第五十一期 2010年2,3月刊
發行人:黃升龍所長  編輯委員:蔡睿哲教授  主編:林筱文  發行日期:2010.02.15



講者簡介 講題 地點 時間


3/9 (Tue)


Nanyang Professor

Director, Photonics Research Center, School of EEE, Nanyang Tech. University, Singapore

From G. Marconi to Charles K. Kao---100 Years of Nobel Prize (Physics, 1909-2009) and A Century of Modern Marvels of EECS




3/12 (Fri)

Stephen E. Saddow

Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida

Silicon Carbide: A Robust Semiconductor Material for Harsh Environment MEMS and Biomedical Applications






~ 2009 第一屆微結構攝影競賽得獎作品發表  系列報導 ~ 【六之六】



【參賽作者】趙嬿鈞   陳政營   林怡瑞   戴育安












【The Second International Conference on White LEDs and Solid State Lighting (White LEDs 2009) 】



由本所楊志忠教授舉辦的「第二屆國際白光發光二極體及固態照明研討會」(The Second International Conference on White LEDs and Solid State Lighting 【White LEDs 2009】)已於98年12月13至16日假台北國際會議中心舉行。本研討會為期兩天半,發表文章共計156篇,包含3篇Keynote speech、20篇Invited talk、7篇Industrial forum、41篇報告論文,以及85篇壁報論文。吸引來自奧地利、中國大陸、德國、香港、印度、以色列、日本、韓國、立陶宛、馬來西亞、荷蘭、俄國、台灣、英國、美國等15個國家地區,共計330位相關領域人士參加。研討會包括八大主題,分別為:Semiconductor epitaxial growth and characterization for LED fabrication、Organic/polymer and phosphor material preparation for OLED/LED fabrication、Semiconductor LED design and fabrication、Organic/polymer light-emitting device design and fabrication、Nanotechnology for enhancing emission efficiency、Packaging and system、Various applications、Other LED topics。

此次會議安排相當豐富多元,第一天(12/14)上午為三場Keynote Speeches,邀請美國Rensselaer Polytechic Institute之Fred Schubert教授、University of California at Santa Barbara 之James Speck教授,以及日本Sophia University之Katsumi Kishino教授擔任主講學人;下午則分兩個sessions,分別討論Epitaxial Growth (I)以及Packaging,隨後為85篇壁報論文展示。當晚安排Conference reception。第二天(12/15)上午共有四個sessions,分別為OLED and Phosphor (I)、LED Device (I)、OLED and Phosphor (II)、LED Device (II);下午除了Applications (I)、Applications (II)兩個sessions之外,安排工業論壇(Industrial Forum),邀請七位業界專家發表演說並和與會者進行Panel Discussion。隨後為Conference Banquet。第三天(12/16)上午安排四個sessions,接續主題Epitaxial Growth和LED Device。因本研討會有不少外籍人士參與,特別於第三天下午安排故宮參訪,提供與會者更多面對面交流機會,同時也兼顧文化傳播。

本次研討會於12月中旬舉辦,台北氣候涼爽舒適,且避開其他國際研討會之檔期,外國人士參與踴躍。而場地於台北國際會議中心,硬體設備完善,周圍環境亦佳,對我國國際形象之提昇助益頗大。會議的reception 及 banquet分別邀請蘭陽舞蹈團及漢唐樂府表演特色舞蹈、台灣藝術大學同學演奏國樂,現場佳評如潮。此外,本研討會兼顧理論與實務,特別安排Industrial Forum,邀請來自馬來西亞、美國、台灣、中國大陸、德國、日本、韓國等地之業界專家發表文章及參與討論,現場和與會者互動密切,問答精采,實為國內產學研界難得之技術交流機會。


簽到處 Keynote speech
分組會議 壁報論文展示
Panel Discussion (Industrial Forum) Conference banquet
Conference banquet Invited speakers與漢唐樂府演出者合影


~ 第六屆亞洲區超快現象會議 ~

【Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena】

(時間:99年1月10-13日;地點: 臺灣大學博理館)



亞洲區超快現象會議(Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena)每二年舉辦一次,於1999年首次在韓國舉辦,十年間先後於日本、中國大陸、香港、新加坡等地舉行。本次會議由本所孫啟光教授擔任大會主席,除上述各國外,更有美國、俄國、加拿大、印度等國之學者共襄盛舉。會議研討題目涵括光學、物理、化學、生物等各領域中之超快現象研究,除了讓各國學者有機會分享彼此的最新研究成果外,也是讓國際了解我國研究水準,促成國際合作的重要平台。







Modal Characteristics of Antiresonant Reflecting Pipe Waveguides for Terahertz Waveguiding

Professor Hung-chun Chang

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 張宏鈞教授

The pipe waveguide, which is a thin pipe consisting of a large air core and a thin dielectric layer with uniform but low index, is promising for THz waveguiding owing to its low-loss feature and simple structure. In this research, modal characteristics of the leaky core modes of the pipe waveguide are investigated in the THz range. Utilizing the finite-difference frequency-domain (FDFD) mode solver, modal indices and attenuation constants of the core modes which are frequency dependent are calculated for different core diameters, cladding thicknesses, and cladding refractive indices. It is found that at certain frequencies no core modes can exist. Comparing these frequencies with the resonant frequencies of the cladding reveals that the guiding mechanism of the core modes is that of the antiresonant reflecting guiding. Calculated results also suggest that, to have a low-loss and high-bandwidth pipe waveguide, large core diameter, thin cladding thickness, and low refractive index are desired. The effect of material absorption is also examined, which shows that the attenuation constant magnitude will be increased and the increment is more significant at higher frequencies. Moreover, modal patterns are shown for the fundamental mode and the higher order modes, including modal intensity distributions and electric field vector distributions. It is observed that modal patterns of the core modes of the pipe waveguide resemble those of the guided modes of the step-index fiber. From the spectrum of the attenuation constant, it shows that the fundamental mode (HE11-like) has the smallest attenuation constant and is the dominant mode for the pipe waveguide investigated. (Optics Express, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 309–322, 5 January 2010.)

Fig. 1. (a) Cross-section of the pipe waveguide, where n1 = 1 (air). (b) The cladding can be viewed as a Fabry-Perot etalon.

Fig. 2. Modal intensity distributions of the first twelve lowest modes of the pipe waveguide at 380GHz. The parameters of the pipe waveguide are: core diameter D = 9 mm, cladding thickness t = 1 mm, and cladding refractive index n2 = 1.4.

Fig. 3. (a) Modal indices and (b) attenuation constants of the fundamental mode and the first set of higher order modes of the pipe waveguide.


Fabrication of Sphere-like Au Nanoparticles with Laser Irradiation for Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Applications

Professor C. C. Yang’s Laboratory

Graduate Institute of Photonics and Optoelectronics, National Taiwan University

臺灣大學光電所 楊志忠教授

We have demonstrated a simple method for fabricating substrate adhesive Au nanoparticles (NPs) of no aggregation based on a process of laser ablation and annealing. The size, shape, surface density, and coverage of Au NPs on a substrate can be controlled by laser energy density, substrate material and surface condition, deposited Au film thickness, and the liquid covering the Au film during laser irradiation. With optical transmission measurements, the in-plane and out-of-plane localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) features can be clearly identified due to the similar shapes and vertical alignments of NPs on substrate. The spectral features of substrate-affected LSPR modes rely on the size, Au/substrate contact area, substrate material, and surrounding gas or liquid. Numerical simulations based on the finite-element method show highly consistent results in the LSPR-induced extinction spectral features. Fig. 1 and 2 show the plan- and tilted-view SEM images of Au NPs on a sapphire substrate. Fig. 3 shows the transmission spectra of Au NPs on sapphire and SiO2 demonstrating the LSPR features. For details, please read the publication: C. Y. Chen et al., Optics Express 17, 14186 (2009).

Fig. 1. Plan-view SEM image of Au NPs. Fig. 2. Tilted-view SEM image of Au NPs.

Fig. 3. Transmission spectra of Au NPs on sapphire and SiO2 substrates.




姓名:唐宗毅   指導教授:楊志忠教授



本篇論文主要使用氮化鎵奈米柱接合再生長的方式來減少線差排(threading dislocation)密度。進行方式為:在傳統的氮化鎵基板上,用奈米壓印的方式於表面上製作出週期性孔洞的二氧化矽,再使用脈衝成長模態 (pulsed growth mode)於有機金屬氣相沉積的環境下成長高品質之氮化鎵奈米柱,再將成長模態轉換至二維成長模態進行接合再生長。圖一為接合再生長之氮化鎵基板之掃描式電子顯微鏡(scanning electron microscopy)橫截面影像,並且在原子力顯微鏡(atomic force microscopy)、穿透式電子顯微鏡(transmission electron microscopy)、深度解析X光繞射(depth-dependent X-ray diffraction)、變溫光激發螢光(temperature-dependent photoluminescence)等量測中,都顯示出此一基板之各項性質都比傳統基板更為優越。圖二為電激發螢光(electroluminescence)量測結果,於此基板上成長之藍光發光二極體比成長於傳統基板之發光二極體增加約百分之八十的發光強度。





— 資料提供:影像顯示科技知識平台 (DTKP, Display Technology Knowledge Platform) —

— 整理:林晃巖教授、陳冠宇 —


美國伊利諾大學香檳分校材料科學教授John Rogers 於2009年八月份Science 期刊發表一項新的發光二極體印刷製程,能夠讓縮小後的LED(light-emitting diode,無機發光二極體)排列出顯示器的畫素單元,此技術讓這些微小發光源更容易且大面積地鑲嵌製作於玻璃、塑膠或橡膠基板等材料上,因此可能會衍生出許多經濟且環保的應用,包含電腦螢幕及可彎曲式顯示器(如圖一),而跳脫過去只能用OLED(organic light-emitting diode,有機發光二極體)來打造類似螢幕的局面。該項研究由伊利諾大學(University of Illinois)材料科學暨工程學系教授John Rogers與西北大學(Northwestern University)、新加坡高性能運算研究所(Institute of High Performance Computing)及北京清華大學的科學家們完成。


常見的LED是由無機材料製成,底層是提供電子的n-type半導體,頂層的p-type半導體層則提供電洞,在適當的外加電壓下,電子與電洞會復合而放出光子。藍光及綠光LED分別是由氮化鎵(GaN)及氮化銦鎵(InGaN)所構成,紅光LED則是由磷化鋁銦鎵(AlInGaP)所構成。無機LED具有高亮度、穩定、壽命長等優點,但製作卻很費工,通常是在基板上生長一層層的半導體薄層,切割成數千晶片,再將晶片鑲嵌在各應用產品中,以目前製程製作出來晶片尺寸皆超過200μm,對許多顯示器來說太大了。 相反的,OLED是在氧化銦錫導電層及金屬層之間夾著數層有機材料所形成的三明治結構,施加電壓時,電子和電洞來自元件兩側,並在有機層復合而產生光子,近年來這項技術已被用來製造顯示器面板。 


要以微型化無機LED製作出顯示器是項艱難的挑戰,但伊利諾大學香檳分校的John Rogers等人辦到了。他們首先在砷化鎵基板上製作紅光LED結構,並沉積一層砷化鋁,然後利用曝光顯影技術選擇性移除砷化鋁,在基板上蝕刻出許多排列整齊、大小約50μm的方塊,再以氫氟酸去除砷化鋁層,在砷化鎵基板上形成LED陣列。接著研究人員由砷化鎵基板取下LED陣列,並置於已預製金屬電極的玻璃、塑膠或橡膠基板,再以曝光顯影技術加上第二組電極,就大功告成了,如圖二。 


Rogers指出,「我們的目標是將無機LED的一些優點與有機LED的高適應性、易生產與易處理的特質相結合,藉著製造出一大排的超薄、超小無機LED,並透過薄膜製程將它們互相串連在一起,我們可以創造出一般的照明系統與高解析度的顯示系統,這是採用傳統製程生產、處理與組裝的無機LED所無法辦到的」。 可彎曲LED網特別適合用在醫療領域,Rogers表示:「將一個可延展的、由小顆LED組成的網子繞在人體上,可提供生物醫學與生物科學有趣的研究機會,這包含了健康監測、診斷、成像等方面的應用」。






圖三、 可延展的微型LED,印製出來的微型LED相連成一張網,並附著在一個橡膠底層上。





“Printed Assemblies of Inorganic Light-Emitting Diodes for Deformable and Semitransparent Displays”, Sang-Il Park, Yujie Xiong, Rak-Hwan Kim, Paulius Elvikis, Matthew Meitl, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Jian Wu, Jongseung Yoon, Chang-Jae Yu, Zhuangjian Liu, Yonggang Huang, Keh-chih Hwang, Placid Ferreira, Xiuling Li, Kent Choquette, John A. Rogers (21 August 2009), Science 325 (5943), pp.977-981



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