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Publisher: Chairman Sheng-Lung Huang Editors: Prof. Jui-che Tsai, Ms. Hsiao-wen Lin November 30, 2008 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Latest News Special Report Research Result Column Profiles Laboratory Descriptions |
September 8th, 2008 3F, NTU Sports Center Kuang-Chung Liu, President of the GIPO Student Association This year's GIPO badminton tournament was held on the afternoon of September 8th. The contestants were comprised of 48 students in 8 teams. Team 4 won the championship; teams 2, 3, 6 and 7 were tied at second, all having attained the same final score. Although several students couldn't make it in time to take part in the tournament, they still came to play during breaks. Encouraging everyone to exercise more is precisely the intent behind organizing this tournament. This year’s tournament has come to a successful ending. In practicing badminton skills, and bonding with fellow classmates, we hope that everyone can forget about winning or losing and bring their passion and enthusiasm to the next GIPO sporting event.
Optical Characterization of CO2-Laser-ablated Si rich SiOx Professor Gong-Ru Lin Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University Anomalous absorption and the corresponding change in the optical band gap of a CO2-laser-ablated Si-rich (SiOx) film are studied. The optical band gap energy of as-grown nonstoichiometric SiOx is slightly reduced by increasing Si–Si bonds as compared to quartz. After rapid thermal annealing using a CO2 laser, the dehydrogenation of SiOx film further increases the Si–Si bonding states and redshifts the optical band gap by 1 eV (see Figure 1a and 1b). Laser ablation is initiated at a laser intensity of >7.5 kW/cm2 (see Figure 2), leaving numerous luminescent centers that are related to neutral oxygen vacancy defects, increasing the absorption coefficient and related optical band gap energy, and reducing the refractive index in partially annealed SiOx (see Figure 3a and 3b).
In summary, the anomalous absorption spectra and corresponding changes in optical band gap energy, band edge absorption, and structurally damaged related luminescent centers of the CO2-laser-ablated PECVD-grown SiO1.25 film were characterized using UV-VIS-NIR transmission/ reflection and PL spectroscopies. After PECVD deposition, a slight redshift in the transmission and the lower optical band gap energy of as-grown SiO1.25 in comparison with those of quartz substrate are due to the increase in the Si–Si bonding state in SiO1.25 near the valence and conduction band edges. Since the as-grown SiO1.25 film contains a high concentration of hydrogen, dehydrogenation not only reduces the thickness of the PECVD-grown SiO1.25 film but also enhances the number of Si–Si bonding states under CO2 laser RTA below the ablation threshold (6 kW/cm2), hence contributing to a redshift of the optical band gap from 3.32 to 2.43 eV. As the CO2 laser RTA intensity increases to >6 kW/cm2, the optical band gap energy of the PECVD-grown SiO1.25 increases oppositely from 2.43 to 2.76 eV due to the ablation-induced damage to the surface and the generated NOV defects. The absorption coefficient of the SiO1.25 film at a wavelength of 455 nm is increased by a factor of 3 as the CO2 laser intensity is increased from 7.5 to 12 kW/cm2. During ablation, the incompletely annealed SiO1.25 with numerous oxygendependent defects also suffers from a slight decrease in the refractive indices from 1.87 to 1.79 when Plaser increases from 7.5 to 12 kW/cm2.
Patterned microlens array for efficiency improvement of small-pixelated organic light-emitting devices Research groups of Prof. Hoang-Yan Lin and Prof. Jiun-Haw Lee Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University (e-mail) hylin@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw We experimentally and theoretically investigated the optical characteristics of organic light-emitting devices (OLEDs), having different pixel sizes and attached with patterned microlens array films. For a regular microlens array (Fig. 1(b)), though it can extract the waveguiding light and increase luminous current efficiency for a large-pixelated OLED, we observed that it decreased the luminance to an even lower level than that of the planar OLED as its pixel size was close to the microlens dimension (Fig. 2). Although a microlens can effectively outcouple the light rays originally at incident angles larger than the critical angle, it also can impede the outcoupling for the light rays originally at incident angles smaller than the critical angle. Enhancement or reduction of the light extraction depends on the relative positions of the light emitting point and the microlens. Therefore, we proposed a center-hollowed microlens array (Fig. 1(c)), of which the microlenses directly upon the pixel are removed, and proved that it can increase the luminous current efficiency and luminous power efficiency of a small-pixelated OLED. As can be seen from Fig. 3, by attaching this patterned microlens array, 87% of luminance enhancement in the normal direction was observed for a 0.1´0.1 mm2 OLED pixel. On the other hand, a regular microlens array resulted in 4% decrease under the same condition.
Electrical and Optical Characteristics of OLED with Bipolar Emitting Layer Research group of Prof. Jiun-Haw Lee Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University One of the root causes which limits the operation lifetime of organic light-emitting device (OLED) is the charged carriers piled-up at the interface of transporting layer and emitting layer (EML). By introducing the bipolar EML, the recombination zone in an OLED becomes wider which effectively elongated the operation lifetime. We have demonstrated the performance improvement and studied the electrical and optical characteristics of OLEDs with bipolar EML quantitatively and qualitatively.
We used high-electron-mobility ETL material, bis(10-hydroxybenzo[h] qinolinato)beryllium (Bebq2), mixed with a-naphthylphenylbiphenyldiamine (NPB) as the bipolar EML. We have demonstrated an OLED with a luminance of 27600 cd/m2 at only 5 V, and a lifetime four times longer than that of a conventional device. Since the recombination zone was wider, the maximum luminance in a bipolar OLED can be as high as 288000 cd/m2 with the current density over 7 A/cm2, which may be suitable for flashlight applications. Not only the performance improvement, we also discussed the carrier transport characteristics in a bipolar EML from current-voltage characteristics and the recombination process from the electro-luminescence measurement. We found an optimized mixing ratio which was NPB:Bebq2=1:1 with highest current density due to the electron-hole balance in this bipolar EML. The spectral shift was due to the recombination shift and the solid-state solvation effect.
Besides, we used two different methods to quantitatively investigate the recombination zone in the MH-EML consisting of NPB and tris-(8-hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (Alq3). The first method was by using rigorous electrical and optical models to simulate the carrier distribution, recombination distribution, and EL spectra in the MH-OLED. By fitting the J-V curves and the spectra with different mixing ratios, the mobility values can be extracted. Electron (hole) mobility decreased (increased) monotonically with increasing the NPB ratio. However, the driving voltage increased then decreased due to the competition between the hole-current enhancement and the electron-current decline. For the second method, we used a thin 4-(dicyanomethylene)-2-tert-butyl-6-1,1,7,7-(tetramethyljulolidyl-9-enyl)-4H-pyran (DCJTB) layer with the thickness of 1.2 nm and the volume concentration of 2% as a probe to determine the recombination zone. Besides, we also found that when the probe position overlapped the maximum recombination position, a voltage reduction of 1.97 V was observed. It can be well explained by the enhancement of the recombination current from the continuity equation. This result suggested that the driving voltage of an OLED with the bipolar EML can be reduced by inserting a dopant in a suitable region. A white OLED was fabricated with selectively doping a yellow dopant in the blue EML which exhibits high efficiency and low driving voltage.
Ferroelectric nitride-oxide nanowire MOSFET and phase change memory Professor Lung-Han Peng's group Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University (e-mail) peng@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw A. Nitride-oxide nanowire MOSFET
We demonstrated a selective growth of high crystallinity
B. Nitride-oxide phase change memory We report a new type of phase-change materials based upon the compound of In-Ga-O. It is found to exhibit two-order of magnitude resistivity change between the high-resistive amorphous phase and the low-resistive cubic phase at a phase-change temperature ~250°C. When the In-Ga-O is incorporated into a nonvolatile phase change memory (PCM) device with a double-heater (DH) structure, it exhibits an on/off resistance ratio of 1000 and cycling over 300 times which are superior to those observed on a single-heater (SH) PCM device. These results, together with a low bias point of 70mA at 6.5 volt and 1.5mA at 3.5 volt, respectively, for set/ reset operation of the DH-PCM device to the crystalline/amorphous state, suggest that In-Ga-O is a promising material candidate for low power application of PCM devices.
GaN nanorod light emitting diode arrays with a nearly constant electroluminescent peak wavelength Prof. JianJang Huang Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University We present a practical process to fabricate InGaN/GaN MQW structure using silica nanoparticle nature lithography. The EL peak wavelength occurs in the range of 478~480nm and 474~476nm for 100nm and 50nm nanorod LEDs, respectively, with injection currents between 25mA and 100mA. As compared with the significant blue shift in planar structures (from 478nm to 461nm), the piezoelectric field is suppressed on nanorod LEDs since the strain in InGaN layers is relaxed. We also carried out Raman measurement to study the strain relaxation of the nanostructures. The Raman shift of nanorods is lower than that of planar MQW structure. It indicates strain relaxed nanorod light emitting devices are achieved with a nearly constant peak wavelength.
Low-Actuation-Voltage MEMS for 2-D Optical Switches Hsin-Ta Hsieh and Prof. Guo-Dung John Su Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University A novel MEMS fabrication process was developed to integrate vertical stress-free micromirrors and electromagnetic actuators without an extra assembly process. The size of the TMAH etched micromirror is 20 μm × 500 μm × 1200 μm, which is large enough to ensure low insertion loss for 2-D optical-switching applications. The surface roughness of the micromirror is measured to be as low as 20 nm by the white light interferometer, which typically results in 0.2-dB optical loss. The center-aligned vertical mirror showed an excellent TDL of 0.05 dB. An appropriate magnetic circuit design reduces the actuation voltage to 0.5 V with a power consumption of about 3.5 mW. A reasonable fast-switching time of 5 ms can be achieved by eliminating the resonant-frequency components of the MEMS switch through edited waveforms. Long-term cycling and mechanical reliability tests proved that the proposed MEMS optical switch can pass the rigorous requirement of optical communications. The PDL and WDL are both less than 0.1 dB.
Finite-Difference Modeling of Dielectric Waveguides with Slanted Facets Y.-P Chiou, Y.-C. Chiang, C.-H. Lai, C.-H. Du, and H.-C. Chang Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University Abstract -- With the help of an improved finite-difference (FD) formulation, we investigate the propagation characteristics of a slant-faceted polarization converter. The formulation is full-vectorial and it takes into consideration discontinuities of fields and their derivatives across the abrupt interfaces. Hence, the limitations in conventional FD formulation are alleviated. Field behaviors across the slanted facet are incorporated in the formulation and hence the staircase approximation in conventional FD formulation is removed to get better modeling of the full-vectorial properties.
One limitation of conventional finite-difference method is that grids in the computation are normally parallel to the axes in the discretization of field components. Staircase approximation is often required when the fields are cross a slanted interface between two different materials. The convergence is slow due to the staircase approximation as compared to other methods without staircase approximation, e.g. finite-element method. In addition, the full-vectorial properties may not be accurately modeled under such approximation. To get rid of such limitation, our improved finite-difference method is adopted.
The investigated structure is shown in Fig.1. An x-polarized field is launched from a standard input waveguide (IW). This incident field excites both the first and second hybrid modes of nearly equal modal amplitudes. As these two hybrid modes propagate along the polarization rotating waveguide (PRW), they would become out of phase at the half-beat length and their combined modal fields produce mainly a y-polarized field in the following output waveguide (OW). The polarization rotating waveguideis based on a rib waveguide with one side wall slanted at an angle around 45 degrees.
In the structure, both hybrid modes have comparable field components in x- and y- directions, and their polarizations are no longer mainly in the x- or y- direction but in the direction parallel or perpendicular to the slanted wall. As shown in Fig.2, the field is periodically converted between x- and y- polarizations. To verify our simulation, finite-element method (FEM) and Yee-mesh-based finite-difference beam propagation method (Yee-FD-BPM) are adopted as shown in Table I. Both electrical and magnetic fields are used at the same time in the formulation of Yee-FD-BPM. Different methods show very good agreement. Furthermore, we also use conventional finite-difference scheme with staircase approximation and index-average approximation to calculate the same problem. We find that the hybrid modes can not be correctly obtained either by our codes or by commercial software. The fundamental modes may become x- or y-dominant modes, not as expected. To sum up, our improved finite-difference scheme can easily handle structures with facets that are not parallel to x- or y-axis, which alleviates the limitation in conventional finite-difference method.
Design and Analysis of Compact Slot Waveguide Directional Coupler-Based Polarization Splitter on Silicon-on-Insulator Professor Ding-wei Huang Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University A slot waveguide directional coupler-based polarization splitter on SOI which exhibits excellent polarization splitting behavior for optical signals around 1.55 mm is designed and analyzed. In our design, the silicon photonic wire is covered by air (nc = 1) and patterned on the buried oxide layer (ns = 1.444) of the SOI wafer, where the low-refractive-index region (slot region) is sandwiched by high-refractive-index silicon (nr = 3.474) at 1.55 μm as shown in Fig.1. The schematic layout of the entire device is shown in Fig. 2. The width w and height h of each photonic wire at the slot region is chosen to be 0.21 μm and 0.25 μm; while the width of the slot ws is set to be 0.2 μm due to the limitation of the fabrication capability. The propagation of light in the directional coupler can be expressed in terms of even and odd modes with effective indices ne and no, which are functions of the waveguides spacing g as shown in Fig. 3. By carefully choosing the spacing g (g = 0.48 μm) between the two waveguides, the coupling length of TE mode LTE can be twice that of TM mode LTM, i.e. LTE /LTM = 2. Meanwhile the length of the coupling region of the device is chosen to be L = 2LTM = LTE, thus the two modes can be successfully separated into 2 different output ports. By using FDTD technique, the electric field intensities of the TE- and TM-polarized modes propagating in the device can be calculated as shown in Fig. 4.
Please send comments to GIPO_5@cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw. Copyright Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University |