第168期 2020年11月刊
發行人:黃建璋所長  編輯委員:曾雪峰教授  主編:林筱文  發行日期:2020.11.30

~ 2020 第七屆海峽兩岸寬能隙半導體研討會-首次視訊會議  花絮報導 ~


















         Synthesizer-free 28-GHz MMW Fiber-wireless Link with Orthogonally Polarized Dual-mode VCSEL

Professor Gong-Ru Lin’s Laboratory

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 林恭如教授

A synthesizer-free 28-GHz is proposed for fifth-generation (5G) millimeter wave over fiber (MMWoF) link by using orthogonally polarized dual-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) as the frontend transmitter, and the power envelope detection is employed for self-heterodyne down-conversion of the generalized frequency division multiplexing (GFDM) data stream. The demonstrated MMWoF link exhibits superior immunity to the residual frequency and phase noises as well as the inter-carrier interference induced by the free-running dual-mode carrier. After equalizing the dual modes with an extremely weak power as low as -26 dBm at TM-mode polarization, the dual-mode power extinction of only 5.4 dB is achieved for optimizing the remote-node optical heterodyne of 28-GHz MMW carrier with a peak power of -59.8 dBm before antenna propagation with remaining similar relative intensity noise (RIN) as compared to the free-running case. Moreover, the mode partition noise (MPN) is increased less than 2 dBc/Hz after mode-power equalization.

Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of 5G MMWoF link based on 2-l VCSEL transmitter with novel QAM-GFDM. (a) The photograph and (b) the optical spectrum of 2-l VCSEL without package.

Fig. 2 (a) The free-running polarization characteristic and (b) the P-I curves without and with master controlling of the dual-mode VCSEL.

Fig. 3 The RIN and MPN of the dual-mode VCSEL at (a) free-running operation with different bias current and (b) TE- (c) TM-mode injection controlling.

For back-to-back optical downstream wireline transmission, the receiving GFDM data optimizes its BER to 2.2´10-4 by adjusting the bias current of the dual-mode VCSEL to 8 mA (3 Ith), and by grouping the GFDM data matrix with total symbols of N=K´M with K=2 subcarriers and M=24 timeslots. After long-reach 50-km DM-SMF, the qualified receiving power sensitivity is -12 dBm, whereas the decoding GFDM data reveals improved receiving sensitivity with extremely low power penalty of only 0.3 dB. After wireless delivering over 2 m in free space, the self-heterodyne down-conversion by power envelope detection guarantees the down-converted QAM-GFDM data stream with an average power of -48.4 dBm after optimizing the impedance matching by selecting appropriate frequency response of the power envelope detector. As a result, the wireless MMW transmission of 8-Gbit/s 4-QAM GFDM data stream is qualified with EVM of 16.9%, SNR of 8.5 dB and BER of 3.8´10-3.

Fig. 4 The constellation plots and decoded SNR spectra of the modulated 30-Gbit/s 64-QAM GFDM data by the dual-mode VCSEL after BtB, 25-/50-km SMF and 50-km DM-SMF transmissions.

Fig. 5 The constellation plot, RF and SNR spectrum of the delivered 4-QAM GFMD data after 2-m free-space transmission and self-heterodyne down-conversion.


[1] C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chi, C.-T. Tsai, H.-Y. Wang and G.-R. Lin, “39-GHz millimeter-wave carrier generation in dual-mode colorless laser diode for OFDM-MMWoF transmission,” IEEE J. Sel. Top. Quantum Electron.,vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 609-618, 2015.

[2] C.-T. Tsai, C.-H. Lin, C.-T. Lin, Y.-C. Chi and G.-R. Lin, “60-GHz millimeter-wave over fiber with directly modulated dual-mode laser diode,” Sci Rep, vol. 6, no. 27919, pp. 1-12, 2016.

[3] C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chi, C.-T. Tsai, H.-Y. Wang, H.-Y. Chen, M. Xu, G.-K. Chang and G.-R. Lin, “Millimeter-wave carrier embedded dual-color laser diode for 5G MMW of link,” J. Light. Technol., vol. 35, no. 12, pp. 2409-2420, 2017.

[4] C.-Y. Lin, Y.-C. Chi, C.-T. Tsai, H.-Y. Chen and G.-R. Lin, “Two-color laser diode for 54-Gb/s fiber-wired and 16-Gb/s MMW wireless OFDM transmissions,” Photonics Res., vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 271-279, 2017.

[5] Z.-K. Weng, Y.-C. Chi, H.-Y. Kao, C.-T. Tsai, H.-Y. Wang and G.-R. Lin, “Quasi-color-free LD-based long-reach 28-GHz MMWoF With 512-QAM OFDM,” J. Light. Technol., vol. 36, no. 19, pp. 4282-4297, 2018.


A New Fitting Method for Ambipolar Diffusion Length Extraction in Thin Film Structures Using Photoluminescence Measurement with Scanning Excitation

Professor Ming-Hua Mao’s Laboratory

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 毛明華教授

A new simple method is proposed to extract the ambipolar diffusion length for two-dimensional (2D) electronic transport in thin film structures using a scanning photoluminescence microscopy (SPLM) setup. No spatially-resolved photoluminescence detection methods are required. By measuring the excitation-position-dependent PL intensity across the edge of a semiconductor, ambipolar diffusion length can be extracted from the SPLM profile through a simple analytic fitting function. Numerical simulation was first used to verify the fitting method. Then the fitting method was applied to extract the ambipolar diffusion length from the measured SPLM profile of a GaAs thin film structure. Carrier lifetime was obtained in an accompanying time-resolved photoluminescence measurement under the same excitation condition, and thus the ambipolar diffusion coefficient can be determined simultaneously. The new fitting method provides a simple way to evaluate carrier transport properties in 2D electronic transport structures such as thin films or quantum wells. This work has been published in Scientific Reports: Chu, C. H., Mao, M.-H., Lin, R. Y. & Lin, H. H. A New Fitting Method for Ambipolar Diffusion Length Extraction in Thin Film Structures Using Photoluminescence Measurement with Scanning Excitation. Scientific Reports 10, 5200, doi:10.1038/s41598-020-62093-w (2020).

Fig. 1 (a) 2D photocarrier distribution mappings under CW excitation with varied excitation position (x,y) = (xpump,0). (b) Cross-sections of the above mappings at y = 0 & scanning profile for the normalized total photocarrier number δN under pulse excitation. The result without Auger recombination is also shown for comparison.



姓名:李家碩   指導教授:吳志毅教授




圖一、(a)電阻式記憶體結構圖(左)與自組裝分子ODTS與矽基板鍵結示意圖(右) (b)碘化鉍在有(右)、無(左)自組裝分子修飾之矽基板之電子掃描顯微鏡圖 (c)為碘化鉍在矽基板之X射線繞射圖

圖二、(a) Si/ODTS/BiI3/Au元件之阻值切換特性圖 (b) Si/ODTS/BiI3/Au元件阻值隨時間變化特性圖 (c) Si/ODTS/BiI3/Au元件對於電壓可容忍性特性圖 (d) Si/ODTS/BiI3/Au元件多階段存取特性圖



— 資料提供:影像顯示科技知識平台 (DTKP, Display Technology Knowledge Platform) —

— 整理:林晃巖教授、卓真禾 —



現在,Kazuhiro Morimoto與在瑞士洛桑聯邦理工學院(EPFL)和日本佳能(Canon)公司的同事報導了(Optica 7, 346-354; 2020)一種基於單光子雪崩式二極體陣列的百萬像素光子計數相機(single-photon avalanche diode, SPAD)。其單光子計數解析度與低於100皮秒(ps)的時間解析度是透過一兆像素解析度感測器實現的。相機區塊圖如圖一(a)所示,它包括1024×500像素的兩個獨立部份,其中下半部份陣列基於像素A,上半部份基於像素B。以雙二元樹控制(dual binary tree control)時間閘,其最小長度為3.8奈秒(ns)(可調至9.6奈秒),其變化為120皮秒(半高全寬)。每行在83 ns內被讀出,並分別存儲在晶片底部和頂部像素A和像素B的1024位元和512位元輸出暫存器中。多工器以128位元的字對其進行掃描,然後透過雙並行總線(dual parallel bus)通過128個I/O引腳對晶片外進行傳輸,從而實現24 kfps的幀速率。圖像傳感器的顯微照片如圖一(b)所示。有效區域繪製為圓形,像素A和B的繪製有效直徑分別為2.8微米和3.88微米。




但是這項工作並非沒有挑戰。Morimoto解釋說:「我們的像素尺寸為16微米,我們知道減小的像素尺寸意味著將SPAD縮小到非常小的直徑。」「這是未知領域。此外,鑑於我們用 SPAD的最佳CMOS技術的特徵尺寸為180奈米,每個像素只能提供7個電晶體。因此,我們開始發揮創造力,並分享了所有可能的結構,包括2×2像素中的3個電晶體。這產生了每個像素具有5.75個電晶體的配置。據我們所知,這是有史以來在閘極控制SPAD像素中實現的最少的電晶體。」




[1] David Pile, “Megapixel single-photon camera,” Nature Photonics volume 14, 597(2020)


DOI: 10.1038/s41566-020-0697-7

[2] Kazuhiro Morimoto, Andrei Ardelean, Ming-Lo Wu, Arin Can Ulku, Ivan Michel Antolovic, Claudio Bruschini, and Edoardo Charbon, “Megapixel time-gated SPAD image sensor for 2D and 3D imaging applications, ” Optica Vol. 7, Issue 4, pp. 346-354 (2020)


DOI: 10.1364/OPTICA.386574

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