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發行人:黃升龍所長 編輯委員:蔡睿哲教授 主編:林筱文 發行日期:2008.03.03 | ||||||||||||||
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Advanced Numerical Modelling for Photonic-Crystal and Optical-Waveguide Structures Professor Hung-Chun Chang Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University 臺灣大學光電所張宏鈞教授 A novel analysis method based on a multidomain pseudospectral method is proposed for calculating the band diagrams of two-dimensional photonic crystals and is shown to possess excellent numerical convergence behavior and accuracy. The proposed scheme utilizes the multidomain Chebyshev collocation method. By applying Chebyshev-Lagrange interpolating polynomials to the approximation of spatial derivatives at collocation points, the Helmholtz equation is converted into a matrix eigenvalue equation which is then solved for the eigen frequencies by the shift inverse power method. Suitable multidomain division of the computational domain is performed to deal with general curved interfaces of the permittivity profile and field continuity conditions are carefully imposed across the dielectric interfaces. The proposed method shows uniformly excellent convergence characteristics for both the transverse-electric and transverse-magnetic waves in the analysis of different structures. The analysis of a mini band gap is also shown to demonstrate the extremely high accuracy of the proposed method. (Physical Review E, vol. 75, pp. 026703-1–026703-14, 20 February 2007.)
New full-vectorial optical waveguide eigenmode solvers using pseudospectral frequency-domain (PSFD) formulations for optical waveguides with arbitrary step-index profile are presented. Both Legendre and Chebyshev collocation methods are considered in the formulation. By applying Legendre-Lagrange or Chebyshev-Lagrange interpolating polynomials to the approximation of spatial derivatives at collocation points, the Helmholtz equations for the transverse-electric or transverse-magnetic components are converted into a matrix eigenvalue equation which is then solved for the eigenmodes by the shift inverse power method. Suitable multidomain division of the computational domain is arranged to deal with general curved interfaces of the refractive-index profile together with a curvilinear mapping technique for each subdomain so that field continuity conditions can be carefully imposed across the dielectric interfaces, which is essential in achieving high numerical accuracy. The solver is applied to the optical fiber for the assessment of its numerical performance, to the classical benchmark rib waveguide for comparing with existing high-accuracy results, and to the fused fiber structure for demonstrating its robustness in calculating the form birefingence. (IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 56–66, January 2008.)
A finite element method based eigenvalue algorithm is developed for the analysis of band structures of two-dimensional non-diagonal anisotropic photonic crystals under the in-plane wave propagation. The characteristics of band structures for the square and triangular lattices consisting of anisotropic materials are examined in detail and the intrinsic effect of anisotropy on the construction of band structures is investigated. We discover some interesting relationships of band structures for certain directions of the wave vector in the first Brillouin zone and present a theoretical explanation for this phenomenon. The complete band structures can be conveniently constructed by means of this concept. (Optics Express, vol. 15, no. 9, pp. 5416–5430, 30 April 2007.)
A full-vectorial finite element method based eigenvalue algorithm is developed to analyze the band structures of two-dimensional (2D) photonic crystals (PCs) with arbitray 3D anisotropy for in-plane wave propagations, in which the simple transverse-electric (TE) or transverse-magnetic (TM) modes may not be clearly defined. By taking all the field components into consideration simultaneously without decoupling of the wave modes in 2D PCs into TE and TM modes, a full-vectorial matrix eigenvalue equation, with the square of the wavenumber as the eigenvalue, is derived. We examine the convergence behaviors of this algorithm and analyze 2D PCs with arbitrary anisotropy using this algorithm to demonstrate its correctness and usefulness by explaining the numerical results theoretically. (Optics Express, vol. 15, no. 24, pp. 15797–15811, 26 November 2007.)
White-light light-emitting device based on surface plasmon-enhanced CdSe/ZnS nano-crystal wavelength conversion on a blue/green two-color light-emitting diode Professor C. C. Yang’s Group Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University 臺灣大學光電所楊志忠教授實驗室 We demonstrate the implementation of a white-light device by spin-coating CdSe/ZnS nano-crystals (NCs) on the top of a blue/green two-color InGaN/GaN quantum-well light-emitting diode for converting blue and green emissions into red light through the absorption/reemission process. Meanwhile, Au nano-particles (NPs) are mixed with CdSe/ZnS NCs for generating localized surface plasmon (LSP) modes to couple with the CdSe/ZnS NCs. The LSP modes can absorb green emission and effectively transfer the energy into the CdSe/ZnS NCs through the coupling process for enhancing red emission. With the LSP coupling process, the conversion efficiency from the blue/green range into red light can be increased by around 30 %. The conversion quantum efficiency can reach 52.8 %.
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寬能隙半導體實驗室---馮哲川教授 本實驗室主要專注在寬能隙半導體材料的應用及分析,其中以碳化矽(SiC)、氧化鋅(ZnO)及氮基半導體為主要研究對象,目前的發展重點如下: 功率與節能應用之塊狀與磊晶碳化矽的創新研究 碳化矽(SiC)在高功率和高溫度元件和節能電子系統中為一種具有吸引力的材料。在高溫,高功率,高頻率和高輻射的先進的節能電子元件中,多晶形態的碳化矽是相當有前瞻性的材料。碳化矽是唯一能被熱氧化形成高品質的二氧化矽的化合物半導體。它能使碳化矽功率電子元件和矽基積體電路科技相結合,開拓新世紀的微電子工程發展。然而碳化矽在台灣的研究發展和工業製造是非常弱的,不像矽基積體電路以及氮化鎵材料和III-V材料的發光二極體的案例那樣,在台灣研究發展和工業製造中占有重要市場佔有率。
矽基薄膜太陽電池界面、表面、缺陷與微結構特性研究 眾所皆知,台灣本身就是一個缺乏能源的國家,所以開闢新能源就是一個十分重要的課題。在人類的生活世界裡,電能消耗是很厲害的,例如,大量電能在各種變電站,電力轉換匣,功能電子元件中被無功地消耗掉。如果我們能發展出新型太陽電池元件,且能工作在惡劣環境下,那將是一即好的解決方法。我們計畫發展新型高效率矽薄膜太陽電池研究以服務於台灣及人類社會。
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— 資料提供:影像顯示光電科技特色人才培育中心•影像顯示科技知識平台 — — 整理:林晃巖教授、陳冠宇 —
雖然2008年初消費性電子展電漿顯示器陣營紛紛推出超薄型電漿電視,然而電漿顯示器陣營所展示機種的厚度仍然不若LCD或OLED面板/TV般那麼薄。以目前電漿顯示器所用玻璃基板厚度2.8 mm來計算,因電漿顯示器同時需使用2片玻璃基板,故僅是玻璃基板厚度即達到5.6 mm,此外尚需計算2片電漿顯示器前、後基板中間阻隔壁的厚度0.15 mm。
然而目前有一種與電漿顯示器發光原理相似的PTA顯示器,其整體面板厚度可達到僅1 mm。PTA的全名為Plasma Tube Array, 從字面上的意思可了解到其發光原理與電漿顯示器相同,但又為「管狀」陣列的顯示器。電漿管陣列(PTA)顯示器的基本結構,在直徑1mm真空玻璃管內,依序製作放電保護膜、螢光體、放電氣體,形成與電漿顯示器完全相同的發光結構。上述真空玻璃管稱為電漿管(Plasma Tube),電漿管依照R、G、B複數排列,正面與底部分別粘貼設有電極的透明外部電極基板,因此,PTA面板有如眾多併列的玻璃細管,再加上Film狀的電極覆蓋上去所組成。電漿管是利用包覆玻璃管壁形成的放電空間,利用顯示電極與位址電極施加電壓,形成與AC型電漿顯示器的3電極放電結構完全相同的電極構造。除了使用傳統電漿顯示器的灰階驅動技術,亦即ADS(Address Display-period Separation)次場界(sub field)技術之外,同時還直接沿用電漿顯示器的驅動電路基本結構與電極驅動IC等關鍵性周邊元件。直徑1mm的真空玻璃管以R、G、B一組為單位構成間距3 mm的畫素,接著在水平方向並排設置1000~2000個畫素(總長度大約是3~6 m),就能夠獲得相當於對角尺寸150~250英吋超大型畫面。
PTA顯示器主要開發廠商為「篠田Plasma株式會社」, 該會社是取名自該會社代表取締役會長、有電漿之父稱號「篠田傳」的姓。篠田傳於1973年任職於富士通株式會社,自此以後皆從事電漿顯示器研究開發工作,其於電漿顯示器成就包括於1983年發明彩色電漿顯示器的基本構造,1992年開發世界第1台21吋全彩電漿顯示器等。篠田傳於2005年6月成立篠田Plasma株式會社,專門研發與製造PTA顯示器,PTA試製品第1次在2007年日本尖端資訊與電子展 (Cutting-Edge IT & Electronics Comprehensive Show) 公開亮相,該顯示器為43吋、重量僅800公克。2008年1月底,篠田Plasma株式會社一改過去單打獨鬥的態勢,開始與「株式會社ULVAC」、「藤森工業株式會社」、「大電株式會社」策略聯盟。篠田Plasma株式會社除與上述3家廠商在PTA顯示器領域進行生產與技術上的合作外,並獲得資金方面的挹注。「株式會社ULVAC」為負責開發PTA顯示器相關的生產設備,而該公司並出資1億日圓(約93.6萬日圓)予篠田Plasma株式會社;在此之前,株式會社ULVAC主要是平面顯示器的設備裝置製造公司。「藤森工業株式會社」則負責film狀電極的開發,並出資5,000萬日圓(約46.8萬日圓),該公司同時製造可降低光線反射的電漿顯示器用濾光片(filter)。「大電株式會社」主要為從事螢光體材料的開發,螢光體材料幾乎與電漿顯示器完全相同,其出資金額為4,000萬日圓(約37.5萬美元)。
PTA的優點在於PTA面板厚度不到電漿顯示器的1/5、重量亦為一般電漿顯示器 的1/10、耗電量僅為同尺寸電漿顯示器的1/2、且不需大型生產設備及無塵室設施等;相對而言,LCD與電漿顯示器隨玻璃基板大型化,投資金額呈等比級數增加。雖然PTA 顯示器容易可達到100吋以上的大螢幕,然而現階段最明顯的缺點為解析度不夠精細,2個畫素之間的間距即高達3 mm,故初期與LED顯示器同,將先行導入公用顯示器市場,又PTA顯示器具超薄、輕量、低耗電量、可撓等特性,故能放置於屋頂天花板上、嵌入地板內、貼附在彎曲狀的牆壁或圓柱狀物體上、及製作成超寬型螢幕(例如賽馬場、足球場用途)等。
新聞出處: http://www.digitimes.com.tw/n/article.asp?id=0000081458_A7H2SD3XDT6LN5S7W86SW http://tech.digitimes.com.tw/print.aspx?zNotesDocId=0000050718_B6JLFZ8FRX0EUT29ADUJI http://big5.nikkeibp.co.jp/china/news/flat/flat200711010116.html | ||||||||||||||
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