發行人:楊志忠所長    編輯委員:蔡睿哲教授    主編:林筱文    發行日期:2006.03.01

最新消息與活動公告    人物專訪    實驗室介紹    所務公告及活動花絮    特別報導    健康小站





歡迎本所新學期來訪之客座教授:Dr. Ian T. Ferguson∼

光電所本學期自三月一日起,特聘知名光電學者Dr. Ian T. Ferguson來校開設「固態照明」之課程。Dr. Ferguson為英國蘇格蘭聖安德晉大學半導體物理博士,現任教於美國喬治亞理工學院。Professor Ferguson專長為寬能隙材料與氮化鎵材料相關元件(含發光、檢光及電子元件),尤其著重應用於照明與自旋電子之材料發展,其在光電科技方面的豐富學養必能使同學受益良多,歡迎同學踴躍選修該課程。

對於Professor Ferguson個人資料有興趣者,可參見網頁:http://www.ece.gatech.edu/faculty/fac_profiles/bio.php?id=34





黃升龍教授1986年畢業於台大電機系,服役後,赴馬里蘭大學攻讀電機碩士,並於1993年獲得博士學位,專長為以超短脈衝雷射量測微波/毫米波積體電路之高頻特性,旋即返國任教於草創之中山大學光電所,主要研究方向是在雷射、非線性光學及其應用,曾開發出如小姆指一個指節大小的高效率固態綠光雷射,獲得國科會召開記者會公開發表,目前已由多家廠商量產成功,甚且獲得美國軍方之訂單,也以此項成果獲得教育部所頒發的產學合作獎。近7年來,黃教授致力於開發晶體光纖技術,展示出極寬頻的光纖放大器,為光通訊產業現用技術之5倍,目前已申請歐、美、日等7國專利。黃教授在中山大學期間指導了12位博士生,60位碩士生,獲得多次各項光電研討會之優良學生論文獎、國科會碩士論文獎及光通訊產業聯盟所頒發的卓越研究獎。來台大任教後,黃教授將以晶體光纖為技術平台,繼續開發其在生醫、奈米、通訊、雷射之前瞻應用。目前黃教授亦是中華民國光學工程學會之理事、IEEE/LEOS台北分會之主席及Optics Letters期刊在光學量測及元件領域之編輯。


v 教授對於同學們在學習方面有下列的建議:  







           楊志忠教授研究課題: 1. 氮化物奈米結構磊晶生長

                                2. 寬能隙半導體奈米結構之超快與奈米光學研究及材料分析

                                3. 白光發光二極體研製

                                4. 表面電漿波晶體與光子晶體研製

                                5. 生醫光電—光學同調斷層掃瞄



採用自威科(VEECO)儀器公司所生產之P75有機金屬氣相沉積系統(MOCVD)為本實驗室一核心實驗設備,用以成長高品質氮化物(Nitride)材料。此系統中,主要可分為垂直式生長腔(Vertical Reactor)、氣體傳送系統(Gas Delivery System)、排氣系統(Exhaust System)和可程式化邏輯控制電路(PLC),藉由控制腔體內的溫度(Temperature)、流量(Flow rate)、壓力(Pressure)和晶圓承載盤轉速(Disc rotation speed)來達到最佳化的材料生長條件。相較於一般水平式生長腔(Horizontal reactor)系統,本系統配備的高速承載盤,在高轉速(1500rpm-2000rpm)下配合適當的壓力和溫度,氣漩可在磊晶板(Wafer)上方形成穩定和薄的邊界層(Boundary layer),藉此生長出高品質的氮化物材料和絕佳介面特性的發光元件。

目前本實驗室主要的研究領域為全半導體白光二極體元件生長、氮化銦鎵量子點(InGaN quantum dots)及氮化銦(InN),目前商用的白光元件普遍利用短波長藍、紫光二極體激發螢光粉技術來達到白光,然而此技術不但有能量損失的問題,螢光粉專利更掌握在國外大廠手中,發展全半導體白光源除可免除專利問題外,如能在長晶技術上有所突破,元件效率可超越商用白光光源。成長氮化銦鎵量子點為另一重要課題,相較於傳統塊材(bulk)和量子井(Quantum well)結構,量子點結構具有較高的內部量子效率(Internal quantum efficiency)及窄頻譜特性,對於提高元件效率、降低雷射起始電流具有正面助益,未來更可進一步製作成單光子光源(Single photon source)。此外,由近幾年的研究顯示,氮化銦具有高mobility特性,非常適用於高速元件,有機會成為最高效率相對上廉價的太陽能材料,在此能源議題受重視之際,成長高品質氮化銦材料也成為本實驗室的重要研究主題。



我們自行製作試片,然後使用本校材料系提供的100KEV CXII電子顯微鏡觀察試片薄區,並利用離子薄化機將薄區薄化出完整的試片薄區,當試片薄化完成之後,我們會將試片送進於國科會台大貴重儀器中心的場發射槍300kev穿透式電子顯微鏡,在此300kevTEM儀器裡,我們可以觀察試片薄區的高解析像,並做Two-Beam Image的拍攝,或是做Spot Size 6nm~8nm左右的EDS分析,高解析像可以拍攝到標準尺2nm的影像,可以清楚的呈現試片材料原子的繞射成像排列,進而觀察薄區的奈米結構,而拍攝Two-Beam image照片可以利用SSA影像分析軟體處理原子聚集對發光特性的影響,本實驗室對於研究量子井的奈米結構與多層量子井層與層之間的長晶成長過程影響有多年的研究成果。目前本實驗室研究之對象包括氮化物及氧化鋅等奈米結構材料。


三、光激螢光(Photolumnescence, PL)量測

主要設備有325nm cw He-Cd雷射,二倍頻Ti:sapphire超短脈衝雷射,四倍頻Nd:YAG雷射,0.5m單光儀,鎖相放大器,低溫真空系統,電子冷卻式CCD偵測器,近紫外光長工作距離物鏡,影像監測系統等 。主要研究為分析氮化銦鎵材料量子井和發光二極體在不同長晶條件或元件結構差異下的溫變光學特性,以提供長晶團隊所需的相關技術資訊;另外也用於量子井和表面電漿波耦合用以提高量子井內部量子效率相關研究的實驗分析。可量測頻譜範圍涵蓋近紫外光到紅外光波段(~300nm to ~2mm)。




我們實驗室應用時間解析光譜(Time-resolved spectroscopy)技術研究發光材料的光學特性,研究方向在於探討發光材料載子動力學包括:電子電洞結合放光所需的時間、電子電洞在結合放光前電子與電子及電子與聲子的交互作用,最主要的實驗可分為兩個部分:

(一)    Time-resolved PhotonluminescenceTRPL

應用飛秒雷射(Ti:sappire Laser)、streak camera(時間解析為50 ps)及低溫系統,進行時間解析光致螢光在室溫與變溫的實驗。利用這套系統我們成功的研究出在InGaN/GaN的多重量子井中,電子與電洞結合放光所需的時間與材料的特性(quantum confined Stark effectIn-rich clusterpiezoelectric filed)有很大的關係;此外,在不同濃度及矽摻雜條件下其發光特性也會有所變化。對於氧化鋅(ZnO)薄膜的研究,我們建立了一個四能階的模型來解釋在自由激子、施體激子、雙激子以及施體束縛雙激子間的載子流動。

(二)    fs Pump-probe spectroscopy

將飛秒雷射分成兩道同步光源,一為激發光源另一道為探測光源,在兩道光源間的時間延遲下探討載子在發光材料上被激發後的鬆弛機制(relaxation),其時間解析為兩道光源的Cross correlation約為 150 fs。結合TRPL的實驗結果,我們成功的建立InGaN/GaN多重量子井的載子動力學機制的研究。此外,我們也建立了一套非簡併pump-probe實驗系統,成功的研究出在InGaN薄膜中載子在激發後被In-rich cluster捕獲所需的時間約為600~700 fs



本實驗室從事氮化合物材料物元件研究,利用黃光製程、乾式蝕刻技術(ICP-RIE dry etching technique)和高真空蒸鍍技術製作氮化合物材料系列之發光二極體,包括藍光、綠光、黃光及紅光發光二極體,涵蓋可見光發光波段,見下圖。在商業上白光發光二極體係在藍光發光二極體上塗抹石榴粉,使得石榴粉吸收藍光,放出黃光,同時,藍光和黃光混合產生白光,但由於只有兩色混合,故有演色性(Color-rending)低的缺點。我們實驗室成功製作全半導體白光發光二極體,係利用有機金屬氣相沉積(MOCVD)成長藍光、綠光量子井結構發光二極體,利用半導體製程技術製作藍綠光發光二極體後,在其上塗抹硒化鎘材料的奈米晶粒,使硒化鎘奈米晶體吸收藍光後放出紅光。另外,我們成功地在藍光發光材料上製作微米週期孔洞,增加放光表面積,加強藍光吸收轉換成紅光量子效應。另外,我們也探討氮化物在奈米尺寸結構下之物理特性,係利用電子束微影技術和乾式蝕刻技術在藍光氮化銦鎵材料上製作出直徑為10nm、高度為180nm的奈米柱,利用nano-PL研究其光學特性。目前,本實驗室正從事於氮化鎵系列光子晶體(Photonic crystal)及表面電漿晶體(Surface plasmonic crystal)研究。




我們也從事光電元件之設計分析與數值模擬的技術發展,目前已建立的電磁模擬技術包括Finite difference time domain methodFDTD)、Plane wave expansion methodPWM)、Moment methodMoM)、Finite difference Frequency domain methodFDFT)與Coupled-wave methodCWM)等適用性高的模擬方法,並且不斷改良數值技術與發展運用層面。實驗室在光子晶體波導、微共振腔等光電元件模擬設計上已有相當成果,目前正研究Surface Plasmon Resonance現象在光電元件上的運用發展,針對提高InGaN MQW半導體發光效率、metallic photonic band-gap waveguide等新式光電元件進行研究。



本實驗室的研究著重在光學同調斷層掃描系統的發展,此技術有別於其他掃瞄技術,例如:超音波、核磁共振(MRI)、顯微術檢測方式,它同時具有高解析度、高速、以及較深穿透深度等優點,並利用非侵入式的光學掃描重建組織二維或三維結構。實驗室的發展重點包含能達到高速掃描的頻域光學同調斷層掃描(Spectral-domain Optical coherence Tomography, SDOCT)、偏振敏感式光學同調斷層掃描(Polarization-sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography, PSOCT)、二倍頻光學同調斷層掃描(Second Harmonic Optical Coherence Tomography, SHOCT)、高解析度光學同調斷層掃描(High-resolution Optical Coherence Tomography)以及利用多次掃描來達到高解析度的光學同調斷層掃描技術,其中若是生物組織具有雙折射的特性便可藉由PSOCT來觀察得知,這是一般掃瞄系統無法得到的資訊,而SHOCT對於組織結構的對稱性具有相當高的敏感性,這兩種系統屬於觀測生物參數的OCT,然而發展這些技術的最終目標就是為了能夠直接應用在臨床上。另外除了光電技術的發展外,我們已將某些技術實際應用於生物組織量測及臨床應用,其中包括眼球、皮膚、脂肪肝以及心血管病變的研究,並配合特殊設計的掃描探頭應用於臨床口腔癌的早期診斷。

實驗設備包含了多套雷射光源:一套Cr: Forsterite laser、三套鈦藍寶石雷射(Ti: sapphire laser)及兩套SLD光源:中心波長分別為950nm1300nm,另有光譜儀、光纖接機、一維及二維CCDPZT 致動器、檢光器、光電調變器、光學掃描器、電子濾波器、步進馬達、信號產生器、高速數據擷取卡、影像擷取卡、以及示波器等等。





姓名 開會日期 事由 會議名稱 地點

2006.01.08 - 01.11





2006.01.23 - 01.27





2006.01.21 - 01.26







Prof. Silvano Donati and Mrs. Donati


When I accepted to come and spend a semester of Visiting Professor at the GIEOE, I got only a vague idea of Taiwan. At that time, I was a professor that, after having worked hard for 20-year to grow up my Group of researchers in Electro-Optics, had suddenly decided that it was time to escape the routine and devote some time in expanding my cultural horizon. More than the US, for me it was the Pacific Rim the best place to go and try to understand what is new in

the world and where the world is going and why. Taiwan, this small island where a population of half the Italian  is packed, holds a leadership position in the high-tech manufacturing of electronic products, and thus it strongly attracted me and my wife Tiziana, an electronic engineer, like me very curious about R&D issues and industrial management.

So, like novel Marco Polo’s, we packed our books and headed to Taipei, where Professor C.C. Yang was offering to me a Visiting position for a semester.

While I was delivering my lessons on Guang-Dien-Yi-Che (Electro-Optical Instrumentation) at the GIEOE of the National Taiwan University, Tiziana sat patiently in the office collecting and organizing her notes for a book she had in mind since a couple of years but had no time to pursue, on RF-ID and Wireless Networks Microsystems.

What a surprise for her, when we drop to the underground the first time, to discover that RF-ID where already in use there, while it is just being planned in Italy!

By the way, the Taipei MRT is really fine, it is probably one of the best we have seen in the world, because fast, clean and cheap.

For me, a nice surprise was getting a class of Master and PhD students, sharp and bright, very interested in my lessons and not losing a word of my lessons despite the language barrier, a barrier that I never realized enough until being confronted with trying to speak Chinese words!

About languages, we appreciated a lot finding English language signs in the road and in the MRT, and we owe congratulations to the municipality of Taipei for that. Also, the effort to teach English as a second language for Taiwanese is very commendable. Nowhere in other Asian Country common people in the road understands English so well. Also, the level of English speaking of students and educated people is really quite high, even better than in many European countries.

Another pleasant discovery we got, early upon our arrival in September, was Confucius Day. Expressing gratitude to the elder scholars who takes care of the education of you or of your children is a sign of great and fine civilization, something that is sadly fading away in Europe on the wave of criticism to establishment and hierarchies. Along the same way, the ‘core values’ signs I saw in the Department are reminders of behavior style that fits very well in a model of society respectful of ‘good moral values’, a pleasant rediscovery for us European used to live with the ‘politically correct’ and its distortions.

Also very appreciated by us was the level of personal safety around the town, as well as the good manners in the behavior of both adults and children. As we have understood after a brief brainstorming, all the above come from the mental attitude of Asian people, because it is an easy consequence of values like ‘have a peaceful mind’ and ‘stay in harmony with the world surrounding you’. And really, as European, we realize how precious these simple words are.

About my teaching, it went on plain and easy, thanks to the aid and the feedback of Cheng-Yen (Robert) Chen, my teaching assistant. He patiently sat at my lessons listening carefully and signaling to me when to slow down, and when to complement the topics covered with a ‘back-to-basic’ excursus. He also planned with me the midterm and the final examination problems, and helped in reviewing and evaluating the exams.

During my classes, while I have not interacted so much with Professor C. C. Yang, the Chairman of the GIEOE, I felt his constant presence, because his Swiss-clock organization of the Institute was the clue for a smoothly running activity.

And also the GIEOE office, with Mr. Wu, Angela, Li-Chi, Karen and Effie were all supportive and wonderful in turning each problem into easy matter. I learned that, during the years, the Institute has grown in number of students and has attracted a lot of new Professors with very high qualification. So I think that I shall heartily thank Professor Yang for the excellent environment he has been able to create around us in the Institute.

Another rising star that I met with great pleasure is Professor Sheng-Lung (Luke) Huang, formerly at the Sun Yat Sen University in Kaoshiung and now with the GIEOE. As a Chairman of the Taiwan IEEE-LEOS Chapter, I met him and had the opportunity to become acquainted with his cutting-edge research on crystal fibers.

Other Professors that I knew at the GIEOE and I had a great pleasure to discuss science with, include Hung-Chun Chang, Guo-Dung Su, Lung-Han Peng, Chi-Kuang Sun, Jiun-Haw Lee and Jui-Che Tsai. Last but not least, the Dean of the EECS College, Prof. Soo-Chang Pei, was proactive in letting me understand similarities and differences of the Taiwan University organization compared to the Italian.

On her side, my wife Tiziana was interested in the techno-economical structure of the many Companies operating in electronic manufacture in Taiwan. A big surprise to us, opening a daily newspaper like the Taipei Times, was to find listed in the bond quotation page, more companies in electronics than we have in Italy! So, she (and me too) tried to analyze the reason of this success. The result, after a period of visits, data collection and interviews, was an article entitled ‘Alta  Tecnologia e Ricerca in Taiwan – il Miracolo Economico’ (High Tech and Research in Taiwan: the Economic Miracle) which is going to appear on the official Magazine of  the Italian Electronic Engineer Association (AEIT). Indeed, the situation in Taiwan today resembles that of Italy after the World War II, when the infrastructures of the country were seriously damaged, but people were eager to reconstruct and restart the economy, which got a so wonderful takeoff to be named ‘il miracolo italiano’ (the Italian Miracle). For Taiwan, the reasons are different but anyway it is the fortunate blend of very-good-management, expertise-and-skill, and low-cost-of-manpower to make the winning recipe which is under the envious eyes of the world.

In the spare time I got also the opportunity of visiting the island, touring from Kenting to Kaoshiung, from Tainan to Sun-Moon Lake and to Hualien. But, also Taipei City is great, starting from the 101 building, a beautiful piece of architecture merging modern style and Chinese flavor, and for sure a bold civil engineering achievement of which Taiwanese can be proud! We also enjoyed the National Palace Museum, with the beautiful jade sculptures and the ancient pots, the Chan Kai Shek Memorial Hall, the Sun Yat Sen gardens, and the central zone around the Convention Center, where if you close your eyes you may feel to be around the Trump tower of Manhattan or the Bonaventura of LAS. I also enjoyed visiting the Confucius Temple and sacral places like the Lunghshan Temple with its involving atmosphere of prayer and faith, not to forget the plenty of small altar sometimes just displaying a Buddha statue, where people come to bow displaying the incense sticks.  And, many more places are worth a snapshot, we have filled 2 CDs with pictures taken in Taipei City!  So, I will recommend my friend a visit, Taiwan is really richly worth the travel.

Food? Of course as a gourmet loves Chinese food and Taiwanese food in particular. Additionally, for a Milanese like me crazy of fish and exotic fruit, Taiwan is a paradise where I can survive with my diet based on oysters, lobsters, guava, mango and passion fruits.

So, in conclusion, we got great time in Taiwan. I got an excellent experience of teaching and knew colleagues that I much appreciate.

So let me conclude saying: Wan She Ru Yi, my dear Taiwanese friends!

Silvano (and Tiziana) Donati

February 18, 2006







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