第七十八期 2012年8月刊
發行人:林清富所長  編輯委員:陳奕君教授  主編:林筱文  發行日期:2012.08.20


~ 101學年度光電所所學會會長自我介紹 ~


「感覺上,台大的學生好像都不太管自己以外的事物,尤其是研究生,好像都只埋首於自己的研究中 。」,這是去年參與教育評鑑時,評鑑委員對我說的一句話,其實我是個沉默寡言、害羞木訥、不太會與人相處的人,就因為這席話促使我積極地參與所學會事務,積極地去與同學互動,因此所上舉辦的光電營隊活動、迎新餐會,或是球類競技大賽我都有湊上一腳,也參加了去年的光電所與南京大學的學術交流。增進所上同學彼此間的交流是我想要達成的目標,在研究之餘也別忘了與同學之間出去活動活動,希望大家在離開光電所後不僅僅只記得自己實驗室的同學,還能夠跟其他實驗室的同學、學長姐互相聯絡,建立良好的互動關係。

最後套句林清富所長的口號:"light is everywhere",奕均在這學年也會帶著誠意地在everywhere為各位服務。


~ 光電所101年暑期大學生光電營  花絮報導 ~










Combined Experimental and Theoretical Studies on II-VI Ternary CdSeTe and CdZnTe Alloys

Professor Zhe-Chuan Feng

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 馮哲川教授

The optical, structural, and electrical properties of luminescent II-VI compound semiconductors with bandgap energies ranging from 0 to 4 eV are appealing for ultrasensitive multiplexing/multicolor applications in a variety of emerging areas of biotechnology, nanoscale optoelectronics, and nanophotonics. By varying the composition and controlling the lattice constants in ternary or quaternary alloys, we can achieve greater flexibility of tuning emission and absorption wavelengths for high-efficiency solid-state light emission sources. Earlier, the applications of II-VI materials for photonic devices were hampered primarily by the availability of poor-quality crystals and the difficulty of managing doping. Progress in the modern crystal growth techniques such as metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) etc., has offered higher quality and greater versatility in the preparation of thin films with controlled doping on many convenient substrates.

CdSexTe1-x is the II-VI-VI ternary compound, possesses a zinc-blende structure for x<0.36. The ability to prepare zinc–cadmium (mercury)–based binary [AB, with lended A = Zn, Cd, and Mn (Hg) and B = S, Se, and Te] compounds and thin films of ternary A1−xBxC (e.g., Cd1−xZnxTe, CdTe1−xSex, etc.) or quaternary A1−x−yBxCyD (e.g., Cd1−x−yZnxMnyTe, CdSexSyTe1−x−y , etc. where C and D can be the elements of the binary compound AB) alloys with precise chemical compositions x, y has now opened up many possibilities of using II-VI materials in various technological applications.

We have measured far-infrared (FIR) reflectance spectra for CdSeTe and CdZnTe alloys, as shown above, and in collaboration with Prof. Devki Talwar, an excellent theorist, also theoretical calculations on their phonon dispersions, as shown below [1]. Further, to II-VI compound semiconductors, we have used a comprehensive Green’s function theory to study the vibrational properties of isotopic defects and to ascertain the microstructure of complex centers involving dopants and intrinsic impurities. [2]

[1] Devki N Talwar, Tzuen-Rong Yang, Zhe Chuan Feng and P. Becla, “Infrared reflectance and transmission spectra in II-VI alloys and superlattices”, Physical Review B 84, 174203 (2011).
[2] Devki N. Talwar, Zhe Chuan Feng and Tzuen-Rong Yang, “Vibrational signatures of isotopic impurities and complexes in II-VI compound semiconductors”, Physical Review B 85, 195203 (2012).


Determination of Surface Plasmon Modes and Guided Modes Supported by Periodic Subwavelength Slits on Metals Using a Finite-Difference Frequency-Domain Method Based Eigenvalue Algorithm

Professor Hung-chun Chang

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 張宏鈞教授

An eigenvalue solution algorithm is formulated based on the finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) method for determining guided modes, including the surface plasmon modes, supported by periodic metallic structures. The Yee-mesh grids which have been popularly adopted in the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method are used in the FDFD method and standard eigenvalue matrix equations are obtained for easily searching for the guided eigenmodes. Both two-dimensional (2-D) and three-dimensional (3-D) structures are considered and the periodicity is along the propagation direction. The metals are assumed to be perfect ones or real ones without loss. For 2-D structures, an array of grooves drilled in a perfect conductor and a real-metal structure with a periodic arrangement of subwavelength slits in air are analyzed and the dispersion diagrams and mode-field profiles are obtained. For the latter structure, surface plasmon modes and dielectric slab modes are identified to be in agreement with published results based on a different numerical scheme. This subwavelength-slit structure is then extended to a 3-D one having an additional depth and it is demonstrated that the formulated algorithm can solve the same two kinds of modes for the more complicated 3-D problem. The modes guided along drilled periodic rectangle holes on a perfect conductor surface are also calculated. (IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 76–83, 1 January 2012.)

Fig. 1. (a) Schematic of the 3-D structure generalized from the 2-D periodic arrangement of subwavelength slits. (b) Schematic of the three sides of one metallic block in the x-z, x-y, and y-z planes.


Fig. 2. Dispersion diagram of the guided modes on the structure of Fig. 1. The red solid lines represent surface plasmon modes and the blue solid lines represent a series of effective dielectric slab modes. The right panel is the expanded view for more clear visualization of the surface plasmon modes.


Fig. 3. Ex field profiles at kx = p/d on the three sides of one metallic block, as plotted in Fig. 1(b), i.e., in the x-z, x-y, and y-z planes, for each of the four suface plasmon modes mode in Fig. 2. (a) Mode (1). (b) Mode (2). (c) Mode (3). (d) Mode (4).


Regularly Patterned InGaN/GaN Quantum-well Nanorod Light-emitting Diode Arrays

Professor C. C. (Chih-Chung) Yang's group

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 楊志忠教授

With the nano-imprint lithography and the pulsed growth mode of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, a regularly-patterned, c-axis nitride nanorod (NR) array of quite uniform geometry with simultaneous depositions of top-face, c-plane disc-like and sidewall, m-plane core-shell InGaN/GaN quantum well (QW) structures is formed. The differences of geometry and composition between these two groups of QW are studied with scanning electron microscopy, cathodoluminescence, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In particular, the strain state analysis results in TEM observations provide us with the information about the QW width and composition. It is found that the QW widths are narrower and the indium contents are higher in the sidewall m-plane QWs, when compared with the top-face c-plane QWs. Also, in the sidewall m-plane QWs, the QW width (indium content) decreases (increases) with the height on the sidewall. The observed results can be interpreted with the migration behaviors of the constituent atoms along the NR sidewall from the bottom.

Fig. 1 Plan-view (a) and 30o-tilted (b) SEM images of the GaN NR array; Plan-view (c) and 30o-tilted (d) SEM images of the QW NR array. Fig. 2 Plan-view SEM (a) and the co-located panchromatic CL (b) images of the QW NR array; Cross-sectional SEM (c) and the co-located panchromatic CL (d) images of the QW NR array. The rectangles in (a) and (c) indicate the locations of local CL spectrum measurements.


Fig. 3 CL spectra of the QW NR array measured at different locations and different view directions, including that from the large-scale plan-view (PV) measurement, that at the center on the top face of an NR (TF-c) and that at the rim on the top face of the NR (TF-r), that from the large-scale cross-sectional view (CS) measurement, that at a point near the top of the sidewall (SW-t), near the middle height of the sidewall of the NR (SW-m), and near the bottom of the sidewall of the NR (SW-b). The plan-view CL spectrum of the bare GaN NR array is also plotted as curve PV-GaN. Fig. 4 (a) Cross-sectional TEM image of a QW NR. The portions of the top, the slant (1-101) facet on the right, the top sidewall on the right, the middle-height sidewall on the left, and the bottom sidewall on the right of the NR are magnified to show parts (b) and (d)-(g), respectively. The HAADF image of the NR top portion is shown in part (c).



姓名:陳政營   指導教授:何志浩教授



本論文在非量子局限(quantum confinement regime)尺寸下研究一維奈米半導體/壓電材料之光電性質及電子結構(electronic structure)與討論其超越其本質材料的優異光電特性。

首先,由於一維奈米材料具有次波長的直徑、高的長寬比及大的介電常數,所以具有顯著的光學異向性。在此我們發現75o–85o斜向氧化鋅(ZnO)單晶奈米線陣列之新穎材料具有顯著的水平雙折射(in-plane birefringence)及優異的偏極化放光(polarized emission)特性。其中,此水平雙折射的大小(0.11)比起塊材氧化鋅大一個量級。這研究結果說明此新穎材料不只可以應用於被動光學元件且可以用於具有偏極化光學偵測與發光元件。

第二,由於一維奈米材料具極大的表面積與體積比且半徑接近於德拜長度(Debye length),所以光電性質強烈地被表面電子結構所影響。這裡我們透過四個主題研究一維奈米材料的電子結構[尤其是表面電子結構]與其光電性質的關係:(1)利用光電子能譜(photoelectron spectroscopy)配合場效電晶體量測觀測氧化鋅奈米線的表面能帶彎曲(surface band bending)之關係;(2)利用x光吸收光譜(X-ray absorption spectroscopy)研究摻鉺氧化鋅奈米柱陣列的電子結構與1.54 μm放光效率;(3)透過表面鈍化(surface passivation)加強近帶隙發光(near band-edge emission);(4) 氧化鋅奈米帶的光響應與表面及介面效應的關係。這些研究結果非常有助於一維奈米材料製作感測器(sensor)與光電元件。


圖一、(a) 斜向氧化鋅奈米陣列SEM影像 (b) 氧化鋅奈米陣列的側向TEM影像 (c) 高解析氧化鋅奈米線TEM影像 圖二、奈米線之表面能帶彎曲示意圖 (a) 無氧氣吸附的奈米線 (b) 具有氧氣吸附的奈米線 (c) 具有氧氣吸附且表面金奈米粒子的奈米線




姓名:王博昇   指導教授:吳志毅教授



圖一 圖二


— 資料提供:影像顯示科技知識平台 (DTKP, Display Technology Knowledge Platform) —

— 整理:林晃巖教授、陳聖灝 —


一種新的光學技術可用來精確地描繪單一細胞內的溫度分布,並進而提供細胞熱力學深入的資訊且幫助癌症光熱療法的發展。(Nano Lett. 12, 2107–2111; 2012)

這個計畫是由來自西班牙巴塞隆納光電科學研究所(ICFO) 、加泰隆(Catalan)學術暨高等研究所(ICREA)以及法國馬賽菲涅爾(Fresnel)研究所的科學家共同發展,他們使用綠螢光蛋白當作熱探測器。溫度測量利用監測綠螢光蛋白隨溫度變化的螢光極化各向異性(polarization anisotropy),當溫度升高,細胞的布朗旋轉運動增加而降低其發射光的極化各向異性。

來自ICFO的研究員Romain Quidant解釋說:「如同大多數化學反應,許多細胞內的功能如基因顯現與細胞分裂都屬於放熱過程。」測量細胞內部溫度的可能性是單一細胞等級的生物熱學之未探索領域的可能發展基礎。

如圖一研究員使用HeLa及U-87 MG癌症細胞測試他們的技術,這些細胞已經用綠螢光蛋白轉染且被用來加熱的金奈米棒包圍。這個研究使用一具有兩雷射源的共焦顯微鏡,其一為紅外線雷射源作為加熱金奈米棒之用途,而另一藍色雷射源則用以激發綠螢光蛋白。結果顯示細胞內之測量具有300奈米的空間解析度與0.4 °C的溫度精確性。此方法為一非侵入性測量,具有高速讀出的能力並可以20毫秒的時間解析度作資料收集的動作。


Quidant 對此技術表示:「描繪單一細胞內的溫度分布將會幫助解釋不同細胞器官的熱力學。」「這些資訊對於監測細胞的儀器而言是相當重要的,並可藉此對細胞活動有更進一步的了解,例如:癌細胞所產生的熱度增加超過一般的細胞。」

(a) 綠色螢光蛋白轉染HeLa細胞的螢光強度。(b) 未加熱的溫度圖。(c) 使用50毫瓦聚焦的紅外線雷射加熱奈米棒的溫度圖,置於中間圖像右邊50微米處。(d) 某點在細胞內時間對溫度的變化。(e) 細胞內某點經過不同雷射加熱的溫度。


資料來源: Oliver Graydon, Optical sensors: Checking cell temperature, Nature Photonics 6, 346 (2012), doi:10.1038/nphoton.2012.123, Published online 29 May 2012
參考資料 Mapping Intracellular Temperature Using Green Fluorescent Protein Nano Lett., 12 (4), pp 2107–2111 (2012), doi: 10.1021/nl300389y, Publication Date (Web): March 6, 2012
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