm
infrared have been achieved by Si0.8Ge0.2
Quantum well, Si0.45Ge0.55 quantum dot, Si/Si0.2Ge0.8
type-II heterojunction MIS LED, respectively. Moreover, due to the
high carrier mobility, strong photon absorption, and possible
integration with Si, the Ge based optoelectronic device also
attracts great interest for scientific research and practical
applications, recently. We develop successfully a Ge MIS tunneling
diodes to serve both as a light emitter (~1.8μm)
and a photodetector at a suitable bias.
Figure 2 shows the EL spectra from an Al/SiO2/Ge MIS
tunneling diode under continuous-wave operation at room temperature.
The simulated line shapes from the electron-hole-plasma
recombination model have a good agreement with the experimental
data. The extracted band gaps using the electron hole plasma model
are 40 meV lower than the Ge band gap obtained from Varshni’s
equation from 65 to 345 K. This energy reduction is due to the
longitudinal acoustic (LA) and longitudinal optic (LO) phonon
replica in the radiative recombination, the band gap
renormalization, and a significant amount of heat locally at the
high injection current density. The inset of Fig. 2 depicts the
schematic band diagram of the MIS tunneling diode for EL operation.
At the positive gate voltage, an accumulation layer of majority
electrons is formed at the Ge/SiO2 interface. The
tunneling holes from the Al electrode recombine with electrons
accumulated at the Ge/SiO2 interface and result in the
radiative EL. Interface roughness, phonons, and the spread in
k-space due to localized electrons can provide the extra momentum
during the electron-hole-radiative recombination to emit the
When the MIS tunneling diode is biased at the inversion region, it
can serve as a photodetector. The typical dark and photo currents of
a bulk Ge (100) MIS photodetector under different wavelength
exposures are shown in Fig. 3. The Ge MIS photodetector has a
responsivity of 0.180 and 0.053 A/W at the wavelengths of 1310 and
1550 nm, respectively. The main reasons for the smaller responsivity
in the MIS structure are the interface states at the
insulator/semiconductor interface and the larger light reflectance
of Al electrode. The inset of Fig. 3 shows the band diagram of the
Ge MIS photodetector at inversion bias. The inversion bias can cause
the deep depletion region to collect the photo-generated carriers.
The minority carriers are generated in the deep depletion region,
tunnel from the active absorption layer to the Al gate electrode via
the trap-assisted tunneling of the LPD oxide, and form the
Data communication between the Ge MIS LED and the Ge MIS
photodetector is also demonstrated up to 15 Mbit/sec. The speed
limitation is mainly due to the function generator in our system and
can be enhanced with the high-speed modulator or detector. Other photodetectors such as GOG (Ge-on-Glass), GOI (Ge-on-Insulator), and
GOP (Ge-on-Polyimide) are also developed to reach the goal of low
cost, high speed, and extra functionality by wafer bonding and
smart-cut technique. Figure 4 shows the photograph of flexible GOP
structure. The thickness of the transferred Ge layer is about 1.6
and the surface roughness of the GOP structure is ~ 11 nm after the
smart-cut process. Al with a ring area was evaporated on Ge. Since
the Al ohmic contact has a large area (>0.1 cm2) and the
barrier height between Al and Ge is small (0.1 eV), the effect of
contact resistance is small.
The low-temperature (50℃)
liquid phase deposited (LPD) oxide and Pt gate were used as the gate
stack inside the Al ring.
As time goes by, the solar cell plays a more and more important role
to solve the energy crisis problem. In order to enhance the
efficiency of solar cell, the simulation of optimized grid space,
nano-texture structure, and external strain are added on the solar
cell. The optical methods such as photoluminescence (PL) and
electroluminescence (EL) are used to analysis the characteristics of
solar cell. Minority carrier lifetime and diffusion length can be
measured by temporal response of the electroluminescence and laser
beam induced current (LBIC) to analysis the solar cell
FIG. 1 The emission spectra of SiGe based
LEDs ( bulk Si, bulk Ge, SiGe QD, SiGe QW, and Si/SiGe
heterojunction). It covers the wavelength from 1.1 μm to
2.2 μm. |
FIG. 2. The measured electroluminescence
spectra of a bulk Ge
MIS LED at different temperatures. The
inset shows the schematic band diagram at the
accumulation positive bias for the Ge MIS LED. |
FIG. 3. The dark and photo
characteristics of a Ge
MIS photodetector under 1310 and 1550 nm
lightwave exposure. The inset shows the schematic band
diagram at the inversion
bias for the Ge MIS photodetector. |
Fig. 4 The photograph of flexible Ge-on-polyimide
structure after bending. The inset shows the device
structure. |