发行人:杨志忠所长    编辑委员:蔡睿哲教授    主编:林筱文    发行日期:2006.12.01

最新消息与活动公告   所务公告及活动花絮   特别报导   人物专访   实验室介绍   健康小站






日期 讲者简介 讲题 地点 时间


John E. Bowers

ECE Department

University of California Santa Barbara

Silicon Evanescent Photonic Integrated Circuits


201 会议室



Prof. Chi H. Lee (李齐湘)

University of Maryland, College Park, U.S.A.

Polymer Photonics


101 演讲厅








-From Electronics to Spintronics-The world is spinning




"Digital Lifestyle Innovation and Venture Investment"

             "a personal perspective by an Angel"












此次会议的内容,大约可以分成六部分:()氮化物的成长、量测、分析,()奈米结构的成长、量测、分析,()发光组件,()有机发光二极管,()波导与非线性光学,()砷化铟镓半导体。在三十分钟的口头报告中,内容包含介绍自己实验室与个人研究题目。由于对双方的研究生而言,大多数人是第一次发表如此长的英文口头报告,除了发表自己学术研究上的成果外,还兼需简介自己所属实验室的研究方向与贡献,大家都以紧张、谨慎的态度准备并完成此次的演讲。会议结束后紧接着是韩国大型实验室的参访,包括首尔大学内的 ISRC (Inter-university Semiconductor Research Center) 与位于首尔郊区的 KANC (Korea Advanced Nano Fab Center)。此次参访让我们体验到韩国的研究环境以及研究精神。



我方代表团与会教授、研究生与韩国主办教授 Prof. Euijoon Yoon 合影




刘致为教授 (C. W. Liu)

Prof. Liu was born in Taipei, Taiwan, 1963.

He received both the B.S. and M.S. degree in electrical engineering from National Taiwan University in 1985 and 1987, respectively. He received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Princeton University in 1994.

He was with the department of Electrical Engineering, National Chung-Hsing University in 1994-95. He has joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan University as an associate Professor since 1996. In 2001, he became a full Professor.

Prof. Liu also led a SiGe project in ERSO/ITRI through a special arrangement between NTU and ITRI as a research director with the rank of senior full researcher from 2001 to 2005.

The research in Prof. Chee Wee Liu’s group is based on the SiGe:C and strained Si/high-K/metat gate, including (1) CMOS and Bipolar circuit design using (strained) Si CMOS and Si/SiGe:C HBTs; (2) device modeling and simulation on Strained Si/Ge FET, HBT, and optoelectronics devices; (3) CMOS optoelectronics with detector, emitter and waveguide; (4) material technologies such as SOI, GeOI, SSDOI, smart-cut, buckling quantum wells, nano-mechanics, and strained-SiGe:C; and (5) the rapid thermal processors for RTA, RTO, RTCVD, and wafer bonding. The strained Si/high-K/metal gate is intentionally to bypass the red brick wall on the ITRS roadmap, but the novel applications such as optoelectronics application are also focused. To lower the cost of strained Si technology, special local strain (process strain) technologies are being developed with calibrated process simulation.

  1. CMOS Image sensor / Circuit Design and Processing

    • (Strained) Si CMOS and Si/SiGe HBT Design:
      Strained Si device has a speed enhancement of 10-20%. The circuits such as ring oscillator and trans-impedance amplifier (TIA) is being optimized to use the strained Si devices. For pure bipolar, the power amplifer (PA) for 802.11a+b+g is being developed by using low cost SiGe HBTs. The integrated Photodetectors and TIA are being developed.

    • CMOS Image Sensor:
      An image sensor is a device that converts visual image to an electric signal. It is used chiefly in digital cameras and other imaging devices. It is usually an array of charge-coupled devices or CMOS sensors. CMOS sensors have some advantages over CCDs. They can be fabricated using common CMOS methods, which are less costly, and they use less power in operation. Although initially used in less expensive cameras, the quality of CMOS sensors has improved steadily.

  2. Strained-Si / Ge FET Process

The superior transport property of Ge can reach high performance target in the future CMOS technology. However, the cost and unstable Germanium oxide make it difficult to replace Si as industry mainstream. Recently, the structure of ultra thin Ge epitaxially directly grown on Si with compressive strain was proposed. The advantages of high mobility, low cost and compatibility with CMOS process are promising in the future technology.

  1. Device Modeling and Simulation:

    • Device Modeling:
      BSIM and Mextram models are being developed to take the strain and optical effects into account for RF and high speed digital applications. Strained Si and MOS photodetector modeling are performed in 3-D and SOI simulations.

    • Device Simulation:
      Simulations on heterojunction structure of strained-Si/Ge devices are proposed. Finite element analyses of ISE-TACD and ANSYS are used to simulate Ge FET and MOS LED/GOI detector theoretically.

  2. CMOS Optoelectronics (including source, detector, and waveguide):

The LED and photodetectors, and waveguides using available CMOS technology have been our focus since 1996. Now the LED efficiency, circuit integration, and speed are being improved with nanotechnolgy -enhancements such as Ge/SiC/SiGe quantumd dots, surface plasmom, high-K dielectrics, nanoroughness. Extremely small, highly efficient, and VLSI integratable devices are main purpose of this study. The high-K material research is focused on these novel applications as well as gate stacks.

  1. Materials:

New SOI, GeOI, SSDOI material using smart cut, wafer bonding, and nano-mechanics are developed for future device applications. New properties of buckled material and nano-strained material are found and will be incorporated to future device design.

  1. RTP Equipments:

Beside the well-equipped functions such as RTA, RTO, RTCVD, a new wafer bonding technique is developed, and other novel RTP functions will be installed. The uniformity and throughput is the current research focus.

  1. Mechanical Strained TFTs:

Strained-Si technology has been used extensively as the mainstream Si industry. The method to enhance drive current and mobility of TFTs by external mechanical strain is proposed.

  1. Optical Commuincation Front-end:

Integrated detector and TIA

  1. Optical Interconnect

The machine has the standard MESC interface, and it can be combined with cluster tool. Now it has functions of rapid thermal oxidation, rapid thermal annealing, chemical vapor deposition, and very high vacuum cleaning, and they can be performed in the same machine.

1. 2003-2005 Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, Taiwan. (国科会杰出研究奖)

2. 2003, 2004 Outstanding Research Award, ERSO/ITRI.

3. Six-time recipients of research award, National Science Council, Taiwan (1995-2000).

4. Invited talk:

205th, 206th (two talks) ECS (Meeting of the Electrochemical Society) , 2004;

2nd ISTDM (International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting), 2004;

10th SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology), 2003;

International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, 2003.

5. (sub)committee member:

Technical program chair, 4th (2008) ISTDM (International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting);

2007 International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS);

5th ICSI (International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures), 2007;

4th ICSI (International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures), 2005;

1st (2003), 2nd (2004) and 3rd (2006) ISTDM (International SiGe Technology and Device Meeting);

206th (2004), 210th (2006) ECS (SiGe: Materials, Processing, and Devices Symposium, Meeting of the Electrochemical Society);

VLSI/TSA (International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications), 2003, 2004;

15th IIT (International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology), 2004;

SSDM (International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials), 2004;

SMTW (Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology Workshop), 2002, 2003, 2004.

IEDMS (International Electron Devices and Materials Symposium), Taiwan, 2002.

6. IEEE Senior Member (M'99-SM'00)

7. Visiting Professor, Lucent, Bell Labs, 2001; National University of Singapore, 2004.

8. 发表在电子月刊作品「硅锗技术」一文 荣获机械 电机 化工 电子月刊评比金笔奖佳作。

9. 指导学生华伟君及余承晔參与「高效能之形变硅異质结构互补式金氧半场效晶体管」案获得93 年工研院电子所「杰出创新奖」。

10. 指导学生余承晔參与「免除硅锗缓冲层之在硅上压缩应变锗且利用硅表层保护P 型场效晶体管」案获得


11. 指导学生袁锋获得2004 年度SRC Fellowship (US$1,700x12/year+tuition)

12. 指导学生郭平升論文「金氧半光侦测器」获得93 年度国立台湾大学科林論文奖硕士班组优等奖。

13. 指导学生张书通論文「创新硅基材料与组件之物理与应用」获得九十二年度国立台湾大学科林論文奖博


14. Organization committee member, The 15th International Conference on Ion Implantation 2004.

15. Organizer: 2002 Taiwan 1st SiGe workshop.

16. 荣获2002 SRC (Semiconductor Research Corporation) Cross-Disciplinary Semiconductor Research (CSR)

      Program award of US$ 40,000 to the “CMOS optoelectronics” project.

17. 2001 荣获中国电机工程学会之「优秀青年电机工程师奖」。

18. 指导学生陈冠復論文「利用氧化层的粗糙度增强金氧半组件的光电可靠度特性之研究」获得中国电机工


19. 中华民国台湾半导体产业协会半导体学生委员会委员。

20. 工研院电子所研究组长及资深正研究员,研发用于40G/bit 之晶体管及85013001550 nm 的光侦测器。

21. APL/JAP, IEEE trans. VLSI; robotics and automation, IEEE Electronic Device Letters, and Material Chemistry

      and Physics: Reviewer.

22. 1995-2000 六次国科会甲种奖

23. Best paper award, Material Chemistry and Physics, 2001.

24. The 1st place winner of Best Student Paper Award, ISDRS (International Semiconductor Device Research

      Symposium), 2001. C.-H. Lin, M. H. Lee, B.-C. Hsu, K.-F. Chen, C.-R. Shie, and C. W. Liu, “Oxide Roughness

      Enhanced Reliability of MOS Tunneling Diodes,” ISDRS Proceedings, pp. 46-49, 2001.

25. 指导学生林崇勋論文「超薄氧化层电性分析与增强可靠度之氘制程研究」获得国科会90 年度硕士論文


26. 指导学生林崇勋論文「超薄氧化层电性分析与增强可靠度之氘制程研究」获得中国电机工程学会青年論


27. Lam thesis award: 林崇勋 劉致为, 科林論文头等奖, 論文题目「超薄氧化层电性分析与增强可靠度之氚制

      程研究」, 2001.

28. Lam thesis award: 劉岳修 劉致为, 科林論文优等奖, 論文题目「超高真空快热机台之制造及其成长之超薄

      氧化层,多晶硅,硅锗之特性研究」, 2001.

29. Session chair, IEDMS (International Electronic Device and Material Symposium), Chung-Li, Taiwan, Dec.,


30. Best student paper award, SNDT (Symposium on Nano Device Technology), 2001 (佳作 台湾大学电机系林崇

      ), C. H. Lin, M. H. Lee, and C. W. Liu, “New Experimental Evidences for the Relation between Si-H/D Bond

      Desorption and Injected Electron Energy in NMOS Tunneling Diodes,” 2001.

31. 指导学生林奕成論文「金氧半穿隧发光二极管之制作与特性量测」获得中国电机工程学会青年論文奖第


32. 指导学生劉威廷获第一届力玮创新論文入围奖。論文名称「MOS 穿透二极管电流传导机制之详细研究并

      应用于光侦测器及LDMOS 之模拟」。

33. Lam thesis award: 指导学生曾扬玳硕士論文,获科林論文优等奖,論文题目「快热制程机台制作与硅锗碳

      模块技术」, 1999.


The Si CMOS has market size of ~200B USD in 2004. Without killer applications, it will be difficult to further increase its market size. The display has ~40B USD market size. Si can increase its market size by replacing the current technologies used in the display. The low cost and mature Si technologies can hopefully make LED display to outperform the TFTLCD in the display market. The indirect bandgap of Si and Ge makes the light emission from Si or Ge to be very inefficient (efficiency far less than a percent), and the bandgap of Si and Ge also limits the emission wavelength to infrared region (1.1 to 2 mm). We have tried very hard in the past decade to pump out the visible light from bulk Si by creating the hot electron/hot hole radiative recombination with the photon energy in the visible light range. Note that the switching speed of bulk Si MOS LED was around the order of m second, according to our previous results. This speed is sufficient for display applications. The quantum confinement of Si(Ge) nanocrystallite can have theoretical life time of ns.

The III-V LED (light emitting diode) display is limited by cost and size and only has niche applications of the display market. The direct bandgap engineering and nanocrystallite Ge(Si) can potentially tune the emission wavelength into visible wavelength, and can increase the light emission efficiency to ~10%. The m sec speed of MOSLED is sufficient for display applications. Due to the emission location from the nanocrystllite embedded in the oxide of the MOS LED. The Si wafer is not necessary and a metal-anode/oxide with embedded nanocrystallite /metal-cathode (MIM LED) is proposed to inject carriers from Schottky barriers. This MIM LED can be potentially fabricated on glass substrate with the size comparable with TFTLCD. This technology will enable Si to share the display markets with TFTLCD technology.

v 刘教授对于同学们在学习方面有下列的建议:  

1. 风檐展书读,古道照颜色

2. Team work is the most important.













三、超高电流之ZnO TFT


可挠式ZnO-based 透明TFT

软性电子组件具有轻薄、可挠、耐冲击 之特性,适用于行动电话PDANotebook等可携式。本研究是在塑料基板上制作以氧化锌为通道层之可挠式透明薄膜晶体管(Transparent Thin Film Transistors, TTFT),由于氧化锌具有易于在低温下利用溅渡法沉积于各种基板上的优点,因此可将TTFT制程温度降低以符合塑料基板本身的温度限制。


我们与工研院合作,对pentacene有机晶体管做交流讯号分析及模型建立,目前对于C-V profile 已发展出一套定性的模型,此模型与一般crystalline 晶体管在C-V 上有特性上的差别。






日前在电视节目上报导,在睡前空腹吃两颗鱼肝油(要有 OMEGA 3 的成份),配上50~100㏄红酒,可以消除小腹依据电视上医生的说法是:可以促进新陈代谢率,加速脂肪的分解。

请问:(1) 是否此法可行?

             (2) 成人一天鱼肝油的摄取量要多少才适当呢?男女有差别吗?

             (3) 鱼肝油中含的脂溶性维生素A、D、K,摄取过量是否会造成身体负担?无法自行由体内排出?


中国医药学院减重门诊主治医师 王国哲医师

1睡前吃鱼油加两杯红酒能消小腹当然是道听涂说含有 OMEGA 3 鱼油的鱼肝油属于健康食品,曾经有些







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